I find it incredibly disrespectful, as RGB hasn't even been buried yet.
From the article...
Minutes after the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the National Republican Senatorial Committee began selling "Notorious A.C.B." T-shirts, a on Ginsburg's nickname, the "Notorious RBG."
Barrett will make a far better judge than that idiot Ginsburg who liked to legislate from the bench and didn’t even believe that the 2nd amendment gave private citizens the right to possess firearms! I hope she is confirmed right away.
Polly wanna cracker?
Conservative judges legislate form eh bench much more often than liberal judges. The right wign talking heads just ignore it when conservatives do it.
From the article... Rulings by conservative justices in the past decade make it perfectly clear that they do not “apply the law” in a neutral and detached manner. Consider, for example, their decisions holding that corporations have the same right of free speech as individuals, that commercial advertising receives robust protection under the First Amendment, that the Second Amendment prohibits the regulation of guns, that affirmative action is unconstitutional, that the equal protection clause mandated the election of George W. Bush and that the Boy Scouts have a First Amendment right to exclude gay scoutmasters.
@snytiger6 he won't answer you... Most likely, he didn't even read the article...
@snytiger6, @Cutiebeauty See below.
@Trajan61 you see below Looney mooman
Just a slight reality check here, did anybody expect something different? In my opinion the bar went in the negative numbers about three and a half years ago.
If not longer.
Exactly, where is the surprise coming from? Outrage, sure, surprise, seems sort of naive..
@TomMcGiverin you start from a certain ‘hope’ point, and along comes surprise yet again! Even a blind man would hit one mark out of a 100! Lol
The t-shirt idea...is beyond thoughtless bad-taste! The woman herself must not have class (meaning dignity). Surely she had a say in such a classless act for The Supreme Court?
The Trumplican Party has absolutely no scruples and their hatred knows no bounds. If they could they would have a wienny roast at her grave site during the interment. Despicable doesn't even begin to describe them.
Tasteless, cruel, and callous are Repub stocks in trade... What else would you expect from people who see kindness, compassion, and concern with fairness as signs of weakness, deviance and inferiority?
WTF is wrong with people?!
I have a list.
@ThisIsPatrick Let me guess! Somewhere near the top is Fox and friends?
@Paganlyl I would not be as specific as FaF but Fox in general is a significant problem.
@ThisIsPatrick I think at the top of teh list should be that humans somehow deny that they are animals, but think they are somehow better... even though humans destroy their own environment... whioch is dumber than what any animals does.
There definitely seems to be something wrong with you liberals who support people like Ginsburg.
@Trajan61 you're kinda dense... Do I need to tell you yet again,? I'm not a liberal... Looneyman...
@Cutiebeauty If you support Ginsburg and appose Barrett’s appointment to replace her then that is a good indication to me that you are a liberal.
@Trajan61 if I tell you I'm not a liberal and you insist I am, that's a pretty good indication that you're a moron
It appears that the NRSC has no sense of what is inappropriate and in bad taste or lacking in respect. Words fail me at how America has become divided so completely into two partisan tribes...and the untimely death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg just seen as an opportunity for the Republicans to gain an advantage, with no marketing ploy too distasteful for them to stoop to.
Disgusting. I wish there was a button to push to make them all disappear forever.
@K9Kohle789 At this point it just might be the only option.
@K9Kohle789 But consider, that's the attitude the far right has toward liberals. And they're not kidding. I want to believe you are.
@Paul4747 Wanting to get rid of them all doesn't make me the same though because of the reasons we want to get rid of each other, similar to how killing someone in self-defense and premeditated murder aren't the same.
@JeffMurray Ah. The ends justify the means, gotcha.
@K9Kohle789 I thought it had a trigger instead of a button.
Trump has over taxed the secret service so anyone with a long gun isn't in the neighborhood. Additionally he has his own army of body guards so strangers with a pistol won't get near him.
If shot AND medical care doesn't save him (see Ronald Regan), his administration takes over which could be even WORSE.
Nuke the administration until they glow.
@Paul4747 I guess sometimes they do? Would you say the same thing to someone who shot someone who was breaking into their home to murder them?
@JeffMurray Here's the thing: Your analogy isn't apt. Nobody is breaking into your home. The existence of right-wing ideologues is not, in itself, an imminent threat to life.
As polarized as our discourse is right now, we need desparately to seek the middle ground. There are people of good will on the right. Their voices aren't the loudest, but they're getting louder all the time. For example, the Lincoln Project, lifelong Republicans who are endorsing Biden and fighting to push Trump out. Just recently 500 former military and national security veterans publicly endorsed Biden. This is the middle-right, conservatives who want to work together for a common good.
For that matter, I have certain reactionary views myself; like, the free market is a good thing, and if there were a Revolution we wouldn't like it either.
We have a political process. We have free speech, And as much as I disagree with what many people say, I will still defend to the death their right to say it. Fight ideas with ideas, don't just wish those ideas would go away.
Do you have any preexisting conditions? Are you currently a subscriber to the Affordable Care Act? It's a lot easier to say recent events aren't a threat to life if you're not worried about losing your ability to get care and afford life sustaining medications.
There are no people of good will on the right that have any power. None. They try to pretend like they do (like how Romney voted to convict knowing it wouldn't matter or how there are 2 Senators now that say they won't vote to confirm because they know she'll get confirmed anyway). Thinking that there's a way to meet in the middle is precisely the kind of weakness that got liberals to this point. We try to play fair and compromise and they lie and cheat to obtain as much power as they can whenever they can.
The free market is only as good as the regulations placed on it. Anyone who thinks an unregulated free market is a good thing is dangerously naive.
No one wants a revolution. Some people need one though.
Free speech is the same way. There need to be limits and regulations on that as well.
And I disagree that some ideas are worthy of discussion. That's part of their plan. If you say enough crazy shit, you can get away with murder while everyone is scrambling to prove it all wrong. So while I will continue to argue, passionately, my points of view (as little as it does) I'm definitely still going to [also] wish everyone who voted for Trump would vanish forever.