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Can an atheist and an Evangelical be friends?

SalC 6 Aug 31

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There's danger involved for the atheist.


I have many religious friends. Hell they’re far better people than the left wing idiots who want to destroy our country.

You got that right.


Certainly.I am Acquainted with a few of them and find them to be quite friendly.


Of course .IF one thinks otherwise this indicates a narrow minded individual .Some of the finest brothers I know are religious.Superior to some of the haters I have observed here.

The only closed minded haters I've seen on here are the idiots defending christianity (some Fred... Idiot) who try to bait us into arguments.

@Stilltrying1964 There are a lot of closed minded haters in the Trump piñata group.

@Trajan61 well consider where you are! My experience is there are NOT a lot of trump fans here. Xtians are almost all trumps fans. Thus, it stands to reason that atheists and agnostics would go the other way. I don't think the people in the pinata group are haters as much as they just hate trump. So do I. Absolutely can't stand the bastard. But I don't hate his supporters, I kinda feel bad for them because they're so gullible. They think they're right, but we KNOW we're right. Common sense says so.

@Stilltrying1964 If you are siding with the radical democrats of today you can’t possibly have much common sense.

@Trajan61 you don't need to be insulting. You don't know me or that my IQ is 165. I have enough common sense to maintain licensure in the state of Florida as a registered engineer for 20 some odd years. I'm a moderate democrat, but even the radical dems are favorable to the republitards who support a womanizing racist misogynistic orange face douche bag contractor ripping off fake college steak selling assbag! The radical left is more interested in saving the planet and helping each other than the self-centered greedy "gotta get mine" right! That will be the end of this exchange. Good day sir.


Of course...anyone can be friends with anyone else if the will to respect each other’s right to hold a differing view is adhered to.


Anyone can be friends with anyone.


No, actually, disagreeing is a mortal sin and you should immediately cut contact with anyone who provides even the slightest challenge to your worldview

Yes, of course you can be friends with them.


Cats and dogs have done it...


Sure. I am good friends with quite a number of religious people. I respect their views, and they, mine.


as long as they keep their mouth shut.....


I don’t see why not.


IF, BIG IF, they can avoid talking politics & know,like Everybody used to do in the 50's.


Probably not in the US but the rest of the world it is working just fine.


Really depends upon the personalities involved, and their willingness to develop
a friendship.



Next question?


All depends on how open minded the evangelical is.


Yes, depending on how sensitive the subject is to either person. Just talk about the weather, lol. As long as you have atheist friends for the deep conversations.


If they focus on their differences, no, if they focus on their similarities, why not?


I would say so. I listen to metal music and I hang out with people who listen to rap music and other types of music. I see that as the same thing. Just as long as both mutually respect the others differences, then all is well.

You see that as the same thing?
I must have missed the bit in the history book when the Rappers nailed their declaration to the disco door and the Opera fans started burning Metal freaks alive in the town square

@LenHazell53 Then there's Black Metal



YES! I, an atheist, have many friends who are religious. 🙂


If the sexual attraction is strong enough any two people can be friends.


I have an Evangelical friend but it all goes back to a time when I was one of them. I have known him for over 50 years but there are times we have to get off the phone because he is still trying to convert me, or "get me back" into religion. He doesn't know that there is no going back and also no regrets.


Yes. I have blood kin that are evangelicals


Sounds like trouble for the atheist. The theist will try and save his/her soul from hell, and praise jesus and god for everything.


Of course they can. However, for such a friendship to exist each must be willing to show respect for the other, and they should both be comfortable for whatever is decided about conversation about anything metaphysical.
I'm aware of a number of such friendships, including some between those well known in my part of the world. A famous Australian comedian who is an atheist is a friend of a Christian well known for advocating for the poor- that's but one example.

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