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The older I get I learn that my opinion appears to only cause division and strife.
This year I’ve been divorced
This is the third year that my oldest son isn’t talking to me (I’m an atheist he's a believer)
I don’t have any day to day true friends (probably more me than anyone else)
My children are grown, I have grandchildren
I am having a hard time understanding any value I bring to life

Somnium 6 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Get help dude.


Don't give up, bring your own value.


I have some of these same problems. I also do not see it getting better unless I find an atheist group to attend and others I can actually talk to.


So many wise words; but mine would be take care of yourself. Learn to walk outside and be open to what’s around you. Eat well, sleep well and read some good books or join a club?
The tides will change.


"The older I get I learn that my opinion appears to only cause division and strife" Does this comment refer to religious belief or in a more general sense? I would want to understand that more if I were trying to understand the situation. If it is religious belief that is the fundamental part of the conflict, maybe you should try discussing the matter with family in a manner that would be the least hard for them to deal with or accept. If you tend to be extreme or very harsh in your criticism of religion, maybe take a completely different tone with your family members' relgious beliefs in order to allow them their own ability to maintain their own beliefs without feeling like those beleifs are under attack by you. If the cause of the division and strife is not relgious just work at understanding yourself and others more.

"I am having a hard time understanding any value I bring to life" It sounds like you are only focusing on a perspective that is one of emptiness, looking at your life through a negative viewpoint. Temporarily, it may happen due to the pressures of the season, recently divorcing. Holding that belief for a longer period of time could indicate some level of depression, however. Be aware of that. If it continues to persist consider talking to someone professionally. Life can feel better but it does require awareness and effort to change it.


I have some of the same issues and it has nothing to do with religion its just life that puts spikes in the road find something that you like and do that


Having procreated you've fulfilled the only expectation and value that our species survival has for you, unless you want to believe that god has a plan 🤣 After that I think it is about doing things you find personally fulfulling. For some people that means being deeply involved in their kid's lives, not me, for others it means contributing in some way personally meaningful and for others it's about keeping their house looking nice, completing puzzles or even just struggling through pain, depression and isolation because they don't have it in them to stop. It's a very personal thing, finding meaning in your own life, it's unique to each person and it doesn't stop until they're shovelling dirt on top of you. Or lighting the gas under you 😅


You and me both. I think people will be sad when I go, but not many.

I think there is no hurry, is there? None of us will last passed our expiration date!

50 years from now nobody will know any of us existed, except they'll know there WERE people who lived way back when. Even if the famous 'somebodies' are known, they're still dead, so what does it matter?
Death is the great leveler, and as such is a valued friend who gives me much comfort and solace when life gets me down, when I get jealous and envious of others who supposedly have it better than me.

@Storm1752 So since someday no one will remember, noting matters? We shouldn't care for the less fortunate because someday no one will be around. We shouldn't be good to the planet or each other? Aside from the fact that I can't control these thoughts, that still doesn't seem to make any sense to me.


Add some ambiguity to the lives of those who think they know you. They will grow, and in time will thank you.


Tough times for sure. Finding purpose will help provide meaning in your life. A new hobby. Fulfilling what you always wanted to do but haven't done it yet. Even seek counseling can provide new insight as to ones perceptions. There is help & the stigma is just that. A stigma that no one has to be privy to. And you can vent here.


Life is what you make it.
If you are feeling useless, be useful. Volunteer. Become a mentor to other atheist. Recovering from Religion is always looking for people to help with running meeting and being a solid place for ex-theists to vent and discuss.


Capitalism seems to have done a great job of exploding the family unit, out to extended family too i guess? Who has friends anymore, esp at like age 60? So, i'll suggest prolly the very last thing you might wanna do; go visit strangers in old age homes or something similar maybe, but obv your comfort zone is no longer too comfy eh

hey, 42! lol


Why don’t you believe may I ask?

Why should you believe in superstition? I for one want to know truth.


Do you have contact with your grandchildren?

@Somnium I keep in touch with my grandchildren that at least respond. Those that don’t respond...I let them be. If we are together (after this pandemic), I will make every effort to be warm and accepting. I do care about them.

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