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yesterday morning my darling wendy, who would have turned 17 in march, died of unknown causes chief symptom anorexia leading to organ failure. she died in my arms. she knew she was loved. my heart is broken because i am selfish and wanted her in my life forever.


genessa 8 Nov 6
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wendy in better days 🙂)


genessa Level 8 Nov 7, 2020

She was a delight! I'm so very sorry for your loss.

@RavenCT thank you, and yes she sure was 🙂)



Oh no. So sorry for your loss.


😨😭I lost my Lola of 17 years last April. I miss her every day. My heart goes out to you.


Very sorry for your loss

Ladydiana Level 7 Nov 6, 2020

You are not alone. Fill your life in homage to her by providing a home to one in need, just as you did for her. Heal soon.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 6, 2020

i have two left, plus the dog, no need to take any in. i actually watched her birth. her papa, auntie and mama were rescues, as were many of my others, but they do get old and die. i am old too. i don't think i will get another unless the papa dies. then i will need a companion for the young cat and the dog.


@genessa I am in a similar position. I am happy you have your other companions. Heal soon.


Losing a loved one is so difficult. I'm sorry for your loss.
Having gone through that a few times, I've found the best cure is to go to the animal shelter and look at the kittens who need an adoption family. They are filled with hope and love.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 6, 2020

that is not going to happen lol. we still have two cats and a dog and we are old. we are afraid for what will happen to them if we die. we have had our share of rescues.


@genessa My BF died in April and I had to find homes for his 3 cats. I have 2 and couldn't take them. They lived in his empty house for about 4 months until I found takers. I had to drive 25 miles one way, twice a week to the house and put out new food and water. They had a kittie door to the outside. It is something to think about when you're getting older.


So sorry for your loss.. My grandaughter had to put her labrador down yesterday because of cancer. It is so hard to lose these innocent, trusting pets.

Susieq Level 7 Nov 6, 2020

So sad. Losing them is always hard.


So sorry . Hugs .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 6, 2020

So sad. My sympathies

Frctnal Level 7 Nov 6, 2020

So sad for you and Wendy. I cannot count the pets that died in my arms. It is a hard moment for us pet lovers.

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