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Reflection upon the essence of love ...[]

Philip21 8 Mar 4
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Love is a choice. I like that.

bleurowz Level 8 Mar 5, 2020

So now I am curious about the '36 questions.'

The 36 questions were developed by Dr. Arthur Aron to help boost intimacy.

BTW, one of the groups here was started based on those questions -- although it's evolved into a regular question group, where the questions are mainly now for fun or personal reflection and getting to know your fellow members better, not necessarily for intimacy. []

@bleurowz Thank you for this link. Must have missed when it first appeared but am saving the link. Now another question is how can answering questions of which two people will probably have very different answers make them fall in love??? Maybe when one is young and inexperienced but later with some experience under their belts not so much. People also often have maladies that can screw up any relationship (1 partner is bi-polar and another was alcoholic). As I age and gain experience I have seen fewer and fewer can meet my expectations for true, deep love. I think at my stage, harmony, calmness, some shared interests, emotional stability and concern for a successful relationship will suffice.

@JackPedigo I don't think they can make people fall in love, but they can help two people develop intimacy by getting them on the road to opening up to each other. Dr. Aron was exploring what it means to be intimate and mainly trying to find ways for people to get to know each other better; not just with romantic relationships, but with all types of close relationships.

@bleurowz I agree. I have said and posted that relationship[s should develop in stages. First stage should aim for friendship. Perhaps, near the beginning people can exchange the questions, take time to come up with answers (apart) and then compare notes. One thing, for sure, there needs to be a fostering of communication skills.

@bleurowz Silly, silly me. Looking over the groups I see the one for the 36 questions and I'm a member!!! Too many things to keep up with.


Because love can take many forms, I think it can be infinite as well as varied, for one's entire life!


True loves can be so heart breaking but sometime it is only one sided

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 5, 2020

I have had one true love. It looks like I reached my limit.

Detritus Level 7 Mar 5, 2020

I've dated several men , married a couple , but there was only one that owned my heart , and I've never been able to replace that feeling .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 5, 2020

and that one is very hard not to think about at times

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