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LINK Survey: Pastors Say Adultery is a Forgivable Sin When Pastors Do It | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Evidently they think their god's laws don't apply to them.. just to everyone else.

snytiger6 9 Aug 16

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Is adultery UNforgivable when everybody else does it, especially Pastors' wives?
Aren't all sins forgivable by their loving father?
Which ones are prevalent for CHRISTIANS, Moses' teachings (stone them to death) or JesusCHRIST's teachings (he who is sinless cast the first stone)?
Didn't JesusCHRIST teach to forgive everybody?
Whether any person forgives their adulterer spouse or not, who else has a right to get in?
If you preach righteousness and you sin, ask your flock to forgive you. Further resignation is expected whether they do or not.

frvl Level 4 Aug 16, 2020

Most xtions prefer to pick and choose who they follow for individual actions - Moses for ones that they get a bee in the bonnet over or HeyZeus for the ones they can follow without giving away too much compassion.

In the Mormon faith they say there are two unforgivable sins, Murder and adultery. There is actually a third, homosexuality, but they don't talk about that one. Those are the big three which can get you excommunicated fromn the Mormon church.


I find it interesting that Christians are so unforgiving about abortion, homosexuality, transgender, etc) but ignore the top ten of God's atrocities (10 Commandments).

Yes but no one is likely to pay the chuch any money to be forgiven those sins.


Typical hypocrites.
I really have no respect for anyone's religion.


I was never taught that it was an unforgivable sin and I am not aware of any that teach this here. Blasphemy was unforgivable. Rape is okay, but don't use God's "name in vain." I do remember when the fundamentalist theological college in my home town refused people who were divorced (adultery), female, or minority. 🙄

In the Assembly of God Church speaking in tongues and acting a fool is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin so kids like I was are terrified to call out the behavior for the BS it is for fear of falling straight to Hell.

@Willow_Wisp I relate to that. Also an Assembly of God survivor. FEAR is their #1 tactic for keeping participants trapped in the abusive paradigm. Fuckers.

@MikeInBatonRouge @Willow_Wisp
Yes, I spent time in the Pentecostal and Assemby of God churches (I was in a Southern gospel band). How dare you not speak in gibberish! Seriously, I watched 6 yr-olds "slain in the spirit" and alledged exorcisms. I think back and realize how insane it all was.

@Dorkyndaft indeed. My mother was a sort of her own head, anyway. She routinely shouted out prophecy translations of other people's "tongues" during worship service. Of course gibberish HAS to be important prophecy. God struggles a bit with translation, you see. He's reeeeeally old. So Mom helped him out. And remarkably, I never caught anyone staring at her like she was batshit crazy(she was).

Years later, she was actually diagnosed bipolar.

@MikeInBatonRouge I prayed for a mansion, but God is old and hard of hearing so I got a man chin instead.

@Willow_Wisp Ha! poor God, lol. He's tired. That's apparently why he needs Christians to enforce his plan on everyone.

@Willow_Wisp I was in AG as a kid and was punished endlessly.


That's why the terms Christian and hypocrite are used interchangeably in my vernacular.


They are all forgivable sins, you pays your money to the church and they forgive you.

Yep, and the more you can pay the more you can sin and the bigger and better the sins can be.
Just anyone from the Mafia.

Maybe they can start up drive through collecting plates. like they do drive through wedding and funeral in Las Vegas


I was raised Catholic so I just went into a box with a priest in the other box and told him my "sins" and god knows how much fun he must of had with just his blurred face visible while I confessed my "sins" to him... They're all perverted hypocrite's.

I remember doing that, I had to make stuff up, so I would have a reason to be there.


Does that go for child molestation as well?

They forgive that. They all forgive that. 😠


Isn’t it amazing what “god” will let pastors get away with? Almost as if god is just some figment of their imaginations.


Evangelical ministers have always had a love - hate relationship with sex.


I'm betting they would be very lenient to their male congregants, as well. It's when women cheat that's just inexcusable.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 3, 2020

Also for Donald Trump, for some reason.

45’s supports fail to remember at year old female that made an outcry against him I am sure she is one of many he exploited. His supporters forgive him for all his transgressions, no matter the severity.


Yeah, well, you try forgiving them if it's Your wife that he's having an affair with.

They're fucking wives!? I assumed we were talking about them fucking little boys...

@JeffMurray everything is open season to them. But then again adultery isn't the same.


What else should one expect? Pastors are, after all, human. That makes them quick to condemn others not of their "tribe", yet justify their fellow "tribesmen". In other words, they're bloody hypocrites, but we know that already.

They are more morally equivalent than the rest of us.


They think they are exempt from anything

Sounds like globalist too.


"A second chance for me, Eternal punishment for you."

This is the moral analog to their economic plans.

" I keep the profits, you get the debts."


Okay, so Adultery is forgivable IF a Priest, etc, does it.
So do they see the actions of Paedophile Priests as being forgivable also?
Was the adulterous act by which God impregnated Mary also forgivable as well and how about Abraham had it off with his slave-woman and not his wife?


For once, I agree with them. Adultery is absolutely forgivable. I think that our culture has made far too big a deal of it.

Except what we're really talking about here is hypocrisy. When they preach a religion that commands "Thou shalt not commit adultery", one would think that the pastors had a particular onus to lead by example and display the virtues they preach. However, all too often it's a case of "Do as I say, not as I do."

@Paul4747 Fair enough, if that's the message. But is it? Saying that something is "forgivable" does, after all, acknowledge that it was wrong in the first place. I don't, for example, "forgive" someone for buying me a yummy cake.

@AmyTheBruce I get the feeling from most of these type of people that what they mean by "forgiveness" is, in fact, "pretend it never happened" in the case of well-known religiosi, conservative politicians, and similar mucketymucks; yet they have an entirely different attitude when it comes to people on the opposite side of the fence. Remember Monicagate? That's what I mean by hypocrisy. Just look at the number of conservative ministers who said that Clinton was not fit to lead the nation, yet don't bat an eye at Trump.

I may be reading too much into it, of course; but failing to "practice what they preach" has always been a big strike against organized religion for me.


A very common religious and cult mindset.


All religious people are far above the law of any kind. Once you have been with Jesus for a time, you can do anything and God will not be paying attention. As for those who are not pastors, who are just the sheep following the lead of this person, well your fucked, the Pastor has made sure of this and it will take a lot of money to get you back in the good graces of the Pastor. Remember the Pastor needs money to live all others are supposed to live on prayer and good thoughts.


He’s done adulterous things, that’s why he’s said that.


All crimes are good for pastors to commit, they are doing it for the community. Right?




Since religion and marriage are scams, of course the con men who run the flimflam can make up any rules they want. Many of these con men have charismatic personalities which attract susceptible people to them. It’s all part of the job description and a major perk of it. It’s like college professors and coeds, pastors and their parishioners are part of the male patriarchal game.


"Maybe the bigger takeaway here is that adultery — supposedly one of those unforgivable sins in the conservative Christian world — isn’t a dealbreaker for most pastors."

Not sure where this comes from... I thought the idea was that God can forgive all sin apart for (for some reason) denying the holy spirit.

I see the survey itself is linked []

Data appears to be from a single question. No date is shown for an equivalent question about the congregation. As such the idea that "they think their god's laws don't apply to them.. just to everyone else." is not really addressed by this data. For all we know the results from asking a question about a churchgoers adultery might provide equivalent results.

However there is a comparison to the same question being asked in 2016. It seems that adultery appears to be more forgivable now that four years ago. I find that interesting.

Also the footer of the page describes this as Q 27 a separate press release on the same site show the results for Q 28 which appears to be on sermon length and Q 17 on Global warming


However it doesn't look like a complete list of questions is available anywhere.


Of course...and how much is the price of forgiveness?

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