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Have you ever had this happen? I haven't personally but had a few try to put on some country shit and that didn't go over well either.

mistymoon77 9 June 8

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I don't play any music if others are in the car with me. Instant conversation killer....

The best rule!


I've always wanted to hijack a christian radio station and play some really obnoxious metal on it.

OH fun! ... Lets... They would see Satan if we did.. lol. & we can just say, the devil made me do it.

@mistymoon77 the Devil's music is much better!


First rule of The Road:
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cakehole.
Second rule of The Road:
Rules of The Road are more like "guidelines"...


I used to road trip a granddaughter back and forth across the state, 6 to 8 times a year. We started when she was 10 and quit when she got her own car 7 years later. Anyway, I had satellite radio. The rules; no rap, no country, no talk. And when she was on one of her pop stations if it was too rappy I made her change the station. I also forced her to listen to reruns of old Casey Kasem top 100 countdown on Sunday mornings. I had a sub woofer in that car. She listened to lots of my music full volume and I listened to lots of hers full volume.


That picture is so creepy.


I feel the same way about country

I do too and I would like to add smooth jazz.


If you are riding in my vehicle, I promise that you will never be subjected to commercial radio unless you absolutely must listen to that garbage.

I also promise that you will be allowed 50% control (no more and no less) over the sound system. Even if I can't stand what you are playing. And I expect the same from you in return.

Tidal and Pandora are available in my vehicle at all times, and I highly encourage you to make generous use of them. Please try to pick stuff that doesn't get played on the radio 10 times a day. You will score big points with me if you take some initiative.

If its not rock, it's nothing. No nasty ass country bumpkin shit, jazz crap, xian shit or rap crap either.

@TampaHeathen I am hard core rocker all the way. Music for me runs thru my veins to the core of my being. But I am pretty fussy about what I can tolerate.


Anybody who is riding in my vehicle will have to accept that when control of the sound system is in my hands, they will likely be listening to metal. They can either accept that or find themselves another ride.


I don't play anything on the radio if someone is with me. I can't hear what their saying over the music or talk.


Nobody but nobody would ever try to do that to me.


Yes, actually when I was 18. Not going so fast, though. It was me with my dad, and it was the Michael savage show.


About 40 years ago I was visiting a monestary in France when I met a very rich blue blood from Germany, (he owned three castles). He was also the conductor of The Bavarian Orchestra. His favorite American music song? Swing low sweet chariot!!! He loved souther gospel, like most things some is very good most mediocre and lots bad. But he taught me to always have an open mind, to not be closed minded like most people is a gift but now always easy. Yes I did believe in god at the time, thank god that is over.Haha.


Aw, look, the guy getting kicked out of the car is flying just like an angel! It's every Christian's dream come true!


When people ask me what music I listen to, I tell them the truth. Anything but modern country and gospel.


quite a jump lol


Driver picks the station. Unless it sucks.

When I travel with anyone, which is very rare, I will bring my music player with earphones and everyone can be happy.


Well had to play this one....


There are Christian radio stations???


Not religious, but political. Rush Limbaugh for example.

OH HELL NO! yikes, that's just as bad if not worse.

@TampaHeathen not only bullshit, but a lot of hate.

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