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LINK Tuberculosis infections highest on record: WHO -- The Hill

By Joseph Choi - 10/30/24

Global tuberculosis cases reached an all-time high in 2023, with nearly 11 million people estimated to have become sick with the disease last year.

According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Report 2024, roughly 10.8 million people “fell ill” with the bacterial infection in 2023.

“The continued rise reflects the ongoing after-effects of disruptions to TB services during the worst years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 and 2021). These persist because of the lag time between more people being infected with TB during disruptions to services and the development (among a small proportion of those infected) of TB disease,” the report stated.

Most global tuberculosis cases in 2023 occurred in the WHO regions of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Western Pacific.

Between 2020 and 2023, the global incidence rate of tuberculosis rose by an estimated 4.6 percent. The rise followed a 2 percent decline that occurred between 2010 and 2020.

The report noted, however, that the increase in global tuberculosis cases appears to have slowed “considerably” and is leveling off as of 2023. Cases were observed to increase in two WHO regions, the Americas and the Western Pacific.

At 1.25 million, the estimated number of deaths due to tuberculosis fell in 2023 for the second consecutive year.

“In 2023, TB probably returned to being the world’s leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, following 3 years in which it was replaced by COVID-19,” according to the report.

snytiger6 9 Oct 31

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TB is still a very big thing and most of us just do not know it.

Most people in the Ul.S. are unaware that polio is still around too.


I took this photo of empty blister packs in December 2020, after completing a six-month TB treatment.

That must have been miserable. That's a lot of pills.

@Redheadedgammy Yeah, it was a tough journey. Seeing the empty packs was very satisfying.


When I was a hairdresser, we had to get the tuberculosis vaccine every two years.

That was probably overkill. The Tb vaccine remains effective for 5 to 15 years.

As a teacher I had to be tested every two years.


Please let it sweep through the ranks of anti-vaxxers in the US our gene pool needs more Chlorine...


Whether, as some claim, TB has been weaponised, be it conjecture, fantasy or fact is immaterial, but according to WHO there have been a few cases of totally antibiotic resistant TB so far.

Stupid jackass conspiracy theorists always call everything "weaponized"...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Conspiritory theorists have been mostly proven right eventually.
which totally irrelevant to the gist of the comment.
My point was the WHO officially stated that there have been cases recorded in the US of antibiotic resistant TB. The reference to conspiritory theory was to emphasis that the Information I found was from the W.H.O official site., Not from any other disputable source.

@vocaloldfart Conspiracy theorists are rarely if ever right about anything... Mostly they are drooling morons who have been fed a pack of lies and think that it must be true and that they are holders of some secret knowledge that people with an IQ higher than that of a good refrigerator are completely unaware of...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz funny that Columbus was a conspiratory theorists. yea right the arsehole who found America. Every one knew the world was flat there ae numerous other examples to many to mention.
I prefer to take people as they are rather than label them and then vilify them.
I learnt that lesson back in the 70's
A chap pushing another in a wheelchair passed where I was working.
I remarked to the chap pushing the wheelchair that the spastic in the wheelchair should have been aborted at birth everyone knew spastics were useless
A short time later another chap came by looking for the pair
I told him that the spastic and his handler just left.
This chap was an official of the nearby institution, he told me that the guy pushing the wheelchair was the idiot. the spastic in the wheelchair had several degrees , 2 master degrees and aa few nor qualifications. His I Q was just about off the chart.

I learnt my lesson that day. Although I mostly strongly disagree with conspiratory theories, I take people as they are and make no judgements until I know them better.

@vocaloldfart Actually he never found America.... and no before Christinsanity the world was proven to be a sphere...
Also according to most historians Columbus was NOT Italian but instead is believed to have been Portuguese...

There is indeed at least one strain of multiple-resistant Tb. Spending time in a Russian prison is a good way to get it.


Highly contagious and 100 years ago, pre-antibiotics, pretty fatal too.
I await the rise of resistant strains........the little buggers never sleep.

multiple-resistant Tb is already a reality. 😒

@Flyingsaucesir Sure is multi resistant, has been for a while .
I made sure I only replied quoting the WHO directly and officially.
I have a few scientific papers on multi resistant TB. One report hinted that it was being weaponised by various governments.
I guessed, too late, that the obtusive rednecks would come out of the woodwork, I tried to point out that no matter it's origin, it is here .


Often in the places with the highest levels of religious belief as well

Sure! A lot of religious sects are anti-science and anti-vax.

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