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LINK Harris backs terms limits for Supreme Court justices, immunity amendment -- The Hill

By Alex Gangitano - 07/29/24

Vice President Harris on Monday backed President Biden’s push for term limits for Supreme Court justices and a constitutional amendment to counteract their recent presidential immunity decision.

“President Biden and I strongly believe that the American people must have confidence in the Supreme Court,” she said in a statement. “Yet today, there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent.”

Biden’s threefold proposal includes 18-year term limits for the nine justices, which would enable the sitting president to appoint a new justice every two years, and a binding code of conduct for the Supreme Court.

The proposal also responds to the immunity decision, which handed a major win to former President Trump, by calling for a constitutional amendment that would partially overturn the decision by making clear former presidents do not enjoy criminal immunity from federal criminal indictments.

All of the proposals would face major obstacles to enactment. Republicans in the House and Senate oppose the Supreme Court reforms, and they could have majorities in both chambers. Even if they did not, they’d have enough votes in the Senate to block the reform with a filibuster.

A constitutional amendment would require two-thirds majorities of the House and Senate to back the amendment, and ratification by three-fourths of U.S. states.

It is not surprising that Harris is backing Biden’s proposed reforms, which are likely to be enthusiastically received by the Democratic base. Democrats have been frustrated by a series of decisions by the conservative Supreme Court, which now includes three justices nominated by former President Trump, the GOP nominee for president.

Trump has criticized the reforms, which could be a political issue in the fall.

Harris in her statement argued that the reforms will help “restore confidence in the Court, strengthen our democracy, and ensure no one is above the law.” The vice president said she and Biden are calling on Congress to pass the reforms.

“[I]n our democracy, no one should be above the law. So we must also ensure that no former President has immunity for crimes committed while in the White House,” she said.

The president is set to announce his plans later on Monday from the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. The announcement comes just over a week since the president dropped his reelection bid and endorsed Harris for the top of the Democratic ticket.

Biden’s announcement marks a major shift after he has long resisted progressives’ calls for Supreme Court reforms over fears it would politicize the court.

snytiger6 9 July 29

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Getting any of these laws through Congress would require a 100% super majority in both chambers and a Democratic president. Chances of that occurring in the coming election are pretty much zero in this almost evenly divided country. Every elected office is pretty much a crap shoot dependent on how many voters decide to stay home that day. Or, in the case of the Republican lead states, how many Democrats they can disenfranchise before November.

Today, July 30, on NPR they reported that 80% of Americans think the Supreme Court needs to be reformed in some way. We'll see how that translates at the polls this November.

@snytiger6 Republicans don’t give a 💩. 73% of Americans want abortion to be available, a majority of Americans want the extremely wealthy to pay more taxes. But the MAGA minority vote, consistently and reliably, and they don’t care about anything except creating a theocracy to enforce their beliefs on everyone. And that keeps those Republicans in office and voting for whatever that minority wants.

@Barnie2years That is (mostly) true. I do have several republican relatives though who altho9ugh they don't want to vote for a democrat, would rather vote for anybody other than Trump. So, not all republicans are in a cultish brainwashed state of mind.


Not so sure about Supreme Court term limits. I do think however that the Supreme Court should be subject to the same ethics rules as all other federal judges, and if they violate those rules they should be impeached and removed. That would mean both Thomas and Alitos would be subject to immediate impeachment and removal. I do think, after the terrible Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity that we need an amendment to make it clear that the president is subject to the law just like everyone else. We fought a revolutionary war to not have a kind like leader to whom the laws did not apply. The Supreme Court ignored the constitution and literally granted presidential powers to make the president not subject to (most of) our own laws, which is NOT what the founders had in mind when founding the country.

Even kings are not above the law, look up Charles i.

I fully support removing the corrupt justices using conventional framework. However, that they obtained their positions as part of a conspiracy involving hostile foreign powers and have violated their oaths, and impeachment may not work because of ongoing corruption in Congress, more forcible measures may be needed. Internal corruption that comes from Russia should be dealt with the same way that treason is normally addressed.

@273kelvin Most Kings were not held to account for their actions. There are of course always exceptions to the rule.

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