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The RCC Supreme court shocked the entire western word, Vote in November to expand the court to 13 members. Vote and drag any like minded people to the polls with you.

glennlab 10 June 26
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I went and had lunch with 2 friends that lived in my old neighborhood today. One of these ladies was a registered repub along with her husband. She has a transgender son who she loves with all her heart. She and her husband have left their hateful, bigoted church and are now Independents. Diane is outraged about what the SC did Friday, because she knows what’s coming next for her son with repubs in power. The other lady, Janine is a Democrat and is ready to help in any way to get people to the polls this November, and she just went through a triple bypass heart operation!

We have the numbers to beat repubs, we just need to get people to vote. These ladies are ready to help in any way to rid our Congress of repubs! The SC and repubs have awakened a sleeping giant! Sorry the pic is sideways, I don’t know how to fix it.

Vote early, vote often. l;ol

@Garban We may be old ladies but we have the fight in us, and we are ready to get out there to register voters. I have already signed up to be a be a voter Registrar. 😉

@Redheadedgammy yes registering new or returning voters is the only way to defeat theocrats who put rapists Thomas & Kavenaugh on the US Sup Ct .... however real swift change is rarely posdible via new Constitutional Amendments ....we only need 27 more states to ratify the original 1st BILL of RIGHTs 50 thousand persons per Congressional District our right to LOCAL DEMOCRACY in Congress ....Kentucky was last to ratify in 1793 check to see if your state was amongst the original eleven ....we have TWELVE rights not 10 not 11 and there is no time limit from 1789

@Redheadedgammy You three don't look old to me...

@TomMcGiverin The tall blond is 76, I’m 68 and the other lady is 67. I guess we have aged well. 🤣

@Redheadedgammy I would say so. They would probably get a lot of quality interest from men if they were available and on a dating site with men their age.

@TomMcGiverin Both of my friends are happily married, and I am not interested in dating whatsoever.

@Redheadedgammy The men's loss...


How exactly is this up for a vote in November??

By voting for candidates that will do what We the People want, which will make it possible to remove as many repubs as we can in the house and senate, then we can get rid of the filibuster and tell Biden what we want. If Biden doesn’t have the balls to do what must be done, we will grow his balls for him and then and make him!

@Redheadedgammy So not November... We're taking about several election cycles here. This November if Democrats win all the seats in states won by Biden and Republicans win all the seats in states won by Trump they will only extend their majority to 52-48.
Believe me, I want there to be a giant pink and blue wave to wash every last disgusting fucking Republican out of office everywhere.

@ChestRockfield You never know how repubs are going to vote. There have been a lot of them leaving the party out of disgust at what is being revealed in the hearings.

I just had lunch with an old friend who was a dyed in the wool repub, along with her husband. They have both left their church and the repub party out of anger to what they are hearing from the January 6 hearings. We may all be surprised in November at how many repubs won’t vote at all let alone for the repubs in Congress. 😉

@Redheadedgammy I wouldn't count on it. That's classic Republican playbook stuff. They all feign like they're offended or fed up, ready to leave the party. Hell, even Mitch McConnell, the most evil, power-hungry, pragmatic fucker in the country pretended like he was ready to turn his back on the leader of the party. But in typical fashion they all line right up and vote the party and protect their own. You're talking about people that knowingly and willingly voted for him [sometimes twice] when it was well known he was a predator, that he wouldn't commit to a peaceful transfer of power, when he routinely praised and admired dictators all around the world. Trust me, no one wants to see all Republicans fail. Fuck, I want them all to die, but y'all are seeing chickens where there's actually only a few small eggs.

@ChestRockfield In your opinion, is there anything we can do to save our Democratic Republic from these powerful forces that are trying to force us into a Theocracy? At least that seems to me what they are trying to do.

@Redheadedgammy Honestly, a good chunk of this country has been fed so much garbage they don't even believe in facts anymore. How can you reason with someone that doesn't believe there's an objective truth to things? They think and talk in terms of my logic and your logic, "alternative facts", and conspiracy theories that are disturbingly crazy. There was a representative that led a group of anti-American insurrectionists around the Capital, blamed forest fires on Jewish Space Lasers, and still supports the Trump administration, among a million other insane things, yet still won her primary. They had a chance to run someone people billed as 'Marjorie, but with a brain: all of the conservative, none of the crazy' or any of 4 other challengers, and they thought, "Nope, I need me some more MTG!"
There are a couple of independent organizations that measure the health of democracies around the globe that have already downgraded the United States from its status of 'full democracy'. I really hope something I can't currently theorize will happen to reverse this trend, but as it stands, I don't know how we don't fall under authoritarian rule in the next decade or so.
As for something we can do? I'm all ears. I don't know how to talk to people that don't believe in facts. I have them in my own family, and I tried my hardest. I had to disown them, that's how bad it is and how much they live in an alternate reality. I don't know how you combat that.

@ChestRockfield Maybe we find the people who don’t bother to vote and work on convincing them that the only way to change things is to find and vote for candidates that mostly agree with our platform, and leave the crazies to their ignorance? I agree with you, that there are some that can never be reached with common sense, but I don’t believe it is all of them that are unreachable. 😉

@Redheadedgammy I fear that if what we'd seen so far before the last election wasn't enough to get them off the sidelines, nothing we've seen since we'll be either. You're taking about a group of people so fantastically disillusioned, disenfranchised, and disinterested that there's likely nothing that can move them. There might be a fringe few potentially-single-issue voters that you could find with something like a national referendum on the legality of marijuana, but things like that are really niche and require getting oddities on the ballot.
I could be wrong.
I hope I'm wrong.
But my tiny brain can't put the pieces together in a way that makes sense that challenges what I've seen and expect to see based on that.
I think we should 'get out the vote' as much as we can this November and see where we're at. If it's not a landslide, we're done.

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