Nope. They live and serve at my own pleasure. If I and others didn’t want their companionship they would not have been born in the first place and the population of domesticated felines and canids would plummet to near zero. Their life, in its entirety, exists only because I desire to “enslave” them.
Owner of Marco, my feline friend
I have lived with generations of cats. My conclusion is they adopt us. If they have questions, they'll head for happier hunting grounds. Current cat, Percy, refuses step out doors.
If it wasn't for humans and us breeding them they would have never existed in the first place. I don't think there is anything wrong with having cats or dogs. Pet birds on the other hand is a different story. People love their beauty and how graceful they are so they buy one take it home and throw it in a cage and clip their wings so they can't fly.
I personally love birds. I would love to own a parrot. Birds are not domesticated animals. Birds also require constant companionship and interaction. Very few people would be able to satisfy those requirements. Most responsible bird owners will agree they are not the ideal pet for the majority of pet Seekers
My Sweetie doesn't have clipped wings and she's never caged. She picked me, not the other way around. She's not what I'd call a pet, she's more like a small person with feathers, who I love very much.
@JimGreenamyer I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought everyone that owns a bird treats them that way but I do think a lot of people that buy birds do clip their wings and put them in a cage for most of the time.
Yes. I doubt the morality of it.
But as long as there are animals in shelters, I will support the adoption of those into loving homes.
In fact, the opposite is true. Humans didn’t domesticate dogs and cats. They domesticated themselves—and us.
I think on this often. I am against breeding for pets. All of my animals are rescues.
We currently have a dog and cat, both over 10. Yard is secure for both, Kat has a secure outdoor area via a cat flap. To be honest, I think they have a better life in some ways than I do.
@Jlangston70 That's what my son plans to do. He was in Amsterdam a few months back and went to the cat boat. I immediately was inundated with photos and his plans.
Mine have it made!
@Jlangston70 the 50 dollar a bag food, expensive litter, meat scraps, spinach, cooked eggs, canned food, bottled water... they live better and eat better than most people. If one of them ever did complain.... haha
My dog, a rescue, and I are in a beneficial partnership for both of us. I supply him with proper nutrition, good health and love. He in return gives me love, emotional support, a friendly face to come home to and the Best darn tootin' alarm system in the world.
I am not his 'master', I am his human.
@Jlangston70 Have you ever considered that mills & the one off back yard breeder depends on this mentality when they dump dogs at shelters? Vs an ethical breeder who will screen a home first and won't just let anyone with cash in hand walk away with an animal?
Someone who backs their animals should anything happen to you that they never see the inside of a shelter?
@Qualia I don't understand what you are trying to convey, please explain
@buzz13 has the best answer on the page!
NO. Fences and leashes are for our pets well being, safety, both for them and others.
I own two purpose bred dogs, one a rescue, probably my last rescue, and a well bred one from a breeder of the highest ethic. I searched long and hard for him. He had plenty of time with his mother, we didn't pick him up until he was 14 weeks old.
Funny story I'll never forget. For the first time in my life I witnessed a family reuinion with his dam & siblings at a year old during a breed national convention. They all remembered each other. After a cordial Hello from Mom she was done with my boy, snarled as if to say "I remember you you little shit GTF away from me"... LOL
Dachshunds are purpose bred dogs, meant to be vermin control and companions.
My breed is one of the few created specifically to be a personal dog and protector.
And btw, even wild animals sometimes have companion animals of other species. There's nothing weird about it. I don't know what I'd do without mine. I love doting on them. They sleep with us. When they're doing well I'm happy.
Now is that to say that everyone who has one should own a pet? No. There are no shortage of people who shouldn't have so much as a pet rock. Furthermore I feel sorry for kids who aren't allowed to have pets and aren't taught good animal husbandry. There always seems to be something off about them. Case in point my MIL. She shouldn't be around anything living, period.
My pomeranian wouldn't survive if I didn't tell him what to do. Anyone who owns cats knows they own you. I don't think of it as arrogance. It's a partnership
I evidently hoard/adopt cats ( 6 ). I also have 2 dogs (Husky and a hound.) They're family. My cats weren't stripped from anything, They were rescued from a crappy life in a cage at a no kill shelter. Now they all have a reliable food source, a safe house to call their own, acres to raom and rubs, pats, cuddles, toys, treats, etc., whenever they want. The hound dog was also a rescue. His future before I adopted him was a death sentence. He now has regular food, gets petted and played with every day, sleeps on a big ole bed, or anywhere else he wants. He's friends with all the cats... ok, there is that 'one," goes to Day Care once a week and plays with a dozen other dogs all day long. Has a kick @$$ Siberian Husky for a "sister" who plays with him all day long. Enslaved.... no way. At least, not them. I'm more of a slave to their whims at times. I love all my critters. They are my family.
I don't know about arrogant, I have pets that are like my family. Humans have been living with dogs since the stone age, and I don't know what I'd do without mine. They are small dogs, Poms, so they would die without my care. I really think our relationship is more symbiosis than slavery.
NOT my dogs! I only have rescues that have already been rejected and abandoned by others and live wonderful lives with me. Rarely on a leash, never behind a fence, eat a varied mix of fruits, veggies and meats, sleep where they want, have the run of the house at all times, go almost everywhere I go and get more medical care than I do. They run in the woods, ride in the car, swim in the rivers and pool and interact with people daily. Not a bad life.
I used watch a series called Life Without Humans. They made the reasonable claim that if humans vanished world wild, the first be eaten would be small dogs.
Interesting comment that I will think more on. But humans are animals too and I love that just as animals bring joy to us, we can bring joy to them. I watched a youtube clip about dog personalities. They were trained to sit still in an MRI. When their owner walked up to them, the parts of the brain that release dopamine (the feel good hormone) lit up in the brain. This was evidence that they felt joy to see their owner.
When I come home I get celebration and love! Barking, tail wagging love.
All of my pets (2 cats, 1 dog), including 17 chickens, are rescues. At 1 pointed i had rescued 3 goats & 18 ducks (all rehomed). Its been interesting.
When I retired and moved here , my plan for myself included , "No more pets." A female cat moved onto my side porch and had a litter of 6 kittens , before I discovered her . Approximately 6 weeks later , she was murdered . I had seen that at least one of the kittens had been eating some of the food I set out for Momma cat , so set out more and water and the little ones survived . I did not breed these , I did not enslave them . In fact , I think it was the other way around .
If you mean that it would have been better for humans to have left wild animals alone and never try to domesticate them, I agree.
These domesticated breeds couldn't survive in the wild, and feral dogs tend to form packs and attack livestock. We literally breed animals to be our companions, and the original wolf ancestors made their own decisions to trade freedom for free food.
Here in Thailand they have wild Thai Dingos that live amoung people are semi-tame, and fed by Thai people, but have no masters and breed and fight at will. I have my favorites, and they are excellent hunters.
Once they start seeing me around they tend to start following me at a short distance, pretending they're with me, and even drive game (wild birds) toward me to kill. I only take photos of the birds, but appreciate their help in flushing them from deep cover. I respect the dogs and never try to touch them.
I love my pets. Sorry to disagree with you.
Dogs give unconditional love I think all pets do that
in a way they comand us around if you notice we pick up thier poop when they have done, we give them water so that they do not get thirsty and we give them food on time so they do get hungry and we take them for walks and thanks to them we make more friend in the park then if you go out for a walk on our own.
I am a pet owner, but I would not be able to breed any animal just to sell off its babies.
I have cats, dogs, chickens, a green cheek Conure, and now two baby ducks. The only one I feel guilty about is the Conure, even though it was hatched in captivity. But, at least I know it is in a home where it gets taken care of and will have a home with one of my kids if something happens to me.
I also know that my chickens and ducks, who are, or will be, once big enough to go outside, free to go wherever they want over three acres of land, will never be eaten by a human (and hopefully no predator). I do eat their eggs, though.
Wolves were attracted to us and choose to be near us. They adapted. Dogs and cats are not suited for the wild and they are not the same animal anymore.