7 7

If you watch this to the end this is why I feel we need Bernie to win. He has been consistent throughout his life and he isn't funded by the big money oligarch's controlling the rest of the politicians. Bernie is funded by us through small dollar donations.

Looking4-Others 8 Mar 9
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He can do it regain our government

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 16, 2019

Bernie is the man. In 2016, I stood on the streets of Mahattan in my congressional district and pushed for signatures to get Bernie on the ballot. I also contributed to his campaign and I supported him at his South Bronx rally. This year, the only thing I have been able to do is support him financially. Nonetheless, I believe in him and will stand behind him. Now, should he get screwed, I will vote Green unless there is a candidate whose policy I align with and whose record does not prove them to be a turncoat. #StillSanders #Bernie2020

Arachne Level 6 Mar 15, 2019

I agree 100%


And as a 73 year old who's biologically much younger, I personally resent the ageists who say he's too old. He's 5 years older that DJT....and we all know he's much fitter, closer to ideal weight, much more physically active, much more articulate, and has accomplished much more as a politician.

Age is wisdom. This man is biologically and mentally younger than DJT.


I like Bernie. If he gets the nomination of the Dem party, he will absolutely have my vote. But I am concerned about his rough reception from racial minority groups in the 2016 campaign. To his credit, he has invested a lot in improving that connection. Also, I sure hope he picks a YOUNG and progressive running mate, a woman would be good; a woman of color even better. Identity politics is a double edged sword, but ignoring or appearing to ignore diversity concerns has its own problems. Also, crucially, Bernie or Busters from 2016 had better consider that the political landscape has evolved, and the stakes are even higher than before. If Bernie does not receive the Dem nod, please don't check out of caring about the general election. The planet depends on change in 2020.

Change is important, but should I tow the party line no matter what? I think not. I would rather vote my conscience than to vote against it. I vote for a candidate; I do not vote against a candidate. I voted for Bernie in the primary and voted for Jill Stein in the general. I would do it again IF an establishment candidate is nominated. #Bernie2020

@Arachne the thing that really sucks is that our democratoc system is so deeply flawed . If it worked correctly, then voting one's conscience would never threaten to inadvertently help elect the worst, because votes could not be split. We have a ways to go to catch up to places like Ireland, which has rank order voting. You could then have voted Bernie first, Jill second, and Hillary sixth if you wanted, and still not have lost your chance to ultimately vote against Trump. But that is not how the actual system the U.S. is saddled with works. HRC was absolutely establishment, but your vote for Stein in the general election WAS defacto for Trump, like it or not.

@MikeInBatonRouge I would love rank voting, but since we don’t have it, I will still vote my conscience. NY is a blue state. My voting green made no difference. Many sent a message to the DNC when we didn’t vote, voted for Dump, or voted 3rd party. I don’t regret my action. I would do it again. Beto nor Biden, MSM’s top dogs, would not get my vote. No way.

@Arachne fair enough. It matters most in swing states....and that fact alone is undemocratic.
There is a movement among states to try to render the electoral college obsolete. Who knows if it has a chance


Love him run Bernie run and w

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 9, 2019

Bernie is the pull us out the swamp!??

Charlene Level 9 Mar 9, 2019
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