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I feel very sad when i see random people from the west still fall for islam.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2021:
I disagree. There is equally horrible and insane stuff in the Bible. I would assert that religious zealots of all religious traditions are a cancer on societies everywhere.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
@PBuck0145 Of your "Show me evidence of atrocities by other religions which exceed in magnitude those currently perpetrated in support of Islam.", I have made no such claim. It is inappropriate of you to demand a response from me in that regard.
I feel very sad when i see random people from the west still fall for islam.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2021:
I disagree. There is equally horrible and insane stuff in the Bible. I would assert that religious zealots of all religious traditions are a cancer on societies everywhere.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
@PBuck0145 So you regard such evidence as being irrelevant? Thank you for making your thought processes apparent.
I feel very sad when i see random people from the west still fall for islam.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2021:
I disagree. There is equally horrible and insane stuff in the Bible. I would assert that religious zealots of all religious traditions are a cancer on societies everywhere.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
@PBuck0145 I see your "Show me EVIDENCE of the incorrectness of my statement." as having no relevance to my observation that "I would assert that religious zealots of all religious traditions are a cancer on societies everywhere.". Translation: your reply commits the red herring logical fallacy.
Does anybody know what happened to @Donotbelieve?
Boomtarat03 comments on Jan 17, 2021:
She got me blocked since my first day on the site. So, I don't care.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
@LenHazell53 Thanks for that.
Does anybody know what happened to @Donotbelieve?
skado comments on Jan 17, 2021:
She’s fine. She just got bored with the site.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
Thanks for sharing that.
Does anybody know what happened to @Donotbelieve?
Boomtarat03 comments on Jan 17, 2021:
She got me blocked since my first day on the site. So, I don't care.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
I found her to be a very prickly person, extremely quick to take exception to anything that was said to her.
Does anybody know what happened to @Donotbelieve?
altschmerz comments on Jan 17, 2021:
She stated that she was leaving the site, if I recall correctly.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
I feel very sad when i see random people from the west still fall for islam.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2021:
I disagree. There is equally horrible and insane stuff in the Bible. I would assert that religious zealots of all religious traditions are a cancer on societies everywhere.
anglophone replies on Jan 17, 2021:
@PBuck0145 The answer depends on the temporal perspective. Look at the Crusades. More recently, look at "The Troubles" in the British Isles. Look at the Hindus and Buddhists in Bangladesh today.
Greta Thunberg trolls Trump with throwback to his ‘anger management’ tweet This article is ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Sad how a portly old man can't deal with a smart young woman.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
Hmm. I must confess to being less concerned about his corpulence than his bloody-minded refusal to use his brain. (And I have a lot of time for Greta.)
'I’m facing a prison sentence': US Capitol rioters plead with Trump for pardons | US Capitol ...
WalterDavis comments on Jan 16, 2021:
What is to be expected of people who believe that a Jewish zombie is going to come back from the dead to save them? These dumb, pageantry patriots are good at waving flags and bullying. Cowards when it comes to critical thinking and standing up for what is right.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
Man Involved in MI Governor Kidnapping Plot Said God Gave Him Permission to Kill | Beth Stoneburner ...
Alienbeing comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Good thing God gave permission; otherwise such action would have been a sin.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
He obviously worships Thanatos, the God of Death!
Would it be too far fetched to compare Donald Trump with King Henry XVIII of England?
oldFloyd comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Henry the 18TH? WTF don't they have any other names? Was Henry the eighth a moron also? Then yes.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
Well spotted with the typo! :)
Would it be too far fetched to compare Donald Trump with King Henry XVIII of England?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Was he a bad person? If he was a bad person, then yes. Jokes aside, replace marriages with bankruptcies. He's only on his 3rd marriage. Did some digging. I thought he was a traitor or something. Donnie must be his incarnate. Late in life, Henry became obese, with a waist measurement of 54 ...
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
Thanks for all that background information - it is all new to me.
Posted in Politics so more people will see it. q:569368
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I get the following: "Sorry, this post is not available". @Admin may be able to advise on this.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
@mcgeo52 Thanks.
Would it be too far fetched to compare Donald Trump with King Henry XVIII of England?
Theresa_N comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I think he's closer to Hitler or Mussolini than to Henry VIII.
anglophone replies on Jan 16, 2021:
True. I guess Melania still has her head.
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or...
anglophone replies on Jan 15, 2021:
@DZhukovin No worries! :)
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or...
anglophone replies on Jan 15, 2021:
@Storm1752 From what I can make out, @DZhukovin mistook my "falsifiable evidence" for his "tangible evidence", and I confess to having no idea what he means by that. I also took him at his word.
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or...
anglophone replies on Jan 15, 2021:
@DZhukovin Understood.
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or...
anglophone replies on Jan 14, 2021:
@DZhukovin Please demonstrate that I have an agenda to "advance empirics". I thank you in advance. Ping @Mvtt
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or...
anglophone replies on Jan 14, 2021:
@Mvtt Thank you.
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Is it legal to own a Christian?
anglophone replies on Jan 14, 2021:
@RussRAB Okay, so Canadians can own Christians from Florida, or anywhere else from the Deep South. Thanks.
Kentucky Man in Fatal Car Wreck Was Under the Influence of Alcohol and Jesus | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
WTF, a Faithfool driving around, drunk as a skunk, baby on his lap, a 2,000 year old Invisible Jewish Zombie in the Navigators seat AND the Chrustians want to start and operate their OWN Airline as well. Of course Zombie Jeebus will make 100% certain that ALL passengers will reach the same ...
anglophone replies on Jan 14, 2021:
I have yet to understand how such whackjobs can become so detached from reality (and here I am assuming that he is not a psychotic).
I wrote this post [agnostic.
FrayedBear comments on Jan 12, 2021:
It just accepted my comment.
anglophone replies on Jan 12, 2021:
Thanks for the feedback.
I wrote this post [agnostic.
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2021:
It's a comment on Trump...and you're posting it in "General comments and Hellos"? There's plenty of political groups and anti-Trump groups that would appreciate that post better. Consider sharing it with other groups.
anglophone replies on Jan 12, 2021:
Thanks for the heads up on that one. :)
Okay, I guess/suppose this has been posted before many, many times but here is my suggestion and the...
Storm1752 comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Good luck with that. It comes down to atheists fundamentally misunderstanding Agnosticism. Sure I'm tired and discouraged by it, because the conversation would be very different if it were otherwise. But the two camps are fundamentally incompatible, in my opinion, despite surface similarities. ...
anglophone replies on Jan 11, 2021:
@Triphid Perhaps a suitable retort to the faithfools might be "You can't even agree among yourselves about the nature of God." and "Thor strikes down the unbelievers.".
New York post reported that National Guard is sending 15,000 troops to Biden inaugural
barjoe comments on Jan 11, 2021:
This is a mess.
anglophone replies on Jan 11, 2021:
And this mess is all caused by Donald Trump and his evil delusions.
This was FB posted by a friend, and I found it a worthwhile rant on why we are DONE with drump's ...
K9Kohle789 comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Notice that Mr Hero Donny Dimwit is always hiding in the white house someplace while he calls on everyone else to do HIS DIRTY WORK. He's a 2 faced liar. He's got his little band of make believe anti-government mentally crippled dupes swallowing all his bullshit while he HIDES SCARED LIKE THE WEASEL...
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
Roll on 21 January. I wonder how many lawyers are sharpening their pencils ready to sue him court, and how many other lawyers are preparing criminal charges against him.
More is coming to light
LovinLarge comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Sure wish we could figure out a way to lock her up as complicit!
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
At the very least, she has brought the Supreme Court into disrepute. Her husband should divorce her for that. She has supported an act of insurrection, and such it may be possible to charge her with treason. It would be interesting to know the last time that a spouse of any Supreme Court judge was put into prison.
More is coming to light
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Accessory, Complicit, Enabler....Clarence & she are a DISGRACE!
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
I think everybody who supported Trump's rabble should serve prison time, and that includes Trump.
I have just watched a YouTube video about Trumpanzees, from which it became apparent that you can ...
Wisterious comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Link to the video you watched? Thx
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
@RussRAB @Wisterious Here you go: Enjoy!
I have just watched a YouTube video about Trumpanzees, from which it became apparent that you can ...
Theresa_N comments on Jan 10, 2021:
That is evidently true from the events of this past week.
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
Agreed, it is.
An Air Force Combat Veteran Breached the Senate and Descended on Nancy Pelosi’s Office Suite | The...
Marionville comments on Jan 10, 2021:
I can see Trump’s appeal to this man. He talked up the Democrats as lefties, and spoke to this man’s basic patriotism and sense that his idea of what America is, was being eroded. Trump, Fox News and conspiracy theorists on social media got into this man’s psyche and warped his reality. ...
anglophone replies on Jan 10, 2021:
I like what @Marionville said!
Base image courtesy of The Conversation []
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 9, 2021:
NO, a simple Crook would be a HUGE IMPROVEMENT!
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
Move over, Richard Milhous Nixon.
Prayer Group Tells God to “Fight” Justice John Roberts If He Won’t “Bow to You” | Beth ...
RussRAB comments on Jan 9, 2021:
What are they talking about?? Roberts is a devout Catholic. Don't they believe Catholics are Christians?
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
There are True Catholics and Fake Catholics. The prayer group obviously regards him as a Fake Catholic - they have been drinking too much "sauce" from the No True Scotsman logical fallacy bottle.
Base image courtesy of The Conversation []
Larimar comments on Jan 9, 2021:
he's also a fucking megalomaniac malignant narcissist.
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
More ... I think he should be repeatedly grabbed by the balls. I think he should be put into a padded cell until he gives a satisfactory explanation of why he failed to build his "big, beautiful wall". (He had four years to do it, and he failed miserably.) He should be made to realise that HE is the Swamp. He should be made to pay out of his own pocket for the damage to Congress buildings that he incited by way of riot and insurrection. He should be sent back to kindergarten.
Base image courtesy of The Conversation []
Larimar comments on Jan 9, 2021:
he's also a fucking megalomaniac malignant narcissist.
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
Christian Woman Sues Postal Service for Rejecting Her Self-Designed Jesus Stamps | Hemant Mehta | ...
Joanne comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Another Christian creating persecution where it doesn't exist.
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
But, but, but ... it is my God Given Duty to ram my God down everybody else's throats!
They got another one
ChestRockfield comments on Jan 9, 2021:
He he he
anglophone replies on Jan 9, 2021:
There's no way I would want to anal rape that brainless little turd. However, a piece of rough-sawn 2x4 shoved up his ass would be appropriate.
Religious people are probably the most obnoxious people on this earth : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
I prefer a slightly more nuanced approach. Religious zealots of whatever religious persuasion find me to be the most obnoxious on earth, and I return the compliment likewise, but at least I don't go around murdering other atheists because they happen to be Sunni atheists instead of Shia atheists.
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
@MsDemeanour You are perfectly correct.
Man in Pelosi office arrested
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Doesn't look so cocky in his mug shot. Did he truly think that there would be no repercussions?
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
Is he even capable of thinking?
Not ordinary protesters
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
@bobwjr Thanks.
Religious people are probably the most obnoxious people on this earth : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
I prefer a slightly more nuanced approach. Religious zealots of whatever religious persuasion find me to be the most obnoxious on earth, and I return the compliment likewise, but at least I don't go around murdering other atheists because they happen to be Sunni atheists instead of Shia atheists.
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
@SeaRay215ex Thank you. :)
There are multitude of religions praying to each of their gods to stop covid 19 from killing people ...
K9Kohle789 comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Hope that doesn't mean those huge crosses the wear don't repel vampires.....that would be worse!
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
Can I offer you this truck load of garlic?
Bloody hell! Betsy DeVos has abandoned Donald Trump: []
FrayedBear comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Aka "rat jumping the sinking ship"?
anglophone replies on Jan 8, 2021:
Perhaps is time to open a season on those wearing red MAGA hats and carrying "Q" flags.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
One response would be to educate them, but that raises the question of how do you educate the willfully ineducable?
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
@t1nick I cannot comprehend the mentality of anybody who sees education as a weakness.
I would like to know how a bunch of brainless violent goons were able to invade Congress.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Because they obviously had inside help and it probably reached all the way up to Trump.
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
That makes sense.
US allies say Trump attempted coup with help from federal law enforcement - Business Insider
Wisterious comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Pre-meditated and well choreographed.
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
@Wisterious He has been unhinged ever since he was elected, but the Repugnicant Party was too damned pig headed to realise it.
US allies say Trump attempted coup with help from federal law enforcement - Business Insider
Wisterious comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Pre-meditated and well choreographed.
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
Time to charge him with treason?
I would like to know how a bunch of brainless violent goons were able to invade Congress.
davknight comments on Jan 7, 2021:
The POTUS makes it known to the Chief of the Capital Police that he would like security lightened around the Capital building on the day of the big Stop the Steal rally. The Chief then complies. Which is probably why the Chief resigned today, before anyone could learn what he did. Another term for ...
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
Another way of putting it is that Trumpty Dumpty was making it easier for his fascist thugs to gain entry.
I would like to know how a bunch of brainless violent goons were able to invade Congress.
Organist1 comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Possibly an inside job?
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
That's a thought!
Okay and my sincerest appreciations, etc, to Friends and Members.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Good for you! :)
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
@Triphid Thanks for the update. Go calm, and know that we are all behind you, friend.
Now what?
joeymf86 comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Did anyone listen to Trump's statement telling the protesters to go home? The first thing he did was lie and continued the absurd claim that the election was stolen from him. He is scum!
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
@DZhukovin That comes of Donald Trump's mental development having been arrested at age 5.
US Congress in turmoil as violent Trump supporters breach building
barjoe comments on Jan 6, 2021:
A woman Trump supporter got shot in the face. She was with a group inside the building trying to break down an office door. I'm not saying she deserved it, but whoever shot through that door was completely justified.
anglophone replies on Jan 7, 2021:
@barjoe I see the death count has gone up to four. :(
Now what?
Boomtarat03 comments on Jan 6, 2021:
America is this you? What happened to your people?!
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
They have been Donald Trumped.
US Congress in turmoil as violent Trump supporters breach building
barjoe comments on Jan 6, 2021:
A woman Trump supporter got shot in the face. She was with a group inside the building trying to break down an office door. I'm not saying she deserved it, but whoever shot through that door was completely justified.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@barjoe I have just heard that she has died, sadly.
Now what?
Organist1 comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Trump needs to be removed. NOW.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
But Repugnicants lack the balls to do that.
Now what?
linxminx comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Everyone remember this Trump tweet about the Portland protesters? This is what he should be saying about these rioters at the Capital. But he won't.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
That is because he is a duplicitous bastard.
Now what?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Would be Emperor Trump told his subjects to go tear down democracy and they did what they could, a totally crap job really when you consider that America has more experience in staging coup d'etats than anyone.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
Remember what happened to Pol Pot.
Now what?
joeymf86 comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Did anyone listen to Trump's statement telling the protesters to go home? The first thing he did was lie and continued the absurd claim that the election was stolen from him. He is scum!
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
He is dangerous lying scum.
US Congress in turmoil as violent Trump supporters breach building
barjoe comments on Jan 6, 2021:
A woman Trump supporter got shot in the face. She was with a group inside the building trying to break down an office door. I'm not saying she deserved it, but whoever shot through that door was completely justified.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
Thanks for sharing that. I wonder how many other people will also become victims of their own stupidity and anger in these hours of mob rule.
Now what?
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jan 6, 2021:
It won't end here. This is likely to happen again on Inauguration Day, and probably even after Trump is gone in various areas of the country. These ppl are lunatics in the service of a lunatic.
anglophone replies on Jan 6, 2021:
This is what happens when you have a madman in power.
I copped a ripper from a, imo, self-righteous local ardent Catholic woman yesterday while out doing ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 5, 2021:
According to one Xstian pastor, a guy died of Covid because he didn't believe in the lord enough to save himself. These people are just hopelessly insane for the most part, nice of you to try and reason with them but really there is no reasoning with someone who lives in a magical world where ...
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@Canndue That makes a lot of sense.
I copped a ripper from a, imo, self-righteous local ardent Catholic woman yesterday while out doing ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 5, 2021:
According to one Xstian pastor, a guy died of Covid because he didn't believe in the lord enough to save himself. These people are just hopelessly insane for the most part, nice of you to try and reason with them but really there is no reasoning with someone who lives in a magical world where ...
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
There are lots of blithering idiots in pulpits.
I copped a ripper from a, imo, self-righteous local ardent Catholic woman yesterday while out doing ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Absolutely beyond insulting!! As a cancer survivor, I don't know if I could have held my temper. Why these brainwashed asses can't learn to mind their own business is totally beyond me. I hope you're ok.
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
It is lucky for her that it was @Triphid that she attacked verbally. If she had done the same to me I would have called her all the names under the Sun and pointed out that the God of the Bible cannot exist so why was she stupid enough to claim that He existed. I do not take any prisoners in such situations.
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@Trajan61 "@Healthydoc70 If Trump was anything like Mao, Stalin or Hitler you would be dead! You evidently don’t know your history very well." Your ignorance appears to be boundless.
Can you recognize logic when you see it?
BitFlipper comments on Jan 5, 2021:
for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++) { stdout.write( "and a "+i+"\n" ); }
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
Hip hop!
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@Trajan61 Why do you rely on lunatic fringe conspiracy mongers? @silverotter11
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@Trajan61 And your point is? @LovinLarge
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@Trajan61 Why is it that total nutters always make crazy unsubstantiated and unsubstantiable claims?
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 4, 2021:
@Healthydoc70 LOL! I was poking fun at @Trajan61 with my admittedly xenophobic and unjustified claim about people living in America. I would add Mao Zedong to the triumvirate of Trump, Hitler and Stalin given the millions that Mao killed with his purges and the way he whipped up the youth of China to achieve that.
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 4, 2021:
@Trajan61 Seeing as you are in America, it is impossible for you to know anything outside the USA, and that includes knowing the limits of your own ignorance. Oh, and if you want to play the "Game of Insults", it is already too late for you as you have already lost. You can have this jelly baby by way of a consolation prize. :)
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
anglophone replies on Jan 4, 2021:
@Trajan61 Please excuse me for shitting myself with laughter at your reply.
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
kensmile4u comments on Jan 4, 2021:
This is nothing more than political flatulence coming from Trump. He faces a growing number of State and Federal prosecutions after January 20 in both criminal and civil court. Let’s see how all this litigation plays out first. Then we’ll all know a lot more truth to put this man into proper ...
anglophone replies on Jan 4, 2021:
I would love it if he was declared bankrupt and put into the slammer for the rest of his life.
Trump tells Georgia election official to 'find' votes to overturn Biden win
LovinLarge comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I just listened to the full hour of the call. Like so many cons, he truly does not seem to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true. He does not have the cognitive ability of a normal adult.
anglophone replies on Jan 3, 2021:
@LovinLarge His delusionality still worries me. I will be glad when he is finally ejected from the White House.
Trump tells Georgia election official to 'find' votes to overturn Biden win
LovinLarge comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I just listened to the full hour of the call. Like so many cons, he truly does not seem to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true. He does not have the cognitive ability of a normal adult.
anglophone replies on Jan 3, 2021:
I admire your patience! Your comment reflects many other people's observation that he behaves like a five year old child in an adult's body.
A Very Confused Indiana Church Has “Documented Proof” That God Answers Prayers | Hemant Mehta | ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 3, 2021:
The only thing they proved is that they don't understand what "proof" is. Probably a bunch of Trumpers.
anglophone replies on Jan 3, 2021:
100% proof whisky. Proof coinage and bank notes issued by mints. Mathematical proof. Yep, none of those apply in this case.
A Very Confused Indiana Church Has “Documented Proof” That God Answers Prayers | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Who did the blind study? Who prayed to Satan?
anglophone replies on Jan 3, 2021:
The Chief Fuckwit of Brookville Road Community Church wouldn't have a clue as to the meaning of the words "Scientific Method".
God cannot be omniscient, omnipotent, and have free will simultaneously : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2021:
However, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH) is omniscient and omnipotent and has free will! ;)
anglophone replies on Jan 2, 2021:
@Canndue Yes, and it helps to keep the vampires away.
The Christians or religious people that are on this page just to convert people. Stop. : atheism
BitFlipper comments on Jan 2, 2021:
I may be hypersensitive, but the only theists I've seen here have been here to confront us and insult us.
anglophone replies on Jan 2, 2021:
And I am quite happy to return the compliment.
The Christians or religious people that are on this page just to convert people. Stop. : atheism
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 2, 2021:
The few theists that have attempted to mesh in here, on this site, have been (what I consider) treated with not only disrespect, but a weird type of indoctrination. Atheists can be, and sometimes are, every bit rabid as Bible Thumpers. Just in the direction of "you're insane and wrong, come to ...
anglophone replies on Jan 2, 2021:
I cheerfully treat any theist on this site that tries to convert me to theism not only with disrespect, but also with contempt. However, if any theist comes to this site with an open and inquiring mind, I treat them accordingly, i.e. respectfully. I make no apology for being a rabid anti-theist, this particularly because I see the harm done by religious zealots.
Doctor Who Worked at Cleveland Clinic Said She’d Give “the Wrong Meds” to Jews | Hemant Mehta ...
Leelu comments on Jan 2, 2021:
She needs to be investigated and charged if she did. Med lic should be flushed.
anglophone replies on Jan 2, 2021:
She should be deported to Israel.
The Christians or religious people that are on this page just to convert people. Stop. : atheism
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 2, 2021:
If they want to waste their time, then that’s their business. If the trolls don’t get fed, they won’t have any reason to hang around. It’s always best to try to avoid the Trumpanzees. But understandably in some cases you can’t.
anglophone replies on Jan 2, 2021:
Trumpanzees tend to block me and run away when I point out the evils of their ways.
My New Years Resolutions for 2021.
Storm1752 comments on Jan 1, 2021:
You sound bitter. Why not just ignore them and get on with your life?
anglophone replies on Jan 1, 2021:
I would never describe @Triphid as bitter.
Fuck God : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Fuck Zeus, fuck Selene and fuck Eros. ;)
anglophone replies on Jan 1, 2021:
@jlynn37 Sorry fella, I am strictly 100% heterosexual! :)
Fuck God : atheism
barjoe comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Fuck God! Mary did.
anglophone replies on Jan 1, 2021:
And poor Joseph had an inferiority complex for the rest of his life; there was no way he could ever give Mary a God-almighty fuck.
So my FB page has a bunch of Xmas messages reminding me that Jesus was born on this day and how he ...
2muchstupidity comments on Dec 26, 2020:
I get tired of all the threads stating Jesus is the reason for the season..Jesus this and Jesus that. I made a comment that you shouldn't assume everyone is into Jesus. Just a true simple statement. I then got hammered and scolded by peeps about my comment. One friend even blocked me!!! ...
anglophone replies on Jan 1, 2021:
@LisaLisa92806 I thought delusions were meant to be trampled on.
Does anybody have any clues as to the identity of "trev kingdom <> " ?
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Spam him? Block him?
anglophone replies on Dec 31, 2020:
Those are certainly options. I was thinking more along the lines of throwing his own shit back at him. (All observations that I would be behaving like an angry chimpanzee would be entirely accurate.)
What do you say when someone asks “Why don’t you believe in god?” : atheism
ToakReon comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Because I think.
anglophone replies on Dec 31, 2020:
"... and you do not."
What do you say when someone asks “Why don’t you believe in god?” : atheism
anglophone comments on Dec 30, 2020:
"Because nobody has ever produced any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god.". Too easy.
anglophone replies on Dec 31, 2020:
@Hages Thank you. :)
I cannot comment on posts. Obviously people some can. What is going on here?
anglophone comments on Dec 30, 2020:
The site is broken. It fails for Firefox and Google Chrome. It works for Microsoft Edge and Opera. It has been reported to <at> Admin. @barjoe's solution does not work on my desktop, though from his words I would guess it works on iPads and tablets.
anglophone replies on Dec 30, 2020:
@barjoe Thanks for the heads up on that one.
Pat Robertson: Non-Religious Children Should Be Beaten Until They Respect Christian Beliefs ...
anglophone comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Pat Robertson should be beaten until he starts using his (non-existent!) brain.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@KKGator I'll lend you my cat-o'-nine-tails.
Pat Robertson: Non-Religious Children Should Be Beaten Until They Respect Christian Beliefs ...
Hages comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Fuck Pat Robertson!
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
I would rather fuck a good woman than Pat Roberson any day.
"What's the harm in religion?
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 29, 2020:
You should be in prison, based on your logic, because vaccines cause autoimmune disorders,which ultimately led to her death.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@demifeministgal Yes, @Thirst2learn is peddling the Andrew Wakefield conspiracy, and he is too lazy to do his own research.
"What's the harm in religion?
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 29, 2020:
You should be in prison, based on your logic, because vaccines cause autoimmune disorders,which ultimately led to her death.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn You are too lazy to cite your sources, you lazy ass.
"What's the harm in religion?
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 29, 2020:
You should be in prison, based on your logic, because vaccines cause autoimmune disorders,which ultimately led to her death.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn Your "vaccines overstimulate the immune system, which causes autoimmune disorders" is magnificent in its absurdity. Ping @KKGator
"What's the harm in religion?
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 29, 2020:
You should be in prison, based on your logic, because vaccines cause autoimmune disorders,which ultimately led to her death.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn ROFL! Keep using that overheated imagination of yours!
"What's the harm in religion?
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 29, 2020:
You should be in prison, based on your logic, because vaccines cause autoimmune disorders,which ultimately led to her death.
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2020:
@Thirst2learn That is a false analogy and an example of flawed reasoning. Please think before you post. Ping @OldMetalHead @KKGator @HumanistJohn
Got kicked out of a fundamentalist Christian University for committing a thought crime.
xenoview comments on Dec 28, 2020:
You can lead theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think.
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2020:
Neigh! ;)
Got kicked out of a fundamentalist Christian University for committing a thought crime.
Lorajay comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Thinking is dangerous around Christians.
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2020:
Yes, ration thinking is incredibly dangerous to religitards.
The older I get I learn that my opinion appears to only cause division and strife.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 27, 2020:
You bring 100% value to your own life and you are the only one who can do it. You have fulfilled your responsibility as an adult to critically examine the things you were taught as a child and discovered the objective truth that others haven't been brave enough to admit. It can be a lonely ...
anglophone replies on Dec 27, 2020:
Sage words.
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