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LINK Catholic lawmaker seeks to block women from leaving Missouri to have an abortion

In Missouri, abortion is still legal though Republicans lawmakers have been trying to put a stop to that for years. They even passed an extremely restrictive bill in 2019 that remains tied up in the courts. But now a Catholic politician has taken a nuclear approach to an already fraught situation.

As it stands, Missouri is home to only one abortion clinic in St. Louis. Because of attempts to criminalize the procedure and sow doubt about what’s legal at all, that clinic only performs 10-20 abortions per month. But some women with the ability to do so have crossed the border into neighboring Illinois, where abortion rights are protected. Planned Parenthood opened a clinic right near the border, on the Illinois side, in 2019, creating a safe environment for 10,644 Missouri residents (and counting) who need the procedure.

An amendment just proposed by Missouri State Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman would put a stop to that entirely.

snytiger6 9 Mar 9

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So, this woman is advocating for taking hostages? Will she and/or the state be willing to pay all expenses incurred during and after birth until the child turns 18, or is out of high school? How odd that these people offer no other proposals meant to offer real help.

What saddens me is that such people are blind to their own evil.

Pro-birth, not pro life.

@anglophone Until they get bit by their own rules. But of course it's never about minding rules yourself so much as it is about making other people obey the rules you think they should.


Mary Elizabeth Coleman is a self-confessed evil vicious twat.


Missouri's New fugitive slave act


The hell with Mary Elizabeth Coleman. Let her be responsible for her own female health and raise her own babies (if any) and let every other woman make that personal choice for herself. Problem solved.


This quote caught my attention.

“One commenter at the Washington Post noted that Illinois may as well respond by passing a law allowing citizens to “sue anyone in Missouri who interferes with someone getting an abortion.” If this amendment passes, that could well be the next step.”

These GOP asswipes will never stop trying to legislate religious morality. The Republican party is dominated by people who think Jesus is on their side. In their world view, God is a Republican! Blue laws, dry counties, prohibitions against gambling, and anti-abortion laws are the result of churches and religious people poking their noses where they don’t belong! Do you want a theocracy? Well then go somewhere else, but get your Bible thumping asses out of our state houses!

@p-nullifidian I couldn't agree more👍🏻


It's all about control. They want to control what you do, when you do it and who you do it with.

But only poor women. Women with money and girlfriends carrying babies of men with money will always be able to skirt around the law.

@JonnaBononna you are absolutely correct.

@GrooshStar I know 😉

@JonnaBononna ✋😃


That's illegal and unlawful imprisonment

I had similar thoughts. I think it is more like a "home arrest" in that it restricts travel within a designated area. However, there is no crime, just punishment.


Even a crazy rabid anti-abortion lawmakers should realize what is proposed is totally illegal.

Not sure that matters any more…

@Canndue Laws matter.

@Alienbeing They should, but, i don’t believe that they think so…


This is blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL :


That doesn’t seem to be the deterrent we think it is


And the hunger for power continues.


Barefoot, pregnant And chained in the backyard, i guess

Yes, the sick and demented psyche of the Religio-tard shine thorough quite clearly.

They would never chain a woman in the backyard; it's too far away from the kitchen!

@RhondaShotwell I stand correctly chastised!

@RhondaShotwell I see that someone is wise to the ways and rules by which the religio-tards want and wish that they could live.


Simply more evidence that the wall of separation between church and state are crumbling. Problem is, the religious zealots fail to (or simply don't want to) see where this will all lead to infighting among the religionists.
Even the Roman emperor Constantine understood this and made religious neutrality a part of the empires ruling (of course his converting to Christianity because of the cross sign is highly debatable).
[] scroll down to "Committed Christian?"
The divisiveness of religion and state has been known for centuries yet we seem to keep fighting this stupid battle.

In actual fact, if one were to read the autobiography that both Constantine wrote and the biography written by his personal 'secretary' prior to his death and completed after he died, you will find yet another BLATANT LIE made by these so-called, much later btw, Christians.
Because even on his death bed Constantine REFUSE adamantly to be baptised in to the new Messianic Movement as it was still know at the time.
So facts are, and can be seen quite plainly and clearly to eyes that WANT to see that is, that the ENTIRE so-called Christian Story come history is a complete and utter pack of lies stacked one upon the other in to a teetering tower that will one day collapse upon itself hopefully.

@Triphid Of course, what else should we expect? Still. he could have banned certain religions but understood where that would lead. He felt Rome was failing and wanted to move the center of the empire to the East.

@JackPedigo May one suggest that you TRY reading actual history regarding Ancient Rome during the Constantine Era for a change and when you have done so, then get back to me?

@Triphid I did include a link. I have a degree, from a university in Europe, in European History. I also have a couple of history books on an abridged history of N. and S. America written from a German historians perspective. Like so much else much of history is open to interpretation.

Once again, personal attacks are not flattering to the attacker and diminishes one's standing. Stop.

@JackPedigo FYI, when I referred to doing research, I meant ACTUAL research by actually READING books rather than merely going on the opinions so often offered on sites such as Wikipedia, etc, etc.
A hint here, by READING numerous books written by different AUTHOR on the same subject matter one, IF one is actually capable of doing so that is, can actually sift through it all and GAIN a great deal of Knowledge and insight in to any subject they wish.

@Triphid FYI all my comments are based on reading, writing and 'actual' studies. One doesn't get a University degree by doing nothing. Another item missing from the 'list' was being in places history was made and getting a deeper understanding of why and how things happened. I am a strong believer that geography can and does shape a society.
I have a lot more experiences under my belt than most and a lot is backed up by formal education. Too often I come up against armchair academics who haven't a clue other than their own subjective ideas. It's actually quite laughable. I am done with this topic.

@JackPedigo May one enquire as where, exactly YOU think my information etc, is derived from, the back of Cereal Boxes perhaps?
Do these notations that I am LEGALLY permitted to place behind my name should I so desire mean anything at all to you perchance?
PhD, x2 btw,
BA x3, fyi that DENOTES BACHELOR of the Arts which includes Languages,
5 Certificates in Nursing,
1 Certification still CURRENT, in Midwifery,
Certifications in, Oxy-Acetylene welding and cutting,
Certifications in Oxy-Propane welding and cutting,
Certification in Pneumatic Braking Systems as per rail vehicles, etc,
Certification in Handling and Transportation of Dangerous and Explosive Goods,
and quite a number more as well but I do NOT wish to appear boastful in the eyes of others nor do I wish to seem to be attempting to belittle anyone who, imo, is not deserving of it.


Sounds like something Putin would approve.

Yes but as Putin is still, probably, in Russia then could it not be said that the pseudo-Putins of the U.S. A. hold total responsibility for this travesty of of the International Bill of Human Rights?


How are they going to enforce this?
Road blocks on Interstates with lines to pee in a cup?

Seems the Texas approach is to be used. Neighbors can report the women for a reward. The Inmates are in control in this state.

If George Orwell had thought of this, it would have been included in "1984."

@prestonw1243 Texarse it seems has resurrected both the K.G.B. and the Gestapo all in one go.
Viva the Soviet Socialists Republic of Texarse NOT.


This makes me so damned angry, I can't even formulate a coherent response.


@mischl They are lovers of power and money and fearful of being accused of disloyalty.

@mischl I accepted that fact long ago.
It doesn't make me any less angry.

@mischl I will be as angry as I please.
For me, anger is a marvelous motivator.
You do you.

@KKGator Sorry if I've offended you. I won't respond to your posts again.

@mischl Okay. Cya round.


Anyone hearing the ‘Thought Police’ here?

Looks like women that live in this state will have to keep all their plans a total secret. Fuckin’ shameful and sad.

You'll have to have an ultrasound at the state border check point if you are female. If found to be pregnant, you will have to have another upon your return to the state. All pregnancy tests will have to be submitted to the state health department regardless of whether negative or positive. Positive tests will have to report bi-weekly for follow up testing (not here yet, but the I am sure the creepy minds of the legislature are working on this).

@Barnie2years Excuse me IF I sound a wee bit dumb/stupid here BUT did not the U.S., including Texarse, fight in the Second World War AGAINST such ideologies as exactly this?

@Triphid all bets are off with the current Republican Christian Nationalist Party.

@Barnie2years I would NOT waste good money betting on politic/politicians in any country, especially the U.S. because, imo, the entire lot of could NOT lie straight in bed even if they had to.

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