I believed that this woman simply embraced a culture and it is part of who she is.
There have been many times when I've heard the statement that someone that isn't black is "acting black". I find the label " wigger" extremely offensive.
Personally I've been accused of "acting or talking white."
I watched the movie Shang Chi and I believe she executed the role of her character spectacularly.
Let her be!
I watch her comedy show on Comedy Central, she's hilarious! People don't let people be, it's sad!
Thoughts on Rachel Dolezal:
Two very different things. This is linguistics, not appropriation of culture for other means.
@Beowulfsfriend I should probably start a new thread.
Since you do sooooo looovvveee whatabotisms, what about Mat Johnson, the writer? I didn't need to look up yours, so maybe you know who he is. If not, tough titty, not listing anything, but he did a good interview on Fresh Air, that's one of them there liberal NPR, National Pubic Radiao thingies.
@Beowulfsfriend I googled Mat Johnson writer, and I don't understand what you are referring to.
This topic has been an “issue” since at least Bill Clinton was President and people accused him of modifying his speech when visiting Black churches. Seems like some will always find a reason to be offended, even as others appreciate the gesture.
I got through. Yes, let her be. I can even add an element of science to it all. In college I had some linguistic classes. One thing that got pointed out was that, especially immigrants, people will pick up the local vernacular and way of saying things. Children especially do so in order to fit in with their peers.
I believe this is the perfect case in point
My goodness, some people just find anything to attack others over. I guess because she’s not Black she shouldn’t use certain words or accents? FFS, she’s an artist who uses the whole pallet of what makes us all human to express her life experience. I agree, LET HER BE!
Ineffective link.
I got a message to redirect which I clicked on and then the story came up.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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