8 10

This is my mini Stone Henge created in 2010. The rocks were arranged into a circle with the flat side up. My favourite rock was used as the centrepiece. It's difficult to grow in all the rock and sand. The soil for this garden came from the rotting material throughout the pile when I started digging. It was challenging as well as rewarding, now I just have to weed it and watch out for heavy rain.

flower_nut 7 Nov 25
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What a creative idea.

RussRAB Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

@RussRAB Thank you!
Standing looking at the pile of random rocks I wondered how difficult it would be to move one? It came together very quickly after I moved one!
The goal was to open up the area with something interesting.

@flower_nut - I'd say you succeeded.


Very nice

Donto101 Level 7 Nov 25, 2018

It was a project that definitely tested my will.
I'm grateful I finished it.

@flower_nut I bet looks like a ton of work. But the outcome is worth it. Looks amazing

I Wondered how many tons of rock was moved just to move the big rocks.
I was a rock hound before I became a flower_nut!



glennlab Level 10 Nov 25, 2018

The rocks shifted after the tree roots rotted away holding them.
Notice the tree missing?
It was at risk of blowing onto the garage so I cut it down.

@flower_nut IT's amazing how much each item in a landscape affects all the other items there.

@glennlab You're so right!
The tree was a struggle in the beginning and when completed did flood's wrath descend upon it. 🙂

@flower_nut I put 25 tons of mulch into my front yard. It was green, it took 3 years to break down, then all the weeds started.

If the weeds can take over so can plants! Start with a little section at a time. Do it in phases with a goal of spreading plants. I'm not fond of periwinkle but it grows and covers the backside of the garage in full shade. There must be a ground cover available to replace your weeds.


I'm really taken with the "pond" photo. This is what I was looking for as an idea for a water feature in our garden.

I love the idea of a pond. This area is mostly shade and full sun is best for a water feature. I would need the sound of water falling somewhere in my pond if I had one.

Your layout is really nice. A small waterfall on one end and I think I've got the plan for our's.

It's a big project. Pump/filter systems can be expensive. Are you going to have built-in lights around the pond? That would look cool. I wish I was planning one. Make sure and share the completed project with shots along the way. I'm glad you now have an idea to work with and I helped in a small way. Thank you.


Very interesting. Do you have your own quarry? Parts of it look similar to a Japanese garden.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 25, 2018

@MojoDave Thanks!
All these rocks look like overburden when the property was graded before construction. There is an abandoned quarry 100 yards from this location. I call these blue rock and is commonly used for the construction of our highways.


it looks intriguing. At first I thought you may be making a fish pond.

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Nov 25, 2018

After that rain, I thought about it. There is a slope and when it rains heavy water rushes down the slope to my neighbour.
Oh well, I can't win them all 🙂

@flower_nut It looks great.

@AmmaRE007 Thanks!
After 8 years it could use a rejuvenation of fresh soil to look so much better.



It was good exercise and I used practical mechanics. A rock bar and a long 2 x 6 did most of the heavy lifting.

@flower_nut What, no pack mules or elephants?

I was the mule and the elephant propping the rock up with the 2 x 6 and counterweight on the other end to hold it in place. With the rock suspended, catapult style, I could pack smaller material under the rock. When enough leverage was reached with the rock bar I used the 2 x 6 again and continued this cycle inch by inch rock by rock ton by the ton.
I was a slave to my idea and freed myself with its reality. 🙂


Love it! (Did you have to enslave people to get the big ones moved?)

Thank you!
Just myself! Smaller rocks were used as leverage to move the big ones.

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