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Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it

Ya know I have a very hard time respected the religion . We as athiest or agnostics know it's bogus . Its a book that basically tells u what to believe is right or wrong and if u don't agree then your wrong and the co sequences are going to hell . The Bible itself is poorly written . One chapter gods this nice loveable person then the next he's growing babies and slaying baby's and cursing them ! So many people hate gays and lesbian people becus of the Bible . Whether I think it's nasty or not doesn't mean its wrong . I also hate the disrespect I get when I tel people I'm athiest. Why can't we think for ourselves ?

DavidDeLa89 6 May 3

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89 comments (26 - 50)

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I believe that religion is the worst invention that humans have created: Christian, Islam, Judaism,....they all suck and are all evil in that they turn people against each other.


It is bad.

It depends on the specific sect how bad, or how they are bad.

Snake handlers are obviously dangerous and bad.

Catholics have notoriously warped attitudes on sex and turned blind eye to children being sexually abused or even in the worst cases, accused the children of tempting the priests.
With their insane attitudes toward any birth control added to their conversion efforts in many poor countries, they add to the economic burden and all the while picking the pockets of those poorest among us.
Mother Teresa, used the children of Calcutta as a huge fund raising effort for years.
It was a scam.
All donations went to the Vatican.
Any sick child entering was not given medical care and was placed on a at on the floor to die.
She saw suffering as a blessing to bring them to g-d.

Until she got the Big C of course.

Then she wanted the best medical care and pain meds.

African baptist? Entertaining but so loooonnnngggg. Good food though.

You get the drift. Others can add.


Yes! Christianity is very VERY bad. The Crusades, The KKK, OLSTEEN, Crefalo Dollar, redeeming qualities.


All religion is bad. I have a particular dislike of Christianity because it was the brand of religion forced upon me. The main theme running through Christianity is the we are worthless, our lives have no value and our work accomplishes nothing without a 'savior'. How anyone can find the teaching of religious values as anything but pure horror, I will never understand.


All religion is limiting and harmful to the human species. Some Christian sects and denominations and sects are more destructive and dangerous than others -- particularly the evangelical protestant ones


Most people need to be led, we aren't most people.
If someone wants to believe in make believe what's the harm? Radical sects are a different story.

Good Ol Voltaire.. way ahead of his time. Sarcasm and all 🙂


Christendom is not particularly bad, all religions and stifling doctrines are. The real drama is the usage of religions as instruments of power and oppression. Don't worry about the bible. There are idiots out there who will tell any nonsense some of their cult leaders exfiltrate from the bible as others do from the Koran and yet others from the Financial Times.

So to worship a murder, a torturer, and command it followers, to kill gay people is not a bad thing? What kind of person are you? Where is your moral?

Obviously you don't understand my comment. Try to make comments not personal attacks!

@PontifexMarximus I am not doing any personal attack here. You are the one that doing the shitty things, not me.


To some evangelical Christians, being an atheist is more threatening to their way of life than being an Islamic terrorist. Surveys indicate atheism is reviled more than any other philosophy. White evangelicals would favor their children marrying someone of another race or religion than marrying an atheist. Your observations about the inconsistencies and contradictions of the new and old testaments are accurate. Educated Criticism of religion is needed to point out its shortcomings and lack of logic. Hard-core religionists will never be persuaded to rethink their beliefs, but now days many religionists are ripe for change to secular humanism.

You're right! I think we threaten them MUCH more than believers in other religions. Our very happy, prosperous, healthy existence is a threat to their dogma and their piety. After all...if we're not struck by lightning or rendered into ashes...maybe they're wrong about their gawd?


All religions are bad .

I agree. The question was about Christianity so that is what I answered. 🙂


There are approximately forty-three thousand denominations under the Christian umbrella originating from six major ecclesiastico-cultural mega-blocs: Independents, Protestants, “Marginals”, Orthodox, Roman Catholics and Anglicans.

To answer the question...Although there are good works done in the name of Christianity, they are well compensated for it through tax exemptions and receipts. More harm than good has been done, so my answer is yes, Christianity is bad.

Source: []

Betty Level 8 May 4, 2018


Rip open the bellies of pregnant women, keep the virgins alive for your pleasure 2 Kings 8:12 in the error free kjbible you bet EVIL cannot bevreformed

@GreenAtheist I looked that up and discovered cross references to several other "ripping open women's bellies". The more I read the Old Testament, the more I realize that it God is very jealous, bloodthirsty at times, and petty. And for those against abortion I would ask why god is condoning it.


Belief in a higher being isn’t a problem for me - all people believe in something whether it themselves or the externalizations. Organized religion is where the problem starts. You get this tribalism where a group believes they are right and everyone else is wrong and then try to force their beliefs on everyone else. The teachings of Jesus create a solid foundation on how a person can live a good life - nothing wrong with that. It’s just been perverted and manipulated to meet a particular person’s agenda.

Everyone should be free to their own beliefs as long as they are not harmful to others.

It is bad, and also...

Christianity is bogus. It does great harm through its practitioners and like its sister religions, Judaism and
Islam subordinates women to men, wages war on the innocent and is destructive to progressive human development.


Why single our Christianity? All religions are bad!

Because all religions do not have a "call" to save everyone on the planet. Christians believe that the only reason they are still here and not floating in heaven on golden streets is because they have been called to bring everyone on the planet to their religion or fight them to death in a future battle called Armageddon. They call this insanity " the great commission. " The whole world is tired of being burdened by a religion that makes no sense, and the majority of wars are fueled by the Roman catholic church ever since they became the powerhouse of the world. That's why Christianity is the worst religion ever!


Many atheists and agnostics claim religion is entirely bad, but I disagree.

Anything that persisted for a long time had some utility or it would have died out instead of growing.

Religion is a wonderful tool to unite people, considering how divided the US and some other countries are becoming, I think it's reasonable to acknowledge the utility religion has played as "social glue".

Even some secular scholars have theorized codifying basic rights for peasants happened under the Church of England and not under other societies.

One of my favorite mental health quotes is, "what you once did for survival is now one of your biggest obstacles". That's largely how I view religion, it likely had significant utility hundreds or thousands of years ago, but right now we're transitioning and see a lot of flaws.

I guess your right religion is a wonderful way to unite people. Like all the wars it has caused, that must be a great way to unite people! NOT.

@IpraiseMYSELF hmmmm, do you want an honest nuanced discussion or merely venting?

@educatedredneck I do not need discussion, mainly just venting right now! But if you like to know how I truly feel I have a lot of comments in P.A.T.C.H. a group on my home page about this subject! If you comment on some of them I will be happy to answer any questions or have a FRIENDLY debate with you!

@IpraiseMYSELF ok, I'm not in PATCH and fairly busy for a few weeks.

BTW, I largely agree w you on wars, monotheism is a godsend for empire building, there's even a few good things there but mostly probably bad.

Any society needs some level of unity and religion is a unifying factor, with some extreme costs for that unity.

I've heard secular scholars who claim the Church of England and Xtianity played an integral role in first codifying basic rights for peasants.

BTW I prefer dialectics over debates


I think all religion has some good but is mostly bad.

That sounds like a politicians answer! lol.

@IpraiseMYSELF A little explanation may be in order. I was raised Catholic and remember with great fondness the community which welcomed extended families. Elderly great grandparent to infants and cared and respected all. That is the good. I abhor the indoctrinated beliefs that all had to endure and now consider it a form of child abuse. Of five children, I am the only one who was able to break free of the lies.

@bobhoff59 Thanks for the explanation, I agree with your statement about the indoctrinated beliefs, but for me I never felt welcome at any churches unless I was putting money in the tithing box. It seems to me that the church pushes away the poor and homeless at service time because they do not want to smell them or they want that seat for a paying customer not a beggar. Then they love to go out to the street and hand out free soup in order to get tax exempt status from Uncle Sam and prove to be pillars of the community. I was homeless for years and I remember the majority of the homeless community to be drunks and drug addicts who used the church to get a free meal. So who is the church really helping? Drunks and drug addicts or the working man who is having a difficult time? The truth is that the church sends the majority of the tithes and offerings overseas to other countries for missions and spreading their gospel. So why are they getting tax exempt status if the only communities they are helping are other countries and feeding drug addicts? I disagree that the church cares and respects all, because I have seen their lies and hate first hand. The church is all about greed, power and money!


I think the only reason Christianity is bad is because of hate crimes that it incites, if people just read it with an open mind as a book of theories they would soon realise that it contradicts itself. I don't think Jesus himself said anything I disagree with (feel free to educate me if he did say anything bad), he even got peed off at the establishment, which I think many people can relate too. I'm sorry people disrespect you for being atheist, but you see we as non religious are also prone to feeling those of faith are missing something, so it's very similar. Why can't we think for ourselves? Many of us can!

I know a billion reasons why xian activity is bad.... billions of violated boys and billions of violated girls many still alive terrorized by faiths and raped by thousands of clergy

@GreenAtheist that's not Christianity, that's grooming and abuse. 2 quite distinct things. I know people that have been raped whilst in the care of Christian organisations, and some that have had that experience from family friends and family members; none hold Christianity accountable for what happened to them! That's a bizarre connection to make and what about the millions of abusers aren't affiliated to the Christian faith? Sorry, it's no dice for that argument with me!

Jesus is a liar! He CLAIMS that the Jews are the holy people of god, which is racism! When any other race does this it is wrong but when the Jews do this everyone thinks it is ok. Jesus himself said, " you do not take bread given to the children and give it to dogs!" He (Jesus) is calling anyone who is not Jewish a dog! The Jews even have a racist term for everyone who is not Jewish, they call us GENTILES!

@IpraiseMYSELF I disagree, It was God that called the Jews the chosen people (allegedly). Jesus had massive issues with the establishment of his time, i.e. the Jews. I'm not in the least bit bothered by anyone who calls me Gentile, or Heathen or any other monika that indicates that I'm agnostic, it's their call.

@girlwithsmiles There is no god, so when the Jews say god told them anything they are lying and using a false imaginary being to get what they want! Just because Jesus had problems with the Jewish leaders doesn't mean he did with Jews. He clearly states that salvation is ONLY for the Jew. Paul is the one who opens salvation up to everyone else! I'm glad your not bothered by annoying Christians but I am, and I have the right to speak out about it!

@IpraiseMYSELF there is no God, so any discussion is hypothetical/ academic/ whatever you wish to call it, however it's a bit like discussing characters in any book, if one person said one thing and another said something else.
I really don't know any racist Jews, although I understand that people of one faith often want their family to marry those of the same faith, probably just as we'd rather our kids marry someone who is capable of open minded logical thought, (if I had kids).
No, the people that bother me don't usually do so with their religion, it's their attitude and vibes that count, if I can turn hippie for a moment!

@PalacinkyPDX ah, I see, perhaps it's just because I don't actually know any Jewish people, in the flesh, I only, 'know of' the many Jewish entertainers that abound our television and movies. Point taken.


If you look back in history and even in modern day nearly all wars were/are religious based. If there were no religions wouldn't the world be a peaceful place? Think John Lennon's song "Imagine".


The question should be in regards to organized religion. There are people who follow the teachings of Christ that empathize the good. Charity, love and so forth.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CHRIST! How can you be an atheist and believe in a Christ!

@IpraiseMYSELF What do you care what I believe when it impacts you not at all. I do not follow a particular religion nor all the teachings of Jesus Christ. I take a combination of many religious leaders or simply people who do good works and apply it to my life.
What I find interesting is that I thought that religion caused bigotry for the most part but I found some here which was surprising.

@Iamkratom I care because I am tired of religion destroying the world and causing war which would definitely impact me! I care because I want the world to be a better place without hateful religions fighting each other. I care because there is a million places for your religions but only a few non-religious places that theists want to take over. I care therefore i speak!

@IpraiseMYSELF Highly unlikely this party of one will start a war anytime soon. My psychic talked of an after life. Is she in trouble too??? You're are speaking of organized religion. Not individuals who are against churches for the very same reason you outlined. If my spiritual walk is leading me in the direction to do good deeds, vote response people in office, what do you care? We have the same goals just different pathways


People fear the unknown, particularly death. They cling to religious belief to circumvent their fear. Many "born-again" Christians feel a need to save their non Christian family members and acquaintances. When they get started, one has to listen to them but they don't have to listen to you. What you say is unimportant because they feel they know the truth, and you do not.


Yes, Christianity is bad, its practitioners can be evil, their goals are despicable.


Christianity Yes! Christians not necessarily.

Christians represent the stupidity of Christianity and therefore become bad even if they are doing good things!


No I have met some amazing nuns and priests and vicars who all seem like really reasonable people. I don't agree with most of their beliefs but why should that matter to me - I don't have to live with them and I am not part of their flock. I did a course in Person Centred Therapy, Later became a Lecturer in teh same College . there were on my course of just over twenty, a vicar a deaconess 2 priests and 2 nuns - The only ones who outed themselves were the vicar and the priests they were just ordinary and enjoyed the course. they were fun people apart from the nuns and the deaconess who didn't even try to engage in the course but sat in a corner praying - We mostly had a lot of fun and I enjoyed it immmensely.


Children are taught falsehood. How can it be good?

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