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What is more important in a relationship- sex or other forms of intimacy?

Cabsmom51 3 July 4
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Sex can be/is too often "taking" and yet 'giving' is the higher connection

cseajay Level 3 July 10, 2022

I believe sex is just one part of intimacy. If one jumps only into sexual pursuits rather than exploring other forms of intimacy, it proves that the person does not respect other one. It should be a connection rather than sexual hunger alone. One needs to cross 1st level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs to enjoy real intimacy

Anvesh Level 5 Mar 10, 2022

One is not more important than the other to me, but each can happen without the other.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 19, 2021

I only value affection, cuddling, emotional honesty and being there for each other.

CandaceB Level 4 Oct 16, 2021

It’s honestly difficult for me to be into someone sexually unless we connect on a deeper level in the first place. I’m not against having a one night stand or a FWB, but it just never happened for me. I seek connection first and foremost.


It depends


The answer depends on who is making the decision.

anglophone Level 9 Aug 17, 2021

Other parts of intimacy lead to great sex or that is what I remember, because it was ever so long ago........Oh those were the days....... I so miss them.......

Jolanta Level 9 Aug 17, 2021

We enter relationships to share & experience our highest conception of self and a relationship with another you love & trust is the perfect way to do that. One may view sex as someone doing something to you but if you think about it...we only experience what we ourselves allow and perceive during intimacy & sex with another. So if one partner values sex or a certain type of intimacy while another does not, chances are the relationship will suffer unless there is an equal exchange/fulfillment for both partners in the area's they hold value. This is why communication & honesty are paramount to a healthy relationship.

warlord13 Level 6 July 7, 2021

Nice article

I confirm

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