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What's the one thing you misplace the most?

It drives me crazy when I have paperwork ready and then I can't find it. I know I had it on the kitchen table and now it's gone. My wife has really bad OCD and is always moving my things, but she told me she didn't see it. I guess it will eventually show up.

ebdb 7 Apr 25

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I lose my phone the most. It's sad, I end up tearing the place apart, like Bilbo hunting for the Ring, the breathing the same kind of sigh when I find it. I can't afford to lose it, I keep most of my brain in it, now!


My youth. I know I had it here not too long ago.



My train of thought


Sure, sure, blame the wife!



My brain. I did find some rocks and they do seem to do a better job anyway.


My glasses are rimless, so almost invisible. Add to that, I can't see once they're off. I've had to put on the prescription sunglasses to successfully find them again.

vita Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

Me too. I'm hoping for better luck this time. I finally bit the bullet and decided that I do indeed need bifocals,or something similar, so now I have no reason to ever take them off.

Mine are already bifocals, but I still have to take them off all of the time as I don't wear them to read (the bifocal prescription is for driving distance and computer distance) and to do things like brush my hair or apply makeup.

Oh, I hearya. I'm so blind without mine that I panic if they aren't exactly where I left them. Then... I go put in my contact lenses just so I can find my glasses. ?

Glasses are the one thing I never misplace because they are next to my bed when I go to sleep and the first thing I put on in the morning. My wife leaves hers all over the place and can never find them so I know where you are coming from.

Now I understand why old people leash their glasses (as it suddenly dawns on me that I am well more than halfway to BEING old people).


My attention.


My thoughts.


My sanity.


Lately, it is a tie between my mind and my self esteem. Things have been pretty rough lately, but in all seriousness I rarely lose things. Generally the only time I lose my phone or keys and such is when someone else in my family has taken them.


My glasses. Maybe because if I have them, I can find the other things.


My brain, it's somewhere.



My sense of humour....

blzjz Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

my glasses-once couldn't find them for a week.

my wife loses hers all the time


I would show you but I lost it again. 😉




My cell phone,keys, and glasses


My iPad. I get to chatting with one of my customers in their garage, set it down without thinking about it and wind up spending ten minutes looking for the damn thing.


I see cell and keys in the comments - and it's the same for me. I guess that's because we are always carrying them around.


Keys and cell

blazm Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

My dignity.


At this age, just about everything.
Coffee cup, reading glasses, cell phone......
Any tool I was using 30 seconds ago.


I just got my own T.V for myself and EVERY SINGLE TIME I use it... I have to spend five minutes finding the remote every time I wanna change the volume cause I don't remember where I put the damn thing.




There is no one thing. I spread it around. ?


My shoes, I don't like to wear them in the house. 😀 ...I hardly ever have pants on either. She would hate me, I toss everything around willy nilly.

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