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Corporate Democrats vs. Progressives: []

Krish55 8 Aug 12
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Krish55 Level 8 Aug 13, 2018

The left-wing eats their young. Politics is not a shoe store,the shoe never perfectly fits in politics.
I see no. criticism of Trump from the right
It is not a parliament system that tolerated diversity and allows completing values.

Further Level 3 Aug 13, 2018

The left-wing eats their young. Politics is not a shoe store,the shoe never perfectly fits in politics.
I see no. criticism of Trump from the right
It is not a parliament system that tolerated diversity and allows completing values.

Further Level 3 Aug 13, 2018

Intolerance is not primarily the crowning attribute of centrist Dems, as suggested by the author. On the contrary, that is more a trait of the Left of the party, with its inclination toward notions of ideological purity standards; this quote I saw today on CNN put the situation rather succinctly:

CNN editorial from Froma Harrop, 8/13/18:  "The problem with left-wing movements isn't so much "the left-wing" as it is the "movements." Movements sometimes have a totalitarian edge that cannot abide dissent, or even a hint of it. They're "us" versus "them." In the case of left-wing movements, the "them" is often fellow Democrats."

The "counterpunch" article's author blaming Centrist Dems, first of all by calling them "corporate dems" is as slanted as it is dismissive. You might as well call Progressive Left voters all militant revolutionaries who "have a totalitarian edge that cannot abide dissent." That would be about as fair an accusation as that Centrists are intolerant.

Centrists and Progressives both have valid, and important, concerns that would be good for all Dems to consider. The challenge is nurturing common ground, instead of falling for the very sinister propaganda that the REAL enemy on the Right keeps shoveling in its efforts to sew dissection in Democratic ranks. Let's not be so easily duped by them!


Whether the strategy for the democrats is left vs. centrist, I observe that a message to core democrats and potential undecided/switchable middle republicans is the infatuation by the Republicans in shifting wealth to the uppper classes. Check out this chart sourced from US labor department statistics on the effect of the Trump corporate tax reductions on wages versus corporate profits. I'm not seeing any wealth trickling down. []

4Humanity Level 4 Aug 13, 2018

Bernie or bust baby!

Magician Level 5 Aug 13, 2018

Centrist Dems do not hate progressive causes, as the author suggests; they are instead trying to be pragmatic, estimating that a sudden swing hard to the left will lose more independent voters than it gains ideologically pure left voters --Bernie or busters.

The author said centrist Dems would rather lose to Republicans than support progressive causes. Funny, because it was ACTUALLY some Bernie or busters that said Trump might as well win rather than them vote for Hillary. Progressive voters took their proverbial primary ball and stayed home, rather than "play" in the general election.

The author makes some valid points about the split in the party, but he falsely seems to squarely blame centrists. He is flat wrong. Centrists were horrified by Trump's fraudulent win. But they had made the calculation than moving too far to the left would alienate too many independent voters, still a relevant factor in the country. The Dem party is suffering from the same dynamic that the GOP is. That is, ideological relative-extremists drive interest in voting in primaries. But they have no sense of commitment to their respective parties.

That is their right, but it points to a massive weakness in the very structure of the two-party system the U.S. is saddled with, rather than any problem with the attitudes of centrists. Centrists are always beleaguered during politically unstable times such as this. Just look at history. It does not mean progressives are actually better at governing.
A multy-party parliamentary system would change this dynamic a lot. But there seems no way for the U.S. to simply change its winner-take-all two party system. If centrist party leaders swing toward support of progressive causes too much, they lose independent voters in the general election. So we are stuck.


A lot of truth there, I have always found it hard to believe that a two party system has two parties mostly filled with right wing members. Being a progressive can not be easy in the US.


There is a very long list of those who would rather cut their nose off to spite their face than do that giving benefit to many more as well as themselves.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 12, 2018
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