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Is it OK to be racist against white people?

Using the Merriam-Webster definition of racism,

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

Sadly I doubt I'll get many honest answers because it's not PC to you think racism is OK as long as those your racist against are white. But hope springs eternal.

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MamaMOB 5 Apr 30

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126 comments (101 - 125)

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I believe it's wrong to be racist, period!


I was once hired into a executive chef position where 25 out of my 30 subordinates were members of a minority.
No matter what I did in training them, correcting them, or trying to resolve work issues, they had decided that all my actions were because I was racist. Fired someone for not showing up 3 days in a row? Because I'm racist. Wrote someone up for not refrigerating food properly? Because I'm racist. Refused to let someone leave work early to take their kid to a party? Because I'm racist.
On and on and on and on. ((the last 2 chefs had also been driven out of there by the kitchen crew and the owner was losing money hand over fist))

I was paralyzed and couldn't do my job--very hurt that I was being unfairly labeled and accused of having malevolent motivations. I went to the owner and he told me to do whatever I needed to do to fix the problem.
I documented everything for a few weeks and then, one day, I fired the 8 people who were the instigators and trouble-makers. Of course, everyone said I did it because I was racist. 7 additional people quit.

I hired all new staff (all minorities) and trained them.

I never had another issue with anyone at that job.

Don't tell me that there wasn't a core group who were poisoning the well and who were, in fact, racist against me and refusing to let me do my job because of the color of my skin.
I experienced it first hand.

I don't care what color someone's skin is....what I do care about is their work ethic.


Racism is racism is racism.

Any color/culture can be racist toward another.

It is never acceptable.


Many of the claims of racism are true. Long standing policies or behaviors that were racist were left unchallenged because the balance of power made it dangerous to individusls to speak up.

In the present environment, the balance of power has shifted due to demographics. It is now a safer environment to protest and call out racism where it exists. The dominant society hates to be called on its improper behavior, especially if they had been able to get away with it for decades with impunity. Accountability is always an uncomfortable thing. So, "everything is labeled racism today", may be true, but it just might that they always were and still remain do.

Caveat, false accusations will occur just because the law of probabilities suggest they should. Don't be seduced by these occurances. They are exceptions in the greater trend. Exceptions do not make the rule, they are just that, only exceptions.


Being a racist makes you a bad person.


Racism is wrong period. No ifs, ands or buts.


It's never ok to be racist. period...


It would be more accurate to ask if it is okay for people to be prejudiced.


When you make any kind of prejudice against any race whatsoever, it's a form of racism and no it's not okay. The only way to truly treat racism is to quit giving it power and relevance. When we start to realize that we're all individuals then perhaps race will lose its ground. I think racism is an ancient construct of thought long ago programmed into our minds and we're still on the same global maturity level as our ancestors. We've been focusing too much on national and tribal superiority that our general social connectivity to one another is so far broken that not even those who once had this sense of tribal pride are even to follow their own. They've started to hate what they are just because of a misconception ingrained into their minds, birthed through ignorance and petulance.


Until we treat all humans as humans and not as black, white, jew, or arab, we shall remain racist. ANy organisation of any kind that promotes to growth for, or offers benefits to, one group and denies them to others can only succeed in prepetuating racism.


My question is which definition of racism do you use, the one that combines it with other word meanings like bigotry, prejudice, ignorance, discrimination, hatefulness? Or do we accept the one that fits it's meaning more closely without political/social bias? The belief that one's race/ethnicity is superior to another and having the (economic/political/ social) "power" or clout to systematically enforce or coerce those ideas? Without "power" racism has a different meaning ie: the previous social political bias... Ask yourself, in the final appeals in the U.S., do non Whites have the final decisions?


Strange question.Is this aimed at non caucasian people only.


Racism is racism, no matter who the target is. It is unethical and disrespectful.


Racism is not OK, not even against white people

Yes in recent history a few white people have created tremendous hardship and cruelty towards people they perceived as different and inferior to them.

To turn around and hate all white people and discriminate against them for this is exactly the same as the original hatred and discrimination. It also ignores the fact that Many white people have also fallen into the Category of being discriminated against marginalized and abused
(my own father was Irish Catholic and Grew up in Northern Ireland in the 1940’s and 50’s, and no I am not comparing his hardship to slaves, just pointing out that even if you look the same, the ruling class will treat you like shit for completely arbitrary reasons)

Racism is something invented by the Rich to distract the poor and direct their hatred away from the Rich and toward any other recipient.

To the ruling class there is very little difference between a black/minority poor person and a white poor person, Dr King actually recognized this and spoke about it.

All the while the working class, the poor, the non rulers, are distracted by petty ridiculous conflict we don’t notice as they rob us blind, and destroy our planet, the only home we have, all in the name of accumulating more useless wealth

The Rich are not Racists, that foolishness is just something they try to get us to believe to keep us distracted

Being Racist against white people only plays into the hands of the hateful few who are attempting and succeeding in enslaving us all


Racism is not okay against ANY race!


Only if you are white.


Are adults really debating this?


Is it ok to discriminate against tall people? They have ALL the advantages--getting things off the top shelf, everyone looking up to them, instant high-altitude weather forecasts--and yet they still have the gall to complain. "Oh, my head hurts because I keep hitting it on the door frame." Please! "Oh, my back hurts because I'm too tall and not short like everyone else!"

I say we build a really, really tall wall to keep them all out. Some of us short people might like a job as a professional basketball player, you know. Jobs jobs jobs!


Everyone is the same color when there is a blackout


Way to go !! Cashing points like crazy !!!


No. Get to know each person, I am very confident that you will find real reasons to hate someone other than their race, there are a lot of assholes out there. Race has nothing to do with it.


No, it is never ok to be racist against anybody.


These questions are more loaded than the new Taco Bell loaded burrito. And I especially liked the part of if people disagree with her they are just not being honest... The discussion goes much deeper than these shallow questions


Are you harassed for being white? What is the point of these questions?


Be proud of who and what you are, whatever that may be. It is okay to be white.

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