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LINK Pat Robertson to Pregnant Woman: Give Baby Up for Adoption and Dump Boyfriend | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Yesterday, a pregnant, unmarried woman asked televangelist Pat Robertson whether it’s a good idea to move in with her boyfriend to raise their baby together. Given the alternatives, the answer seems fairly obvious… But Robertson offered a predictably bad response: No. Cohabitation is a bad idea even if a baby is involved.

snytiger6 9 Nov 6

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That preacher is behind the times. A dinosaur.


I like the fact that he can still give bad advice.


Old Pat seems pretty reliable. I especially like this whopper when he claimed to leg press 2000 when college strength coaches say leg pressing 1000 pounds takes an Herculean effort



We elected a scripted reality tv host to President, you see what that got us!!!

You would think the majority of this countries populace would realize tv reality show hosts and celebrities are all opinionated and hav no real experience or abilities to offer factual advice, let alone knowledge!!!


Do not get advise from him.


Advice from Pat Robertson on family values is a ‘death wish!’




How the fuck is that vile piece of shit still alive?

Because his "god" has yet to see fit to reap his soul! 😉

@anglophone Mor elike his god wants to wait as long as possible before he has to meet him in person.

  1. it sounds to me like BOTH are proud and proclaim so to be pregnant, ergo, the child HAS TWO good and ready parents in waiting,
  2. IMO, marriage IS only a somewhat religious based concept, a piece of paper that says you can do exactly what already been doing and all it is for is to assuage the bigotry of the Church,
  3. why ask a full-blown hypocrite for advice in the first place, you WILL only get his hypocrisy in return anyway.

2 is very incorrect. Marriage has very important implications, rights, and privileges.

@JeffMurray Also, although religion has co-opted marriage, originally, in early "civilization", it was done for business and political reasons to forge alliances.

@JeffMurray Actual 'marriage', as per the system we have today was only 'created' mainly post the rise of Christianity.
Ancient Rome had a type of marriage system, 2 types in fact, the first being political alliance based for the Wealthier Classes involving ACTUAL contracts between families, the second being for the Plebs and Prols (Lower Classes) where they could merely dab a bit of soil upon the foreheads of each other and say a an orison of sorts to Juno and Venus, thus being considered as a wedded couple.
In Ancient Egypt, however, the couple ONLY needed to spend 3 consecutive nights together within the same house and then would be considered as wedded couple. No contracts, unless the couple were from the Middle/Upper classes of course, No marriage license, etc, just simply married.

@Triphid I think you responded to the wrong person. My objection has nothing to do with origins of marriage.

@JeffMurray What, EXACTLY Rights and Privileges do come with marriage that are not available in a Common Law Union these days?

@Triphid You were the one that said marriage was, "a piece of paper that says you can do exactly what already been doing". I disagree. It lets you visit your spouse in the hospital, avoid probate, transfer martial assets, tax and other financial benefits, insurance benefits, decision-making benefits, etc, etc, etc. None of the origins info is relevant to my objection.

@JeffMurray Everything you have cited can be and IS legal as per the Laws regarding Common Law Unions, aka 'marriages' here in Australia, Jeez Louise, we EVEN recognise Same-Sex Unions, aka marriages here.
BTW, history IS relevant to modern times because without history there would NOT be modern times.

@Triphid Ah, that's the disconnect. We didn't have same-sex common law, civil unions, or same-sex marriage until very recently. That's why we didn't see how different what each other was saying was.

@JeffMurray Well, perhaps IT may be high time for the join the rest of the world in the here and now.

@Triphid I wish. At least we took a step in the right direction today voting out that rancid bag of spray tanned liposuction waste.

@JeffMurray IT should never have happened imo, that such a rancid pile of shit was permitted to run for President in the first place.

@Triphid I agree, but some people thought a test to be able to run or vote was "undemocratic" or some such shit.

@JeffMurray IMO, ALL Candidates for Political Positions SHOULD be tested, both on a Psychological and a Moralistic, NOT Religiously based btw, level as well.

@Triphid I was half kidding before, but a civics exam is totally fair for all candidates.

@JeffMurray Well, I'm NOT kidding at all.
And, imo, tRump would be a total failure even BEFORE he sat for the tests/exams.


Pat Robertson will be all about marriage because of his bible. Be that as it may, marriage as we know it today was taken over by the church in the middle ages. Prior to that it was a local affair designed to protect couples whether religious or not. In some areas people may have lived together before marriage. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus could be a case in point.


Pat Robertson is an oxygen thief.

And that is tosay the very least imo.

And a lowlife sack of shit.


Pat Robertson is an evil bastard.


Self-serving hypocrites, all of them.


Every time I hear from that mentally unstable old bastard only one question comes to mind. How is he not dead yet.

Probably because as most people know "the turds containing the highest fat content ALWAYS float" hence shit like him will always remain at the top of water in the toilet bowl.
Plus, he has MEGA-bucks to be able to afford the very best of Doctors, medicines, treatments, etc, etc.

@Triphid Maybe one day he will develop cancer, or MS, shingles, and if he ever did I would leap and laugh into my grave dancing on his. LOL.

@SeaRay215ex i would prefer something exotic for him. Like terminal herpes or dying of a microbial infection from drinking holy water lol

@redhog Good ideas!! That works also!! Lol or maybe even the Chinese water torture!!

@SeaRay215ex I'd rather that his tongue turn to jelly, his voice disappear, his sight fade completely, gangrene start at his penis and ever so slowly work its way through his entire body, and that's just for starters.

@Triphid Ay another great idea!!

@SeaRay215ex PLUS side, it WOULD be a much slower and more painful death as well.

@Triphid Perfect!! The way I see it, that’s the real punishment! I just don’t consider a 25 year to life sentence or a death sentence as any kind of deterrent.

Fear and pain are great motivators!!

@SeaRay215ex And as a nurse during the 70's I, most sadly, saw first hand what Gangrene does to the body, trust me it IS not pretty, but something I would wish on that Religio-tard Jerk whole-heartedly.

@Triphid Myself included. Also, look at the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944. Several of the plotters were strangled by piano wire hung from meat hooks. Several others were lucky as they were merely dispatched by a firing squad.

@SeaRay215ex And recently uncovered records show that at least 50% of those 'executed' were innocent, including Erwin Rommel.

@Triphid Rommel was not involved in the plot, he knew about it that was it. He’s considered the soldier of the 20th century by some historians

@SeaRay215ex No Rommel was NOT one of the so-called 'Plotters,' Hitler had him framed mostly because, a) Rommel lost in Africa, b) Rommel was not contrite enough about the Loss in Africa for Hitler's tastes, and, last by no means least, c) Rommel was all for suing for Peace with England because he, like many others, knew the Germany was losing anyway.


I've got an even better idea. If Robertson is so keen on adoption, why doesn't he adopt the baby? I'm sure he has the bucks to spend on it.

Noooo...we want what's BEST for the child!

@LucyLoohoo I was being sarcastic, as well as calling out Robertson's hypocrisy on advocating adoption over abortion, as long as people like him are not obligated to back it up by personally adopting the unwanted kids.

@TomMcGiverin I knew that!

@LucyLoohoo Aborting it so it doesn't have to live in this fucked up world seems like the best thing. I wish I was aborted.

@JeffMurray Overall, I don't feel that way about myself, but there are some days that I feel like the hulking guy in The Green Mile, that I feel so tired of living in this world.

@JeffMurray life changes every minute...maybe you are not living YOUR purpose. It makes all the difference when you salvage your own purpose, not what family or even society expects of you. Be happy for yourself, it will give momentum to meet your needs! 🤗

@Freedompath I don't believe in purpose, it hints at design or intended outcome, neither of which I can believe in knowing that human life was an accident.

@TomMcGiverin That's crazy you mentioned that. Every time I watch that scene I feel like they went into my brain and stole my thoughts. I am so sick of living in this horrible shitty world with horrible shitty people who do horrible shitty things because, ultimately, they had no choice to do anything else.

@JeffMurray Don't think I agree with that last phrase about choice. We all have free will and I don't believe in determinism. We always have choices in what we do, even if sometimes the only ones available are bad ones. We can always decide to choose the one involving the least harm to others.

@JeffMurray Why do you wish that?

@TomMcGiverin Well, I guess until you believe it, you can ignore the last part. Even if people could choose to be better, the rest is still true, and actually makes the whole thing even worse. I want to be done with this world knowing people couldn't choose to be better, and you're telling me they could, but choose to be this awful?? Either way it's shit I don't want any part of.

@SeaRay215ex Being aborted removes the obstacles of suicide while satisfying the desire to not exist.

@JeffMurray maybe I was not clear on idea of ‘purpose!’ What I meant was using your personal talents and skills for your own satisfaction. Which in turn enriches the rest of us, too, because it is created out of authenticity.

@Freedompath I cannot effect appreciable change in light of the path humans have taken. If I had a life I enjoyed, it would be worth it to fight to make it transiently and marginally better. However, I do not, nor do I even see a path back to a life worth living. Unfortunately, the only thing I want more than death is not having to kill myself, hence the jealousy I have for those that were lucky enough to be aborted before having to live in this shit world.

@JeffMurray Sheesh, you must be a lot of fun at parties...

@TomMcGiverin I can put on an act and pretend like the world isn't a vile cesspool of garbage people and actually be pretty fun to be around. Unfortunately for y'all, here I don't hide who I am or what I believe, so you just get this cynical asshole that hates the world and the fact that he's still a part of it. For that I am truly sorry.

@JeffMurray I am sad for you. I can say this being that I was suicidal over many years (5 of which happened on nearly daily basis). I was lucky in that I got therapy from our government mental health care, before it was handed over to private contractors. They helped me save my life and my sanity. You can seek help, if not readily available, the library has everything you need to study about the brain and our childhood upbringing. You might have to claw your way to sanity as I did, but it is well worth your effort. I was able to salvage my life and I have meaning that supports me. If you are willing to struggle toward your better nature, you can give meaning to why you suffer. There are reasons...most of which happened beyond your control. With deeper understanding you can come to terms with how and who you are. This alone sets us free. I have no great things happening that makes me a happy person...but I am free on the inside and things on the outside are fixed as I cross that bridge! Give this some thought. Good luck.

@Freedompath Thank you, that's nice of you, but I don't think my wanting to die is something that can be "cured". I pride myself on being able to see other sides of arguments, and I cannot conceive of an argument a therapist could make that would change what I know to be fact about this world, its inhabitants, and the nature of reality.

@JeffMurray a therapist is not there to debate us! They are there to help us restore our lost selves. When we came into this world we were a clean slate and caretakers who were not yet grown up (maybe mental ill) themselves created a distortion in how we viewed the world and ourselves. Then we in our innocence developed habits that we used to survive...because more than anything we wanted to survive! But, those habits want work in our grown-up life. I know all this because I was one of those children and I help distort the reality of my own 5 children before, I understood! It is no easy task to claw our way to a decent life, that we each deserve...but my friend it was worth every sacrifice that I made with my blood sweat and tears! Because you see, it wasn’t all about just involved other people who were part of my existence. My best!

@Freedompath That's part of the problem. I don't have a sphere of influence that would be affected much. My brother committed suicide, and it was pretty hard on my mom. I hope I don't go until after she's gone (not that I have a say either way), but the few that would miss me a little should be as happy for me that I wasn't suffering as they were sad I was gone. That's how I feel about my brother. I know how much pain he was in, and as much as I miss him or wish I could talk to him, I know it would be really selfish of me if I could have guilted him into staying.

@JeffMurray I am just saying, that is not the ONLY answer to our suffering. I guess I would not be here now, without the encouragement and the insight that was forced upon me. I say ‘forced’ because I couldn’t believe back then...that there was another way to be in this world. But, I do believe that deep in my nature was a desire to be here! I wanted it! I couldn’t understand how come I felt so totally worthless and that never seem to be true with other people around me! In my fearless searching, I discovered that I hated myself with every ounce of my being! Then one day, in the depth of dispair ...I challenged that idea that I held, with the same ‘force’ that I hated myself with! What I found was...that was only what I perceived others felt about me! I thought that I was not good enough, even flawed...not like ‘them!’ But I know that others cannot define me...only I can define it broke that spell! It has been a life of freedom pressing forward ever since! Before this last proclamation happened...I had been doing a lot of ‘ground work’ for several years, with what I was thinking and what I believed to be true! I challenge my thinking on everything, as to what is truth! And I think I know now, who I am... and I am ok! ‘No less than the stars and the trees, I have a right to be here!’ And you do too!
I am the oldest and my sister and brother and my parents are gone now. But, I am so grateful to still be here. Do you think that you could ever entertain that idea? Would it make a difference to you?

@Freedompath I would like it if I had a life in a world I didn't find detestable. I imagine if I hadn't lost the love of my life I'd probably be distracted enough that my desire to die wouldn't consume my every waking idle thought. (I mean, when we were together it didn't, so I assume that would have held true.) And I don't think I hate myself. I judge morality based on one's threshold to resist their innate selfishness. I believe I have a much better than average threshold so I feel like I'm a pretty good person. It's hard to detail all the reasons I don't want to be alive anymore, mostly because the reasons I think I know may not be the actual reasons or all of the reasons. What I do know is that every night I fall asleep to the hope that I don't wake up and every morning I'm devastated when I do.

@JeffMurray this makes me sad. There is a possibility that you are stuck in one of the 5 stages of grief. You must embrace the grief in order to get through it. It is the worst feeling that we ever have, when a loved one passes! But, after you recover from your grief, you will find that you are stronger, more human! But you must go thru grief, in order to get PASSED it!
About the world...The world will never adjust to us, we must adjust to the world! There must be a way to do that as people in all walks of life are doing that right now. You must learn your own nature and how you function and make improvements when they are needed to help you make better choices in word and actions. That is all there is. Be happy!


JFC, I wish the dawg would call him home already.

I wish flesh-eating parasites would call him home. 😉

If there were a gawd, I'd assume he'd put off haivng his company as long as possible.


No one should ever seek advice from a charlatan.


Take your ass right to the Abortionist and get rid of that zygote. You and your boyfriend can then become fuckbuddies without any responsibilities at all. Is that good advice? No less valid than Pat Robertson's advice.

Have the abortion and leave with CONTRACEPTIVES! Use them!

It's amazing advice.

@JeffMurray No. It's not. But it's no less valid than Pat Robertson's.

@barjoe Aborting a child out of wedlock for a young person that will likely not be with the father instead of having it and stunting your ability to advance your position is absolutely more valid. Are you messing with me right now?

@JeffMurray Didn't consider your take on this. Just voiced my opinion.

@barjoe It's weird I'm trying to convince you your joke comment has a lot of merit. 😝

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