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The post at "Some admit to it. But please do also read the article on premature menopause.

[]" has now had an important addendum added to it.

FrayedBear 9 June 20
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Menopause does suck, but I'll take it over the every month mess, cramps, birth controll worries and dreaded hideous pregnancy any day. There is no such thing as premature menopause. The terminology used is perimenopause. Every Woman approaches menopause at a different age.

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 4, 2021

Lol. I suspect that if, as in the case of the newly wed in the guardian article in the other post, you are not concerned that the medical term is "perimenopause". As far as she is concerned, newly married, 30 ish & childless, it is happening prematurely.

@FrayedBear I bet it runs in her family. She was born with all the eggs she was to release during her lifetime. Menopause is not a single occurrence, but a gradual process. It is not at all unusual to begin it in your 30s. At 35 breeding years are almost over if you are a female. Breeding at 35 plus is high risk.

@Kojaksmom gee that's weird. My father was the youngest of 15 his eldest brother 30 years his senior.
Many of my classmates were like me born of parents in their post 35 years age bracket thanks to WWII.

But of course back then me tooers, genetically & chemically polluted modified foods, petro chemical pollution, over popullation, pharmaceutical & illicit drug dependency, individual selfishness and welfare payments didn't exist or exist to the same extent.

@FrayedBear the age of menarche is also very young these days. Many young people these days begin menstruation at 10 or 11 even 9. So the age of menopause quite normally will adjust itself.

@Kojaksmom I sadly remember that 60 years ago the record for youngest motherhood was about 5½. Girls were regularly married before 14.
In my own teenage years I 14vwas still possible & elopement at 16 was legal in certaing places by specified celebrants.

Back in the day 12-14 were the beginning of the breeding years, and parents were more than happy to unload their responsibity for their child on someone nearly Pre historic time the ave. life span was before 20.

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