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I'm probably the outlier here, but I think fireworks are overrated and over done. Every city seems to have to put on fireworks, and not just for the 4th of July anymore. They scare young children and animals What do you think about fireworks?

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itsmedammit 8 July 2

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The town of my heart, Savannah, GA has on occasion done fireworks to the 1812 Overture and then that Duck Maybe Somebody's Mother song.

Also have lived next to a dirt track motor speedway where they did them every weekend during the summer.

Cat would sit out on the porch rail and watch.

That was an awesome cat.

Lived on US Hwy 80 at the time and she would visit the neighbors across the street through a culvert under the street.

Way too smart to cross over.

And before I am shunned for allowing an animal outside at all, she was not one to be contained. Visiting all the neighbors. She got so fat.


Public displays are fine. But, they are illegal here and that does not stop my neighbors from going apeshit and trying to blow up the place. It terrifies my dogs, they think it's the end of the world. And they are unsafe for the general public, some moron even caught my house on fire. Voted for hate 'em.


I voted "meh," and that's true, for the most part. However, I do enjoy fireworks put on by Disney. They create different and custom fireworks shows throughout the year and when you view them from inside one of their parks, they always have musical accompaniment and very often a laser light show that includes laser animated projections onto the castle (of whichever park you happen to be visiting). This is something I have experienced many times with my family and some of my most cherished memories are holding my daughter in the middle of Disneyland watching these displays. There is a powerful emotional connection there. With that said, everyone else's fireworks look the same to me. LOL!


I can’t help it, I love them! Of course I’m blonde and easily amused by anything shiny.

ssssssswwwwWWW flash sparkle----> BOOM! oooOOOh



I wouldn't miss them. I like a well put together show put together by professionals. I don't believe they should be available to the public. We have been in a state of drought for most of the last few years. Very dangerous.

Yes, and there are always reports of fingers and more lost.

@itsmedammit Including eyesight.


I can see most of us are neutral concerning fireworks but tolerate them a couple of times a year. I have seen them so many times I am not impressed. But I will probably put my beach chair out with my neighbors and watch this July 4th. I like to socialize with the neighbors.


A bunch of noise and flashy lights. I'll take a good thunder storm!

Totally with you on that. T storms rock!

  1. Scares animals
  2. Scares people --- especially in a town full of veterans who are having a hard enough time coping with flashbacks...
  3. Waste of money in small towns/cities that need infrastructure improvement....I resent my taxes being used in such a manner
  4. Bad for the environment/chemical shitstorm

Now, having said that, I do believe that there should be a fireworks display in the major cities for people who want to enjoy them...and televise them to the rest. -- NYC, Chicago, Denver, and LA seem like the best candidates for regional displays. Keep them in the urban centers away from the residential areas....and limit them to 30 minutes.

If they would quit selling anything but sparklers to the public, that would be great.
I found myself on the floor at 1 am Friday night/Saturday morning with my 9mm in hand convinced that my house was under attack. It's not pleasant to be woken up to sounds of an "invasion" and I didn't get back to sleep for hours.

I agree it has gotten out of hand and unpredictable. I also think taxes could be better spent, though I don't think the cost is huge.


Personally I think they are a waste of money. It seems to me most municipalities could put the money to better use. And also I'm not feeling very celebratory for my country right about now. We also have a ban for personal use of some types of fireworks. Go figure - we legislate fireworks but not AR15s

In many communities I have lived in the fireworks display is a gift by a local fat pocket.

@BufftonBeotch Sometimes happens here but if they don't get $$$ the city does it.


Agreed but at least it is over quickly.

One summer I hiked down from the summit of Mt. Elbert in Colorado along the East route and had a camp just below the tree line. My camp had a view looking down on the city of Leadville. I thought their fireworks would be grand, looking down on them from about 3000 feet higher.

Meh, I had forgotten how over rated fireworks are. I watched for awhile and then found my own campfire more interesting.


It's insane to me that so many families in this country spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks - something that they'll light on fire, then throw in the trash a few minutes later. They might as well just set the money on fire. Going to an organized fireworks display just makes so much more sense: much better fireworks; much, much less expensive; less chance of setting yourself or your home on fire. At least, as long as you're not going to the display in San Diego back in 2012 -

Then again, I live near Disneyland and can see a top-notch fireworks display every night of the year. If I cared much for them.


I don't care about then either way but I hate that they scare my dog


I don't particularly care for them. After the first one goes off it's pretty much boring and the thrill is over. I hardly ever seek them out on the 4th.


I can take 'em or leave 'em. I'd rather they didn't sell explosive type fireworks to the public though. I managed to get over my problem with them, but I know a lot of other vets who continue to have problems with them. Someone suggested having regional displays in a few large cities and televising to the rest. That sounds like a reasonable solution to all the other problems associated with large displays held almost everywhere.


I don't get the hype. Never did

Me neither!


Still enjoy them. Some of my neighbors shoot them off all the time. Legal in NH.


Already been happening here for weeks. Starts dogs barking. Sometimes sounds like gunfire. Makes me head for the door just in case i can see the fleeing car. (real shit)

And like we need more tons of smoke and shit in the air..

And here, during the summer, after every baseball game. 10pm and echos for miles.

No reason for that shit.


I prefer people shooting fireworks over them shooting guns in the air. Where I grew up at it seemed like someone died every year from bullets coming down and hitting them.

Tejas Level 8 July 2, 2018



If you have dogs they can be a nightmare. Over here November 5th is like a war zone. Nobody seems to remember it's an anti-catholic celebration.


I doubt that I'll ever outgrow a well done show, esp to live music. I even enjoyed lighting some small fire works at home, when it so tickled my (then young) kids. I am not a fan of home fire works in general though. As my newest cat is afraid of storms, he's bound to hate the neighbors' fire crackers.

Zster Level 8 July 2, 2018

Fireworks have become beyond annoying. I wish they would be banned. People start blasting away 2 weeks before the designated holiday. They tie up law enforcement resources and are a fire hazard. We always have a huge, professional display around the big lake and traffic is snarled for miles. Afterward, the amateurs continue long into the night. To put it succinctly, the thrill is gone, just stop so I can sleep. Plus, we have this.


It is an artform with many facets and it has a huge number of people that support it, but I don't have a fascination with it. Resources that could be better spent, in my opinion.


I'd be down with fireworks if we could do this with some practicality. The fireworks started a week ago in my neighborhood, which is very much in a large city. My neighbor shoots off the large mortars that shake my house and freaks out the dogs. And keeps me awake until midnight. Then I can hear the trash rain down on my house. His name is Bobby and I told him last night fireworks are allowed July 3-5, but he's too stupid to understand that.

The neighbor across from me had a sign in his yard last year saying he was a Veteran and asking people not to set them off in the neighborhood. I'm hoping he puts the sign out again this year.


I have a dog that scares easily. Unfortunately, I live a block off the city square and a mile from the county fairgrounds. That means I get to hear a fireworks display every year along with several very loud parades that march down the street.

If I had known this would happen I would have bought a house further out in the country.

I used to have a dog that was terrified of loud noises, including thunder and fireworks. I had to give her drugs.

@itsmedammit I have giver her prescription meds, but they didn't work very well. I bought a thundershirt for her; didn't work. I finally found a preparation that is over the counter and natural that works pretty well. I give it to her in her food every day. She still doesn't like the thunder, however she no longs shakes apart when we have rainstorms.


Voted Meh only because I will still enjoy them in the right place and carefully controlled. I have friends with PTSD and friends with very nervous pets who find them terrifying. Agreed with poster who mentioned the Disney fireworks. And as a kid, I loved them but because they were a family event.


They are sort of exciting. They arouse some sort of barbaric pleasure. For real excitement observe a B52 raid.

Or a low level napalm strike at dawn.

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