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Interesting that America could accept a gay president before an atheist president. A gay atheist president or atheist woman president for that matter? Forget about it! This isn’t about being openly gay in the political world. I think that’s great and should be the norm. This is about the fact that American government wants to be a Christian state, and atheist are looked at like we have no morals. We know morals do not come from religion, they are a human characteristic. Thoughts?

BohoHeathen 8 Apr 8
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Bernie Sanders is for all intents and purposes an atheist. He does not believe in a personal god and is humanist in his positions.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

As a gay atheist, I am pretty much spawn of the Antichrist to those types. As for which is more hated, trans people still "win" that ludicrous award. But the mistrust of atheists is understandable. A Christian may have personal knee-jerk disgust reactions for gay displays of affection/attraction, but increasing exposure and familiarity help dissolve that knee-jerk negativity, and that is still little threat to the Christian paradigm, as same sex behavior in scripture is rarely referenced, and never once by Jesus. What is there, 5 or 6 passages, not including the positive gay love stories of David and Jonathan or Naomi and Ruth, require some interpretation and guessing as to why Christians are even supposed to care. In contrast, atheism represents a direct threat to the validity and value of the entire Christian paradigm. No wonder they mistrust us.
Despite all that, nonreligious voters are a fast growing demographic of the U.S. we will reach a tipping point in which efforts to demonize atheist candidates are met with a sizeable collective shrug by most voters.


Politics and religion should be separate...a secular all embracing framework has more benefits but is challenging to remain true to as various money rich religious authorities try to buy power and influence. What are your thoughts..??


I have been having a hard time with this subject as of late. For some time I have noticed that it is generation X and not the millennials who care about this subject. I thought it wasn't because they had been burned enough by it. So I asked a millennial, 24 male, why millennials weren't pushing to bring down religion. He said, he felt that religion was falling, it wasn't a majority in his generation, he ended by saying he felt was just a matter of time. I wanted to hug him, and I wanted to strangle him. I told him he was from a pussy generation.


I think Our Country America, wants too be scene as a government that supports religion. Pretty much Christianity cause they think it makes us look nice and a country with good moral beliefs. The more different something is alot of people are quick to shun and demonize it . These are some of my thoughts on the Subject. I never agreed Government and world Religions should be mixed,. Brings about the wrong impression. Also on a different subject the message system on this site is not working for me today or tonight so don't know what is wrong , just wondering if other people are having problems

@BohoHeathen ok that's a relief it's not a problem on my end, thanks alot


Religious beliefs controlling perceptions

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 8, 2019

establishment will support anyone over bernie! bothers me lgbtq community supports this guy so much win he is more center then he acts

@BohoHeathen me too

@BohoHeathen I'd probably give him my Vote


I agree!

Charlene Level 9 Apr 8, 2019

Based on their actions regarding taking human life and human rights I would say that most presidents were and are currently atheists

Anonbene Level 8 Apr 8, 2019

The Republican pseudo-Christians will tear him up in the debates...saying "he can't possibly be Christian and gay at the same time". I don't forsee him making it as a candidate nominee yet...he's got to be brave enough to shed the "Christian" thing...


America government maybe read Republican government, American people didn't want a black President untill they did or gay marriage or legal abortion. The system itself selects a candidate that can move the voters or the party or catch the spotlight. Religious beliefs or lack of them could become a non issue overnight,as for morals that bar is now so low as to not really matter. We are in an era of caught on tape actions having a bigger impact.

Tooreen Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

I agree. Politically it is about shifting voter demographics, and the "nones" are growing, now roughly equal to the second largest Christian block, I believe.
I am watching Pete Buttigieg with some interest, as he seems to personally "get" secular thinking, embracing enlightenment ideas while still being skillfully diplomatic toward religiously devout. Politician at work.


In a Christian state though , gays would be accepted , and have their rights respected . I think that any atheist whom would run for office would need to show that while they don't believe in God , it doesn't mean that they believe in nothing .

Marmion Level 6 Apr 8, 2019

The whole point of the website you're on is that we "agnostics" don't "believe" any "faith" or "religion" or myth. We say we are literally "unknowing" (ag- gnostic) because there's been no factual evidence; no proof, no science. Sorry; atheists don't "believe" in anything. They thrive on facts, and data.

@Robecology Where might Jefferson stand these days? Ever look at "his" bible?

Although Jefferson believed in a Creator, his concept of it resembled that of the god of deism (the term "Nature's God" used by deists of America.

With his scientific bent, Jefferson sought to organize his thoughts on religion.

He rejected the superstitions and mysticism of Christianity and even went so far as to edit the gospels, removing the miracles and mysticism of Jesus (see The Jefferson Bible) leaving only what he deemed the correct moral philosophy of Jesus.

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity."

-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782


@Robecology I disagree. Athiests can 'believe' in principles, eqality, truth, transparency, etc. Having a 'belief' doesn't mean having a religious belief.

@dan325 "I believe I'll have a cup of coffee" or "I believe in science" is not at all the same as the #Religulous concept of "faith" Our English language is full of double and triple entendres....and the word "believe/belief" is one of them.

Obviously, in the intent is strictly related to the concept of "religious belief".

I believe you comprehend this, right? (tongue firmly in cheek).

@Robecology For clarification , I meant believe as in support , or stand for , not in the sense of to ascribe baseless faith in something . My point was simply that atheists are not necessarily nihilists .

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