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LINK Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches Democratic challenge against Biden, vows to fight 'corporate feudalism'

You all had better find someone. Old Joe isn't going to work. Even the Dems don't want him, and no one want Harris. The Dems have an empty bench.

lovebug 4 Apr 19

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I'll see who the other Dem candidates are. At the end of the primary if "old Joe" is the candidate I'll vote for him, again. Better than the psycho and fascist alternatives.

Isn't it pathetic, and an indictment of how broken and corrupt our two major parties are, that the next presidential election will be a rematch of two old, demented men that actually don't give a rat's ass about the peasants like us? And that in the four years in between, nobody better was able to emerge and become a viable alternative to either of them? Of course, a big part of that is also how much the corporate media controls access of candidates to the public narrative of the election and who is given enough attention to become known by the public.

And I am also sure that any honest, accurate polling of eligible voters, would show that the vast majority of them would prefer someone other than Trump or Biden to be the next president, but we all know the ruling class and the corporate media, as well as the two major parties, couldn't care less about what the peasants want for leadership.


I never thought vax mandates were a good idea. And I don't think RFK, Jr. is planning on outlawing vaccines so I feel the "anti-vaxxer" characterization doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot. Not a Biden fan for a number of reasons. Looking forward to actual ideas and platforms being discussed... maybe even in official Dem party primary debates. That includes Marianne Williamson.

I wouldn't hold my breath on any Dem Party primary debates including any actual ideas and platforms being discussed, beyond the usual identity politics and culture war stuff, unless it is outlier candidates like RFK, Jr. or Williamson, because Bernie won't be in it this time, nor will Warren. So any discussion of economic issues will only include the usual lies promising anything beyond the sincere neoliberal economics of the corporate Dems, as well as the actual proposals of neoliberal policies.. And AOC is not going to challenge Biden, and even if she did, she no longer has any trust or credibility with me, along the other members of the Fraud Squad...


And to think I was going to say Hi....Glad i saw this first.


C'est la vie!


I think you may be lost.

Truth Social is several miles down south on the CrayCray train in Qultville.



Delusional, are you? Watch Fox to get your 'information', i am sure.........


Trump will win in 24 and he will clean up Washington DC.

You can't clean something when your mop is covered in shit.

good luck with that, fool!

If it were to happen it would he end of the Constitution.

But, I 'm sure you're fine with a legacy dictatorship.

You can tell something about a boy's character by the company he keeps. The number of close Trump associates who have been convicted of felonies is unprecedented in any former president. Trump is a slimy creature of the swamp.

Trump clean up Washington DC? His Fascists are all part of the swamp. Try watching news from more than just one site and you might learn more.

That lifelong con and grifter isn’t gonna do anything but line his pockets. That’s the only thing that illiterate snake oil salesman has ever done his entire life. The fact that anyone thinks someone who treats humans the way that animal has his entire life cares about people is beyond me.
You sir are clearly either a troll, stupid, or illiterate. And since you don’t appear to be illiterate, which if the other two options is it…..🤠

@DenoPenno Watching news is the problem period. I read all of my news. Not that newspapers and magazines aren’t subject to bias. But come on, how many millions of dollars are the television networks spending to bring you THEIR message. 🤷🏻♂️

@DenoPenno Anyone who thinks the orange rapist can fix something, hasn’t read anything for the last 40 years or more. If they had, they would no he’s nothing but a con and grifter….👀

@DenoPenno Aside from the horrifying track record the orange pos has, how can people not see and hear the hate that spews forth every time it opens its mouth?! And how can peopl support someone do hateful…..🤨

If he does win, he will do nothing more than golf everyday on the taxpayers dime, while morons like you keep sending him your hard earned money!!
Cause that’s all he did the last 4 years the illiterate ass was in DC, and that’s all he’s gonna do with another 4 years.
On the bright side, the grifter is gonna have to get a job after that, because he can only rob the people blind for TWO terms. Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord!!!! 🤠

@Buck They support him because they are the same as him.

@jlynn37 BINGO 🤗

@Buck He and his cronies will do their best to change the two terms into a lifetime achievement award. Don't be so quick to praise the lord cuz Dump said if he's elected again it will be for life.
"President for life? Trump says 'maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day'"


@K9JetLee999 I’m well aware of his delusions of grandeur. He should have got it done on 1/6 if he was gonna, cuz his base has grown tired….🤔

@K9JetLee999 I predict he doesn’t even get the gop nomination…..🤔

@Buck It is my sincerest wish he fail. If he's even running, hope he runs off the edge of our flat planet.

@Buck DeSantis would have a better chance to beat the Democraps.

@Trajan61 You’re too stupid to know you’re stupid….I’ll pray for you to get a brain though. You’re welcome!! 😇

@Buck Your the one who appears to be stupid! Only a raving idiot would vote for an idiot like Joe Biden!

@Trajan61 Well why’d you vote for Joe then?🤷🏻♂️

@Buck I didn’t vote for him.

You think a lifelong con and snake oil salesman who has trampled all over people just like you his entire life is a christian and cares about people. That illiterate serial rapist has cared about ONE thing it’s entire life, and that’s $$$$$. If you read ANYTHING but your Buybull, you would know what a Yuge loser your pig is, but you’re too intellectually lazy and arrogant to do that….so just carry on with your hateful fascist self and fuck off already…..🤠


Your opinion is noted.

How the fuck anyone thinks that lifelong grifter is a solution to ANYTHING is beyond my comprehension!??🤷🏻♂️

@Buck He's like the reincarnation of PT Barnum. He made people pay to see a horse with his head where his tail should be and a tail where his head was supposed to be.. All he did was turn the horse around in the stall and PEOPLE PAID money for that. Imagine what Donnie is capable of ???


AOC will be eligible. If Joe doesn't want to run she may step up.

She won't be 35 by 2024. Too young.

Only a crazy person would vote for her!

@Organist1 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns 35 -- the minimum age to be U.S. president -- on October 13, 2024, which is less than one month before the presidential election on November 5, 2024.
She absolutely can run, and I think she'd do well. She may not win her first go, but I actually think she may be the first female president, just not sure when.

@Trajan61 Why so? Don’t you like a better deal for all Americans, or only for the already rich ones?

@Organist1 @Flyingsaucesir

Why the puzzled emoji?

@ChestRockfield Hell, I don't know if AOC will run a primary race against Biden, but I doubt it. If she does, she will not prevail. It's not her time (yet).

@Flyingsaucesir IF Joe DOESN'T want to run, she MAY step up. I don't think she's dumb enough to risk political capital on a primary challenge; she'd need every advantage she could get.


The democrats are nothing more than bought and sold puppets!!!

The obstructionist regressive christofascist republicans maga death cult members are also bought and sold by the wealthy, their banks, and their corporations!!!

The Roosevelt’s Teddy and FDR were considered to be Monstrous, both enable reforms that changed our societies, cultures and corporate cultures for mostly the good for all of us! Their direct actions created social support system we all rely on to some extent!!!

The Roosevelt’s were far from perfect at lease they changed things for the betterment of the majority of us, not the wealthy strictly!!!

The obstructionist regressive christofascist republican maga death cult have been all out dismantling the social support and cultural changes that provide that we could have a society that actually cares for the young and the elderly!!!

All these Obstructionist regressive christofascist republicans have done for the last 75 years is to take down the social support system which was designed for the people of this country, not for the wealthy, their banks and corporations that contribute next to nothing to help the people of this country!!!

I am not a democrat or republican!!!

RFKjr May be the only hope to actually be able to fight the greedy power hungry wealthy, their banks, and their corporations!!

We do not need another nice guy we have Biden a controlled mouthpiece and trump and the rest of the fascists conservative’s are corporate owned, both are gutting this country wholesale for their wealthy owners!!!

RFKjr is not an anti-vaxxer, so many things have been stated that are outright lies and slander about him and others who told the truth about how our government and the corporations that are lying, ripping us off every way they can!!!

These politicians have done nothing to actually stop the wealthy, their banks, and corporations from overtly profiting off our backs, absolutely nothing!!!

They are stealing us blind these politicians that you all voted for!!!

Everything is overpriced with the actual inflation rate closer to 20% to 25% since 2020!!!

Oh they are so nice these corrupted politicians, they have nothing when first elected by the time they leave office most are multi Millionaire’s a few are even billionaires!!!

So vote for these political correct mouthpieces outright owned by the wealthy, their banks, and corporations that pay nearly nothing in taxes yet get overtly over the top subsidies while we are paying for all of this while now wondering if we can even afford too live in this country anymore!!!

We need social warriors not corporate shills that are owned outright!!!


Joe means well by the people I think. But you can’t serve both the interests of the people and corporate America at the same time…..🤨

Then no politician is qualified for office.

@jlynn37 It has nothing to do with them being “qualified” or not, and everything to do with them having conflicts of interests. There’s a reason Sanders keeps campaigning to take corporate donations out of politics….🤔


Old Joe has a good record to run on, and he is going to kick the Done Cheato's orange ass AGAIN.

Joe has a terrible record and Trump thankfully will not be the Republican nominee.

@Alienbeing You wanna bet? Trump's base is small nationally (28%) but solid and that number is around 50% of the Republican voters. Plus you have multiple candidates, which dilutes the opposition. Even if he loses, he will run as an independent claiming fraud, thus splitting the GOP vote.
I bet you $20 he wins the nomination. Btw atm he is 8/13 at the bookies. I can bet on such things because I do not live in the land of the free.

@Alienbeing I hope your right on that. DeSantis is a better choice and would likely defeat the democrap.

@Alienbeing Who's going to beat him? Rhonda Santis? Trump will win a Florida primary and DeSantis knows it. He won't run.

@barjoe It is too early to say who will win. Why do you think Trump and DeSantis are the only two?

@273kelvin It is a bet

@Alienbeing You're wrong. They're NOT the only ones. DeSerpentiss has not announced his candidacy, but Asa Hutchinson has. There you go betting on a winner and you don't even know who's in the race. 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir REREAD! The bet was not on who would win, the bet was that Trump would not be the Republican nominee. I have not commentd on who will win, only who will not.

@Alienbeing I was referring to the primary, genius.

@Flyingsaucesir No one would call you a genius. For the SECOND time REREAD!!!!! I bet on who would NOT win, not who would would win. AND to additionally clarify, I don't care is all of America enters the Primary, or only one more enters the Primary. Trump will not win the Primary, and I bet on that.

@Alienbeing Nice pivot!

@Flyingsaucesir No pivot, you just have a hard time comprehending what you read.

@Alienbeing The bet is about who would prevail in the Republican primary. You should take your own advice: go back and re-read. You said DeSantis and Tump were "the only ones" running. That was incorrect. DeSantis has not announced his candidacy. Asa Hutchinson has. You obnoxious little shit. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir No I didn't. In fact in my 4/20 reply to barjoe I wrote "It is too early to say who will win. Why do you think Trump and DeSantis are the only two?"

Give it up because all you are doing is making a fool of yourself and while I enjoy proving you can't read that, it is getting old.

By the way your "obnoxious little shit" comment clearly shows your maturity.... it is non existent. Maybe you should keep ranting on, it is humorous to see you squirm.

In closing your are obnoxious beyond description.

@Alienbeing You actually went to the trouble to edit your previous comment! Wow. I am impressed by your desire to get over. 👏👏👏

@Flyingsaucesir You need mental help There was no edit involved. All edits show the word "edited" at the bottom, and there is no such note on my prior posts. There is on this post which I will purposely edit.

When you learn how to read, let us know. I note your picture is in the dictionary under the word "reprobate".

@Alienbeing OK, you are right, your incorrect statement is still there. (Damn your eyes for making me go back and find it!) Here it is:

"It is too early to say who will win. Why do you think Trump and DeSantis are the only two?"

The only two what? Aardvarks? No...what were we talking about? Oh yeah. CANDIDATES.

There you falsely assert that DeSantis is a candidate for the presidency. Do you want to continue to deny that you were wrong? Go ahead. Just know that for any normal person I would have let ot go. But you are always so obnoxious with everyone, always spitting hairs and picking fights, that I figured you deserve a dose of your own medicine. But that's probably a bad decision on my part. I think you, like Serge S. did as a kid, thrive on the petty argument. You love it. It keeps you going. There must be a gaping black hole in your psyche that you desperately try to fill through verbal combat with strangers. Well, Serge S. was just a kid when i knew him back in the 70s. He's probably matured and left all that rubbish behind. What's your excuse?

Never mind. Just please fuck off.

@Flyingsaucesir Thank you for AGAIN proving you are not too smart. The phrase "Why do you think Trump and DeSantis are the only two" in NO WAY even infers that I believe an existing circumstance is an always circumstance. You truly don't know how to read.

Keep up you stupid remarks I delight is seeing you make a fool of yourself and proving you really can't read well.

In closing..... get a life, and an education, you need both.

Do yourself a favor and go back to sleep before you hurt yourself.


The link did not work, at least for me. I have seen this guy before on TV, talking about policy, and frankly, he came off as neoliberal and conservative on economic issues as all the rest of the corporate Dems. So he might be a younger face and have the Kennedy name, but I feel like he is in no danger of winning the primary race, much less the general election for prez, and even if he did, win the primary, he is no threat to the ruling class, corporations, or the corporate media. So he will never get the Bernie treatment from the corporate media, nor will he get whacked by the ruling class, the way his two relatives did... Same way Obama was never any threat to the system, so he was in no danger of getting whacked like the older, more famous Kennedys.

Having said that, I would love to see someone challenge and beat Biden in the primary race, because I am pretty sure Biden will lose in the general. But the party and the corporate media will never allow a progressive to beat Biden in the primary race, even tho I think it will take a progressive Dem nominee this time to win against the Repub candidate, whether it's Trump or DeSantis. I know a progressive would win the general easily, but we all know, at least I do, that the Dem Party could care less about winning a presidential election, as long as they keep progressives from ever getting their nomination.

Biden would probably lose if it were not for the Dems best guy Trump. He will do for the GOP what he did for them in 2022 and more.

@273kelvin I have never had any doubt that the only reasons Biden won last time is that Trump bungled the handling of Covid so badly, except for the development of the vaccines, and also because Trump got the blame, also deserved, for the economy tanking during Covid. If neither of those had occurred during Trump's watch, and with him getting the deserved blame for it, Biden would have lost. I do not see anything at all like those two events happening before the next election, that would be in Biden's favor, to swing the election back to him this time, esp. with Biden's terrible approval ratings and poll numbers. So that is why I predict a Repub win for prez next time, no matter who they nominate, Trump, DeSantis, or whoever. The voters want a change, no matter who it is. And the Dem Party, at least the ones who still care about winning elections, are hoping that abortion will be enough of a single issue to put them over the top in the next prez election. I think they are overestimating its effect, but I hope I am wrong, because if abortion is not enough by itself, I see no way for them to win otherwise with Biden, who the voters already know is not a strong supporter of abortion rights..

@TomMcGiverin You are right that it was Trump's COVID handling that was the decisive factor n 2020 but not the only one. Remember that he also lost the house in 2018 by a large margin. By 2020 there were a lot of folks who were just sick and tired of his voice, never mind his antics.
If the numbers meant anything then Biden should have been creamed in 2022. High gas prices, shortages etc. Then Trump comes to the rescue, whining on and on about the 2020 election, choosing loony on-the-bus candidates and generally sabotaging the GOP election to the extent that the expected "big red wave" did not hold enough water to flush until 15 tries. And then only with the help of the bleached asshole herself MTG. Who now is the de facto speaker and therefore goto talking head for Faux Gnus et al. How could they lose?
Meanwhile, the numbers are getting better. Inflation and gas prices are down and unemployment is at record lows. The only big fly in the economic ointment is the GOP debt ceiling holdout. Which will get solved or drag on till it does, Either way, that will be resolved by 2024 and any problems can be laid right on the GOP doorstep.
In 2016 the GOP had a bright shiny new candidate which they fielded against the worst candidate since McGovern. Whilst Trump said "Make America great again", Hillary was saying "It's my turn". Even with that plus Russian and FBI help, they barely won the Electoral College and lost the popular vote.
Do you really think they will fair better in 2024, given Trump's track record, indictments, political extremism and determination to hog the spotlight at whatever cost?

@273kelvin Yes, they will fare better, because the nominee may well be DeSantis...

@TomMcGiverin Sure the nominee might well be DeSantis but do you really think that Trump will concede, endorse and quietly disappears in order to maintain party unity?
Do you think that Trump loses, cries foul, raises even more money off "Rigged nomination fraud", runs as an independent and then claims 2024 was rigged too?


antivaxer nut job with a famous name (and apparently a friend of Steve Bannon) - sounds like the GOPs dream candidate

Too many have leaning’s to the Fox News way of telling alternative facts as truths!!!

Too bad so many are so misinformed about the truth!!!

Yes, and I think they are counting on him siphoning off votes from Biden. I don't think many Democrats or progressive independents are dumb enough to vote for him.

Right vote for Biden he will differently make paupers out of the rest of us, while lying about Ukraine, China, and Russia while the majority in this country can barely afford food or affordable healthcare or rent!!!

Given $$$Billions to the Ukraine, European Union, UK, and Middle Eastern countries which in reality we can afford!!!

The last three presidents did nothing but increase corporate welfare while we pay for it all!!!

Bernie was screw over by the democrats 2016 just like McCathy was by screwed over by the Democrats in 1968!!!

Of course both times it was the republicans turn to be president!!!

The republicans took us into two wars that killed over two million individuals overseas!!!

Let’s face it if the republicans win kiss your whole way of life goodbye!!!

If the Democrats win we will be unable to maintain the life style you once had as we continued to live with outdated infrastructure a dwindling food supply and unaffordable healthcare never ending corporate created inflation!!!

As long as we are harvested by either political party we are being driven in massive facial recognition environment with cameras everywhere even in every store, with complete overt knowledge of your every financial, economic, medical, social, and cultural activities!!!

Social credits and digital currency are now ready to take your lives over by unelected bureaucrats and appointed bureaucrats with no interest in your privacy or your rights!!!

1984 has nothing on what these elected politicians are doing to us as a US citizens!!!

He's a republican running as a democrat

@Dougl35534 That was exactly what I thought after seeing him interviewed on TV. We already have Biden and too many other neoliberals in the Dem Party, don't need him running as a Dem.

@Dougl35534 Pretty much….just like the tail turning pig in NC…..👀


My sister lived upstairs from him when she was a grad student at Harvard. She said he was an obnoxious twit who hated women. Add that to his stupid anti-vaxxer theories. He's not our guy.

No, he is not a viable option.

There are much better choices among the Kennedys than that.

The guy we need is Bernie. But the powers that be won’t ever let that happen. Lest we forget what happened to the last potus that tried to change the status quo. 👀

@Buck I agree with that, having been a Bernie girl! I'd vote for Elizabeth Warren, but that won't happen either.

@SeaGreenEyez Well, I'm one boomer who has never really been enamored with the entire family. I know plenty of others who would agree.


I cannot recall once being disappointed in him in anything major... He is extremely intelligent, I don't know what wil happen if he wins & doesn't get killed physically or his character by corporate owned media..

This'll be interesting

He's going to get clobbered in the primaries. He's completely unsuitable.

@KKGator because why? The corporate media is saying he is a bad guy? The same corporations he is fighting against for free humanity? WTF?

@laidback1 I don't like him due to all of the stupid things I've heard come out of his mouth. The media has fuckall to do with it.
I've been paying attention for a long time.
The media doesn't factor in at all.

@SeaGreenEyez they've all been right, they said it wouldn't stop transmission,they said ut create variants,the media said no , it's going to stop transmission it will end it don't listen to the people who aren't behind the curtains

@KKGator sure the media isn't influencing you against him, right... It's all your choices from the information that you get from what media??????????

@laidback1 Stop trying to push your personal narrative. He's not anyone I would ever support.
The media has nothing to do with it.
No matter how badly you want to believe it.

@KKGator okay you proved your point... Sure

@KKGator love the absense of your rational

@KKGator love ti know where this information is that you get from not seeing any media

@laidback1 He speaks publicly. Shove your bullshit.

@SeaGreenEyez, @KKGator so you're the brainwashed 22 percent of the population.... Interesting... There's no logic or rationale that could persuade you , you're indoctrinated...

@KKGator, @SeaGreenEyez you refuse to admit The media lied the doctors the experts,all controlled said it stop transmission... It didn't... Yet you still refuse to investigate... It's sad really..

You're both hurting and had hurt so many people ,you think you're doing it cause you think you're smarter somehow,and that's it's for the greater good.. like Nazis & others had.. it's repulsive

@SeaGreenEyez, @KKGator either of you know that classical latin language is used in both law and in medicine????

You're not nearly as intelligently informed as you believe... RFK Jr is a lawyer btw.... You really don't have a clue what is happening in this world nor how it is comprised.. you think there's all these good guys in power and vad guys trying to take away their power as they literally use child rape black mail you laugh at and think unreal

@SeaGreenEyez really always think orange man bad is the reason for who one is ,oh must support that orange bad man .lol .. as he is still pro vaccine lmao.. okay.. lol.... That makes logical sense?

@SeaGreenEyez no cat has ever looked at me like that.. cats love me...

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