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Creationist Pastor Claims Evolution is Racist Because African-Americans Still Exist

Controversial Christian creationist Pastor Matt Powell, insisted in a recent video that evolution is not only a lie, but also a “racist religion,” because it “promotes survival of the fittest.” Powell claims that evolution says “we evolved from African-Americans,” and then wonders how can that be, when there are “other Americans” and how can we still have “African Americans” if “we” evolved from them?

Well, these are all excellent questions, assuming you’re suffering from a very severe head injury. Now, first of all, its important to point out that no anthropologist has ever said that “we” evolved from “African-Americans.” I hate to break it to Pastor Powell and his flock, but a simple Google search ought to quickly inform them that actually - “America” and “African-Americans” weren’t even really a “thing” several million years ago.

And, while evolution is an ongoing phenomenon, Powell’s congregation needs to realize that much of the “human evolution” that Powell misrepresents here, actually took place millions of years before televangelists like he, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell - ever began dreaming about how they’re gonna go about bilking their parishioners into paying for their mansions, yachts, and private jets.

Meanwhile, other creationists are following Powell’s logic, and arguing that “I’ve also heard that evolutionists think we evolved from monkeys, and if we came from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?” Well, once again, no evolutionist ever said “we came from monkeys.” That said, the answer to “what are there still monkeys” is a simple one! If we didn’t still have monkeys, then who’d eat all the bananas?

Besides, doesn’t Genesis 2:7 basically claim that “God made man from the dirt?” If so, then why aren’t you guys asking, “why is there still have dirt” and, if there’s no dirt, then “why do I still need to wash my hands before sitting down at the dinner table?” Of course, I fully understand that if you’re actually “dumber than dirt,” then these questions are going to seem rather difficult.

Anyway, what is truly amazing, is just how much insanity, ignorance, and racism - have actually been packed into this one simple video? I mean, was there some sort of contest or a competition, with prize money involved? Because, we’re talking some serious “pro-level stupidity” here folks. And, Pastor Powell demonstrates that his level of ignorance - can only be only surpassed by his arrogance.


johnnyrobish 8 May 31
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He sounds like the Python skit, "but does she float"?


JHC! What a basket of crazy! Even worse people follow him!! We are doomed, the theory of the survival of the fittest has taken a wrong turn.


Preaching racism should be prosecutable.

KateOahu Level 8 May 31, 2021

Preaching should be illegal.

@PondartIncbendog Touché


Very racist preacher but not surprising

bobwjr Level 10 May 31, 2021

Maybe evolution is wrong because these obviously stupid and unfit people are still around.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 31, 2021

He’s a grifter trying to make a buck saying out loud what ignorant people want to hear.


He's not going to like the fact we really came from fish.

It gets even worse, we also evolved from sponges.


Oh come on...surely nobody could take these childish utterances seriously.....he looks like he’s never needed to shave yet and is probably still going through puberty. In the same way his pubes and beard are still a way from reaching is his brainpower to grasp what evolution is and how it works!

This is a real Pastor, with a large church and following, who frequently makes headlines with statements such as "women who cheat on their husbands should be put to death" as well as the usual and almost mandatory anti-LGBTQ threats.

@johnnyrobish He looks like he’s not long out of short pants!


There's only one race, one species, we don't even qualify as different enough from one another to qualify as breeds like dogs due to their vastly superior genetic diversity.
I've heard this racist horse shit all my life, not a word of it makes sense in the light of informed opinion.
These kinds of ideas get innocent people killed.
Interesting how red his face is, like there's a fucking devil barley keeping his human illusion going.

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