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Would you get cigarettes for a family member with serious health concerns?

We know smoking impedes healing and causes more problems. The guy has been smoking most of his life since about 10 years old. He cannot get around on his own right now. He has dialysis 3 times a week, lost part of both feet, plaques on the arteries, and cuts that easily get infected and do not heal well. Would you get him smokes if he were your family member?

thinkwithme 7 May 30

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Assuming you are referring to tobacco. Only if I own the particular tobacco stock...which I don't.


This is a horrible question....

I would. He sounds like he doesn't have much quality of life left. I'm in two minds.

Tobacco companies are evil.


Smoking may be the cause, or partially so, if his current condition, but it's also one of the few thing left he can enjoy by the sound of it.


Little bit late for healthy concerns, isn't??.... Reduce his anxiety level, give him the cigarettes


Yes. I smoke myself, but that’s not why. This guy has practically nothing left to enjoy. To deprive him of possibly his only pleasure would be cruel and high-handed. And judging by how he is now, it’ll make no material difference to his health. But it would be wicked to compound that by injuring his quality of life for selfish, personal reasons.


Yes, I would. I don't believe in being another adult's "nanny".
If someone tried to do that to me, it would really piss me off.


I would. I am a former smoker but if someone asks for smokes I'd get them. Why take a small pleasure away from someone who sounds like they don't have a lot of joy. So it quickens death. So what its their choice.


im very anti smoking but i'd get him the fags. sounds like its too late and he's suffering enough. Its not like depriving him of cigarettes is going to make him better. It would just be me being cruel

Now if anybody, family member or no, who was in reasonable health asked me to get them fags, Id say no.


For a twenty-five-year-old with asthma - NO.

For a seventy-five-year-old who smoked up to three packs per day for over 50 years, has large tumors in both lungs, and does not want to quit smoking. YES (This describes my Dad's last couple of years)


I'm not getting cigarettes for anyone, not even a family member. If you want them, get them yourself or find someone who will.


Absolutely not. Would you give alcohol to an alcoholic? Meth to a meth head? Take a gambling addict to a casino and give them $50?
If someone wants to harm themselves...that's on them.
I have a tattoo on my right arm that says "HARM NONE" and I take that very seriously.

this reply makes me very sad.

@dellik get yourself a tissue and find a corner to sit in. You will survive.

@SkotlandSkye cool, You are a giant douche, thanks for letting me know =D

@dellik careful, insults like that should be reserved for Twitter...and you might just end up President. Leave it to a man to call a woman a "douche". I'm pretty sure that that makes you a douchebag.

@SkotlandSkye My bad, I guess you are the turd sandwich then. How could I make a mistake like that.


That is analogous to getting whiskey for a drunk. As a former smoker, my answer is no.

Speaking as a drunk, send the whiskey.


I would not get cigarettes for anyone, for any reason.


My family is well aware that I will not support any habit that they have. That means lending them money for cigarettes/booze/pot/etc or driving them to get said addiction. I was like that even when I smoked.



MsAl Level 8 May 30, 2018

Probably so. I made a similar decision right up until my dad passed away. Only difference is that, aside from also smoking, he needed rides to the liquor store. Oddly, even with him now being dead as a result of poor health from years of drinking, I don't feel all that bad about it. I could have taken the moral ground and refused, but that would only have strained our relationship in what were ultimately our final days together. I'm still probably wrong though.


I absolutely would and I hope someone would do it for me.


Absolutely, for a number of reasons.
One, the withdrawls could worsen his health, rather then aid
Two, not to sound callous, but it seems like the 'save him' point has clearly passed
and Three, who am I to deny someone their desires?

In regards to #3... so, then, you helping priests find new alter boys too? LOL

@SkotlandSkye lol, fair. except it would be against my singular moral imperative. harm no one not harming others.


Yes, he's already dying piece by piece why would I deny him something he enjoys.


I would, yes. He's hurting no one but himself and if that's the way he wants to go out, why not help? We're all going sometime.


Of course I would. I'd also encourage him and assist him to quit but if he's addicted then he's going to be smoking whether I help him or not and if I don't help then the costs can be higher.


Probably. No point shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.


It would depend, I suppose. If they are dying and a cigarette will bring them pleasure in the last few days left, perhaps I would. If they were seriously ill but there was a chance of recovery or long-term sustainment if they stay away from tobacco, then nope.

Deb57 Level 8 May 31, 2018
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