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Dating and Agnostic

Am i the only one here who has trouble dating being Agnostic? Thoughts....

Da4109 2 Dec 5

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Dating is difficult enough. Add all of our personal issues & views it becomes a real challenge. You are in the bible belt & some ethnic groups are more bible banging than others. It won't be easy & this site as a dating site has faltered. Mostly we just hang out.


I know this is off topic, but I guess lelo blocked me for not complying with his wishes on his post about meeting women who want them or him to fly to a long distance meet up. That must be why I can't see his post anymore. Tell him hi for me and that I think he is being a real baby to have blocked me over that, lol..


Well, you're not, but here we have a stupid issue facing the dating matter : We Can't send any private messages! the platform has some known issues.
in short : Lookie, No Touchie! 😀

Diaco Level 7 Dec 5, 2023

I can date but usually do not. I also do not look at this site as a dating site. Now I do know some women that I get along very nicely with but if I dated them they would soon know my secret. I once studied to be a minister but these days I am not just agnostic --- I am atheist. Knowing this is too much for some women to take.

I can tell you, that at least in my local online dating pool, being openly Agnostic or Atheist in your dating profile, or revealing it later in your messaging with them or in the first in person meeting, will usually be the kiss of death, with most women in my local dating pool. Central Iowa may not be quite the Bible Belt, but it is close enough to it, that being a non-believer out of the closet, will find few takers, all other traits and looks being equal, between you and your other male competition..


Being faithless is only 1 criterion. It's even more challenging if you have other nonegotiables like children or smoking etc.
Stick with your beliefs and love will find a way.

If you love Jesus, come to Texas. There are plenty of dates for here everafter.

@St-Sinner I shall politely avoid your state for fear of being persecuted!!!!

@Corvislover There was an arrest warrant out for Howard Stern years ago in Texasss, for making fun of certain cultural dresses that are worn. Also the state had a life sentence for prosecution of possession of one joint. Now it seems an embryo has more rights than the WOMAN impregnated.


I get the feeling that it may be a problem in the US, certainly not in Europe or in Australia. You may have to move.


Join the club, lol. In most of the US, we are at a disadvantage for dating, since most singles are believers and, understandably, religion is an important issue for them in choosing who they will date, even if many of us, including me, are open-minded and willing to date someone who is moderately religious, as long as they are otherwise compatible, all other things being equal. But I am also an outlier on other culture and lifestyle issues, as well as living in a local dating pool, where there are many more single men than women, so the women have little incentive to compromise or be flexible about dating someone like me, who usually has other traits or issues, besides religion, that I differ on from most of the dating pool, so here I am, terminally single, lol..

You just joined the site here, and say you are here strictly for dating, so in that way, you are just like the vast majority of folks, since the site began, who came here, immediately saw that the site offered them no viable local dating options, and so they left soon after, which is probably what you will do too. Only a fraction of those who have come here have, like me, stayed on the site, for community and a place for discussion. I use real dating sites, bad as they are, for dating, such as Match, Bumble, and POF, tho the last one is mainly for entertainment.


I'm pretty sure that being agnostic (and in my case atheist as well} has nothing to do with my dating issues. Most of it has to do with the dating pool, which at my age is pretty shallow, and my increasingly exclusive criteria. At this point, I think the dating ship, for me at least, has already sailed.

Yeah, your so called 'exclusive criteria' certain gets in the way.

@Jolanta It's supposed to get in the way. I don't have time for drama llamas anymore.

@zeuser MInd quoting what Jolanta said, since she has blocked me? Just curious what her point was.. Thanks..

@TomMcGiverin "Yeah, your so called 'exclusive criteria' certain gets in the way." -Jolanta

@racocn8 Thanks, Howard. I agree with zeuser, I want my very few dealbreakers to get in the way, as they save time, grief, and conflict later on. My very few, and reasonable dealbreakers, besides the obvious and common, and more individual to me, are no conservatives or Trumpers, no big fans of country music, no extremely or conservatively religious women, no daily smokers, and no women that are very family-oriented, who would want me to serve mainly as an escort to their family visits, rather than making couple time their main priority with me, as far as how we spent time together, and who would expect me to visit their family with them at least twice a week, rather than a few times a month.

If those get in the way too much, for me to find a compatible partner, so be it, as I would rather be alone, than miserably mismatched and having to either constantly self-censor around them, or them have to do the same, or be constantly arguing or disagreeing on how we spent time or what we listened to for music together, or how we felt about the other's values, religion or politics.

@TomMcGiverin Yes, that's the concept. It's liberating to finally dictate my own terms, even if there isn't anybody listening. 😏

@zeuser I loved being married and with my late wife for over 20 years, but that was probably because we were well-matched and compatible to begin with, despite her being 15 years older than me. But neither of us had to change or censor who we were with each other, play any games or be dishonest, etc. And that is the key ingredient for having it work, basic compatibility, and then on top of that, commitment to working things out and negotiating things in good faith as you go, about goals, plans, and how you do things, etc. But if you have conflicts and big diffs between you from the git go, on things like your personal values, which are reflected in politics and religion, as well as how important your respective families are to you, there will be nothing but trouble down the line, as those things are not going to change for either person, at least not without resentments..

And once resentments begin, start to fester, and build up over time, they end up poisoning and usually dooming a relationship..


Yeah. Good luck with finding an agnostic woman, much less an atheist. I wish it were otherwise. Perhaps it will improve as people leave organized religion?

It probably will improve, over time, but by then I will either be dead, my health will be too shot to date, or I will have given up on dating.

It is ironic when women who have been hugely mistreated, undermined, denigrated by religion for centuries and even today, accept religion and take the lead role in imposing it on children more than men. [].


I pretty much gave up on dating in my area. Given the local population is strongly republican and Xian, and I have no tolerance for BS, I pretty much gave it up about the time the pandemic started. I have met several of the men in my area on this site, and no interest. But then again, I'm not young. Your mileage may vary.


I don’t date, so it’s no trouble at all for me!? 🤠


This is an Agnostic website and if you are an Agnostic having trouble dating on this site it might be due to other reasons,

I don't know how long you have been on here, but I have since a couple years after the site was founded, and unless you lived in a very large metro area, almost nobody from here has ever really had any viable local dating options on this site. A few couples have found partners on here with other site members, but to my knowledge, all of them were long distance relationships, of hundreds or even thousands of miles apart, and frankly, most people, including me, are not willing to try that. You appear to live near a large metro area, Dallas, TX, altho your age would probably be a big barrier for you in finding a woman your age to date, even in your area of TX. So I would not, myself, be quick to put the blame on you, as far as personal or other issues, if you seemed to have trouble with finding compatible dating partners.

Trouble with finding dating partners is often a complex issue, that may involve anything from a bad dating pool, due to gender ratios, the person's age, lack of diversity, small size of the pool, the individual having traits that make them mismatched for most of the dating pool, personal issues of the individual that make them incompatible or poorly prepared for relationships, or even the individual using bad methods for meeting other singles, such as choosing bad dating sites, not joining the right local groups for meeting other singles, not trying the right methods for meeting other singles organically, etc. In many cases, simply being too old or young, may be a huge barrier for finding compatible people to date, if you have aged out of the local dating pool, or all the people in your age group are already taken.

We've both been on here about the same amount of time, but that means little by itself, since we live in probably rather different local dating pools. In my case, I tried messaging about eight women who lived in my local area, back when the site still had a working messaging function, and I never met a single member of this site in person, and almost nobody ever even replied to me, all women within my age range and one of them even living in my same small city, that replied and wouldn't even meet me for coffee, lol.. There's also that fact that the messaging system on this site has not worked for over six months, lol!......


Easy weeding-out tool, preventing waste and lost time......just like if they show up in a MAGA hat, "i have to go, now......."


The MAGA hat also serves another purpose for me, unrelated to dating, it saves me time from engaging with that person at all, since they are obviously not capable of having an intelligent and rational convo. It saves me the time and grief of thinking they are sane and wasting my time and breath by engaging or interacting with them, by mistaking them for someone normal, intelligent, and rational. Too bad they don't all wear signs, or MAGA garb!


No, you are not. stick to your rights though.

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