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Is it OK to be racist against white people?

Using the Merriam-Webster definition of racism,

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

Sadly I doubt I'll get many honest answers because it's not PC to you think racism is OK as long as those your racist against are white. But hope springs eternal.

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MamaMOB 5 Apr 30

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126 comments (26 - 50)

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Judge any person on their actions, not the color of their skin, where the came from or any other factor.

The colour of their skin is a good indication for people action though. Very useful if you lack the time to personally know everyone in details and for a long enough span of time.

please explain how?


No, you can only be racist against ignorant and stupid people.

@JustLynnie Not really racist, just bigoted toward, unless of course they continue to breed within their group of Trump supporters.


I understand the frustration, and I wish more on the Left realized how what they are saying comes across. While it may be true that white people statistically have it better economically, that shouldn't mean that it's okay for the loudest voices in public American culture to be shutting us up so often, or putting us down for something almost no living individual in our group actually has anything to do with.

Hi @MagRat,

I'd be curious to have an honest conversation about this polarizing topic in a sensible manner with someone with a different, but passionate, perspective on the matter.

Would you be interested in beginning a dialogue on this topic privately (via the messenger here on Agnostic)?



Any form of racism is ignorant and counter productive, so no it's never okay to be racist. I grew up in a multicultural community and while racism was frowned upon and uncommon it was still there, probably because we are taught from an early age to identify differences. One of these is not like the other, one of these things is kinda the same, right out of Sesame Street.
I built several projects in Bermuda and I was the subject of racist comments and slurs on many occasions from the black majority. I was even told that these comments weren't racist because racism is a 'white thing', it was an eye opener to say the least. In the past I had approached racism as a negative thing to be frowned upon but I did so from the white majority perspective, it is quite humbling to be on the other end of the stick.
Interestingly enough, the island I had be building on prior to my work in Bermuda was very racist but from an Elitist White point of view, it was a virtual apartheid system and I felt very sorry for the blacks and how they were treated by the wealthy, white land owners. I wouldn't comply with some of the directives I was given and in the end it was so unbearable that I left. I did all I could to help my black workers, they even nicknamed me Bob the Builder because I was the little white guy that made everything good. These were good men who weren't being allowed to reach their potential because of elitist and racist people. No, racism is never a good thing no matter who is on the receiving end.

@MagRat Not me, just a Canadian who grew up in the most multicultural city in the world. Any man on my crew who pulls his weight gets my respect, if they don't pull their weight I'll skin them alive and I don't care what colour the skin is.


Tribalism is so ingrained in our primal instincts that it takes active awareness to recognize and reject it. Racism isn’t okay, but I undeterstand why it’s easier to just group “others” rather than see beyond flesh.

Marz Level 7 May 1, 2018

I feel like our biology hasn’t caught up with our social awareness and morality.

Yes, suspicion/mistrust/hatred of the "other" was hard-wired into the "rat brain" (actually way back before rats) in evolution. For millions of years, our survival depended on it. And for a few hundred years, humans have tried to deal with it via philosophy, religion, and science. Our future survival as a species depends on our ability to recognize this and overcome it.


No. First of all, there is no such thing as race. Read Guns, Germs and Steel and The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond. Secondly, why would you want to discriminate against any one ethnic group? Reversing racism won’t right the wrongs that have been perpetrated in its name. This masochistic liberal nonsense of feeling guilty about having European roots is going to get us in trouble. The West brought us the very Enlightenment values which can be used in the fight against ignorance, racism and bigotry and the religions that perpetuate them.

There is no scientific basis of race. But there most definitely, as a human construct, is such a thing as race.

Have read Guns, Germs and Steel and at the time was totally impressed with Diamond. I'll have to pick it up again.


I’m an indigenous man and I detest racism, but we should call out privilege, which is rooted in racism. Love to all, but white privilege is real and we need to acknowledge and deal with it 👊🏽

LCLC Level 3 July 14, 2018

Funny ....never even heard that term until it was pushed out there by the left. More attempts to shame and suppress free speech.

@Mikie1977 Actually it has nothing to do with suppressing free speech. The freedom of speech keeps the government from censoring you. But what you say openly or in public forum is completely open to criticism, and if you believe in the bad ideologies, people have every right to fight against you and tell you to leave.


Racism can only occur by the privileged ruling class. So if I go to China and I am ridiculed for my pale white skin and golf-ball round eyes or not passed over for a promotion on the grounds of my so called 'race'. The chinese are teh ones in the position of power and in this situation they would be racist. In other countries where Caucasions are the dominant ruling class I would say it is not possible for other groups to be racist because they are still scrambling for equality. The racism directed at them are negative stereotypes that perpetuates racism.

        Some Chinese girls have whiter skin than I've ever seen. Of course they avoid the sun like the plague.

you are using a different definition then the one presented for the basis of the pool.
Thats not how that works.


Hi, I’m a white guy and I think it’s ok to think whatever you want about any segment of the population, be it based on cultural differences and preferences, social class, gender or, yes, ethnicity. If you think that the colour of the skin generally goes along with a certain type of culture, then it’s ok to be a racist, homophobe, Xenophobe, or have a general dislike about anything, white people included.

Just to be clear, you are saying that it is ok to go with our much more primitive instinct and just brand an entire people based on our few and insignificant experiences with them?

Seriously? That kind of profiling worked great when we were in tribes. Now it makes zero sense.

In the past I was jumped several times by a bunch of Mexicans while I was delivering pizza.

I do not like the Mexicans who jumped me, for good reason, but what gives me the right to label them all for what a small few did?

It makes no sense to me.

My old boss said he didn't like gay people because he was "sexually harassed" by a gay guy in highschool... I was like "are all gay dudes that one guy from highschool?" No.

This guy I know despises black people because of violent childhood trauma involving him and his mom. How he feels is understandable but his anger towards black people is rooted in fear and he needs to work that shit out.

Hating a group for a "this one time" anecdote is pretty weak.

@Joenobody I work in a souvenir shop and, to begin with, everyone who works here and all other shops like mine, we’re a blank slate, no prejudice. It doesn’t take long until we see certain people from certain parts of the world walk into the shop and sigh. No social/ethnic/national group is inherently bad, but our opinions and behaviours may be so different as to seriously disagree.
We struggle to like to culturally similar street neighbours and to be liked by them and we’re expected to like and be liked by other completely different peoples.
I wouldn’t consider myself a racist, I won’t treat anyone badly under any circumstances and I’d NEVER vote for a right-wing party, but one must recognise that it can happen and is almost inevitable.


It's not ok to be racist towards anyone regardless of colour.


It's not ok to be racist against anyone. And for historical facts.... Which certain people refuse to admit to... There were black slavemasters.


White Europeans were sold into slavery. No one wants to talk about that either.


Children should not be held responsible for the sins of their fathers.


I forgot it's also not ok to blame people for the sins of their ancestors. Just like original sin is complete BS. Remember children are not racist until their parents teach it to them. When I was a young child I wanted to send my leftovers to Africa I never saw black children I saw hungry children. I couldn't understand why we had plenty of food and they didn't. To be that naive again.


Of course it's not ok, but if you are, what can you do? A lot of white people make me cringe.

What you can do is not judge all white people on the ones that make you cringe. Try judging people based upon themselves and not the color of their skin. It's the best way to judge people.


It's not okay to be racist. Period.

Deb57 Level 8 May 1, 2018

This question sucks...

Yeah it's gross.


The best statement about race I ever read was in a comic novel by Max Schulman called "Anyone Got A Match", where one of the characters said, "The world won't ever be completely at peace until we discover there is only one race, the human race."

It's a great premise to go on. But I think one race will only end racism. It won't end hate for so many other reasons. One race doesn't equate to Peace.


All bigotry is harmful to ourselves and our society.

Refusal of the truth is the real bigotry.


No. Racism is destructive no matter whom is targeted.
It's destructive to the individual who feels that way and, generally, far more to the recipients.
Simple fact is that we are all related. We differ more as individuals than between different "races".

That's a debunked fallacy. It's even got a name: the Levontin's fallacy, from a time passed by where Genetics were still at its infancy.


I am not a racist I hate everybody equally

Me too!


There is no institutional racism against white people, in America. There is a long history of open, blatant, and also institutionalized racism against non-whites. I recommend you do some reading on how we treated slaves. It was far more horrifying than what we learn about in school. And if there is no reasonable way of making reparations, the very least our country can do is formally apologize. This may not be our crime, as individuals, but it is absolutely our nation's crime.


I tend to loathe everyone equally.


I would love to hear from the 8 people that answered yes.


It's not ok to be racist to anyone. And the "atonement of ancestors" nonsense implies that people alive today are responsible for a bloodline they didn't get to choose and dead people they had no control over. It's an individual's behavior and theirs alone that determines treatment.


I think your mind is already decided on the answer and now your just looking for people to agree with you so you don't feel bad about this decision..
Can a black man by racist against a white man? Sure..
Is it a problem for the white man in a westernized country? No..


There is but one race, the human race.

Are there races in the animal kingdom?

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