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How do you define "incredible" sex?

Is sex incredible if you climax? If your partner climaxs? Both?
Is it incredible based on who you're with? Whether or not you're in love?
Is the type of sex important?

Mea 7 May 13

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Can't breathe sweating tingling all over and cramp in my foot


When we get a round of applause from the other people on the bus - that's incredible


Having that extreme mental and emotional connection with someone that you deeply care about.


The fact that I am having sex is incredible.


If I can still remember it three days later, it was incredible sex.


Also, when my favorite agnostic/atheists (lady) screams...“oh god”

Tomas Level 7 May 17, 2018

As long as we both finish and have good food nearby after ?


A partner usually helps.

Some of my best sex has been partner-free. I'm really the best judge of what I like.

@Ruby_Slipper we have a lot in common.

@Ruby_Slipper Dito. I can achieve a double simultaneous O alone, but have yet to achieve one with a partner.

@MarlaPaine Sometimes the goal isn't orgasm. Sometimes it's just to feel good, to feel connected with your body. Orgasms are certainly enjoyable and a nice result, but it's not always the reason I have sex - with myself or anyone else.


Oh boy. I suppose its good sex if both people get some degree of pleasure out of it. Climax or no climax. I don't necessarily have to climax. If she is smiling or laughing i know she is getting some enjoyment which gives me pleasure. So really the pleasure comes from the close contact and the camadarie.


Me at least once, them at least twice and we're surprised by how late it is when we stop from exhaustion. Being able to look in their eyes during to say, and mean, "I love you" takes it to a next level.

@BSquared Unfortunately, I have difficulty reaching a second orgasm. I can stay in the post orgasm pleasure zone for a long while though so I still enjoy extended sessions. For some reason I need a reset, as in no stimulation for a period in between. It's all pleasurable though and plenty thrilling just the same.


To me the best sex is when all those involved experience emotional, physical and mental satisfaction. When the pleasure extends further than the genitals, further than the body and in to the pleasure centers of brain. Meaning the congress is memorable for more than the orgasm and is genuinely recalled with genuine affection years and even decades later.
I have been lucky enough to have had sex like that perhaps four times in my life, two of them were with my wife and two with other people, prior to my 2nd marriage, non of them involved my first wife.


For me, LOVE is vital, I have never had sex with a woman I didn't deeply love.
I like tons of fore play, maybe even days of it, then slow, relaxed undressing each other as our heart beats in sync. As the kissing and touching starts, we both forget about every other thing in life, all that exists is you wanting to please her more than yourself and her the same. As our sweat becomes united and drops as one, we too become one, with each other and the universe simultaneously.....and of course, multiple orgasm for both.


When you show her the four bite marks on your chest and she doesn't believe she did it.


If the woman actually enjoyed herself.

There I said it.

right on!


When a man actually LISTENS when I say what gives me pleasure, and RESPONDS appropriately.

This is rare.

@irascible, "Good luck with that!" is all I can say.

Over the years, I have only had three extraordinary lovers. The majority were mediocre and a few were horrendously inept.

I hear yah!



Tomas Level 7 May 14, 2018

Sex that doesn't include any actual sex lol


Sex that is not credible. When my wife asks if we can run upstairs and have sex... that's not credible. At our age we can only one or other... not both.


Incredible : "The was so good that the neighbour has cigarettes after that."

IAS1 Level 5 May 13, 2018

When's it's incredibly difficult to let go of each other ...


Depends on the definition of "incredible". Claims to have had group sex whilst free falling during a sky dive I would find utterly incredible, but credible if the participants were still in the plane. Lol


At my age? The bar is low 🙂


Sex? What's that? know where you put the thing in the thing


The worst l ever had was wonderful! ?


There's only good sex - there is no bad.

@Lincoln55 Well then you should stop being so selfish in bed.


Pheromones, hormones, experience, preferences, trust, communication, all make for great experiences.
Personally I wish all girls would receive vibrators for a birthday present at the age of entering puberty. They then can learn about their bodies. Have sex safely without fear of pregnancy or stds. Are more able to resist the advances of the overly testosterone surges of the male sex. It is easier to resist when one is not horny, to put it bluntly.

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