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Facial hair: What do you think of it? Do you have it? Like it?

Beards, goatees, soul patches, cookie dusters, chops, baby faces-

What's your preference?

  • or do you have facial hair?
silvereyes 8 Nov 27

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I like having a beard, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm hiding. So, yes, as you can see from my pictures, I have a beard. I have had one continuously for over 30 years, so I think it is permanent.


When clean, and well groomed , I love facial hair ! Long head hair too.

A couple friends said I go after the "Jesus" look. The LOOK only though - no need for the robe and sandals ! Ha.

If I was a guy, I'd have bunches of it on my face !


At first I thought it looked silly... but it kinda grows on ya. 😉


Have a goatee. I looked dumb with a mustache. Or like a bad 70’s porn star ????


My beard is very white. I think it makes a statement and adds character to my face.


I wear a shaped beard, scared to shave it off for as a kid my dad shaved off his Moustache and I thought a stranger had invaded our house! besides it hides my double chin!!

mzee Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

I'm torn.
I'd rather not have much. Maybe a Van Dyke, or a Goat, but most of the time I only have those because I hate shaving.

About a week ago I did buy a new electric trimmer/clipper so I might let it grow out now.
Right now it's stubbly.

@silvereyes, LOL, I hear you. I like my guy clean shaven too 😛

@silvereyes @Mantra I wouldn't mind being smoothly shaven all the time, but blade shaving might as well be a sandblaster. 😳

@silvereyes I absolutely hate those the super multi-blade razors, all they do is get packed with gunk halfway through a shave then they're trash. Two blades are the most I'll use, that's why I bought the electric for the heavy stuff.


It depends on how clean he keeps his beard, how he styles the beard, and if it adds to his attractiveness.

Oh it definitely adds to my attractiveness. 😉


I love a nice beard on a man <3 swoon

Well Helloooo!!


It depends..some guys look great others look not so great...


Have had a short groomed beard, for the past 10+ years, and see myself keeping it for life.


Neatly trimmed facial hair is okay. I once had a handlebar mustache so long that when I uncurled it, it extended from ear to ear. The grubby, unshaven look NO. Don't care for Fu Manchus


I have a neatly trimmed goatee. I've had it most of my adult life, but once in awhile I shave it off just for a change of pace.


had a beard almost always since adolescence.


A mustache. I had a goatee in my very early adult life.


Not a fan. I have very sensitive skin which turns red when brushed up against facial hair. Literally very uncomfortable.


Mine is a statement. I was told I couldn't have one for almost 40 years of my life. I'll probably die with it. Besides I'm too lazy to shave every day.

gearl Level 8 Nov 27, 2017

I had a moustache during my early adulthood as did my partner. We worked as chef and butler in the homes of the uber-wealthy. One of our employers insisted we shave them off because she didn't like them. She paid us an extra $500/mo. to stay clean shaven. When we decided to move on to another situation we telegraphed it by immediately growing back our moustaches. Our employer got the message.


Eyebrows, yes. Oh, and eyelashes.


I have it and love I don't look right without it. It looks like I don't have an upper lip lol.


I do not have it nor do I like it for myself. However I wish I did not have to shave every day IT is one of those things that is the choice of the person. I just wish there was a way to show some people how bad a choice they had made .

I know what you are saying about shaving. But maintaining a well groomed moustache and beard takes at least as long as shaving.


Ive tried a beard ,a moustache,goatee and have gone back to clean shaving(makes me look younger I think now the grey is showing). I also do stubble as its hard on the skin shaving every day but 3 days growth gets a bit gnarly and makes my skin itch and flake.

So its a constant pain to be honest and now I getting older the nose hairs,eyebrows and ears have started sprouting hairs that grow about an inch a day ,or so it seems ,while what hair I have on my head is retreating. Maybe the shaved head look is the easiest.Yul Brynner seemed to get away with the look rather stylishly

Isn't it funny that as we grow bald hair starts sprouting all over in places it is unwanted and grows as fast as dandelions in a dichondra lawn?


I have a full beard not stylish just hate shaving.


I really don't care for it on women.

SamL Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

Depending on season and current mood I have varying levels of beardiness


I have a beard most of the winter, it works to keep my face warm. I do not like moustaches or any style you have to shave with, I shave it all or none. Women do not suit any facial hair.


I do not shave. I trim it down to a stubble..

Its very difficult to grow and maintain a beard.

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