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do you think that the non-existence of any known god precludes the existence of any other supernatural phenomena? could fairies and gnomes be around for instance?

hankster 9 July 26

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Oh please. How many times must we go there. I refer you once again to George Carlin's reaction to the apparent fact that 3/4 of the US population believes in fairies. Go to youtube and watch Carlin on fairies.
His response is, " what are you, fxxckin stupid!"

Interestingly enough Carlin’s daughter said in a video interview that he identified as an agnostic.


I live on Howe Island so I ride the ferry everyday, very glad that it exists so I can get to and from the mainland and not just imagine that I made the trip, some times I even do it on my ebike.


The internet is proving trolls and ghosts (or ghosting) are real. Why else do we call these things out in modern society? Now we just need to wait for some nutbag to say something like "well, they are magickal and so they are energy, of course they can move to the internet."


It is well known among the educated that one style of god does exist. A few seperate but corroborating evidences for this fact.

List of people who have been considered deities

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’?

And, see attached photo below indicates rich powerful bankers, heroes or good people are deity.

Word Level 8 July 27, 2021

NO. This is just corroboration of stupid!

@Healthydoc70 might work


Many people would tell you that there are fairies and gnomes, and that they are real and people have seen them, etc. The problem here is that if you take away the people then there are no fairies and gnomes. Kinda works out just like gods doesn't it?


I have not seen any evidence that anything supernatural existing.


It is all a different slice of the horse shit pie, but there are plenty of people willing to take your money if you want a bite.


Of course there are fairies, that’s who took all my baby teeth!?! 🤔


The Universe is so vast, there is no telling what's out there.


No. Period.

A fairy tale is a fairy tale whether people build a religion around it or not it's still fake.

redhog Level 7 July 26, 2021

I don't know about them, but I do have some gremlins around.


Trolls and fairies, ghosts, etc., are no more real than gods, the easter bunny, and santa claus.

Diggin' the Caddy!
Please post pics to show us your daughter's progress on the restoration.

I dated a few trolls.

@BethPl Same.

@BethPl haven’t we all? 😉

Read about some trolls on the news. Jordan, Bobert and Green.


All I know is, that car is gangsta son 👌

Mvtt Level 7 July 26, 2021

My daughter is in the process of restoring the 4-door version. 1970 Cadillac DeVille.


My old dog convinced me that trolls exist. On walks through the forest we often came upon moss covered boulders. Most of them old Bess would ignore but some she would bark at and give a wide berth to. They must have been trolls in disguise. What other explanation could there be ?


I read an argument years ago from one of my favorite bloggers, Greta Christina.
Excuse me for paraphrasing from memory.

Over the years we've used many supernatural explanations for events -- the sun was Apollo carrying a lamp in a chariot across the sky, thunder was dwarves bowling in the mountains, whatever. But as we got better looks at things we realized that there were secular explanations for what we were seeing.

But how many times has it gone the other way? We used to think there was a real world explanation for some phenomenon, but now we know it's caused by that god over there or the spell we cast or the rabbit's foot in my pocket -- exactly ZERO.

The supernatural doesn't exist -- if something exists, it's natural.

RichCC Level 8 July 26, 2021

As an introductory class into divine and supernatural beings they should start small and work their way up to God, the problem is there's no good evidence for even tiny spooks and spirits.
When I was eleven years old I crept out of my parents house late at night to go hang out in the Church graveyard hoping to see some evidence of some kind of supernatural something.
I saw jackrabbits and owls, no ghost, UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch Ness monster nor the theory of Atlantis. (Reference to Ghost Busters)
Instead I discovered psychology and therapy after they caught me sneaking out at night.

The problem was that there was no steady paycheck in it. 😉

Been to Loch Ness. A beautiful lake. No monster lurking around. mist have been on vacation. Bummer!


There is no reason to believe in anything supernatural. Additionally, if something exists, it will be seen.

@hankster Cite one reason to believe in anything supernatural.

Unless it comes from another dimension - our view would be skewered - still, it would be natural.

@hankster it's especially fun to tease people who believe in it.

@hankster "Its fun". In other words it is not believing, it is play time with your imaginary friend.

@hankster Make up your mind.

@hankster Wonder to your heart's content.


It's not conclusive of course but I lean the opposite direction. The lack of 'any other supernatural phenomena' is a strong argument against the existence of god.

RichCC Level 8 July 26, 2021

Not having any reason to believe is a good reason not to.

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