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Whatcha doing this weekend? Any big plans?

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Sara72712 6 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I need some new threads. I've got a pork belly I want to crisp up and chill for tacos later this week. Wrap some birthday presents for a friend. Some quality bar time, then I think a Tarantino movie i on Netflix, I never saw the Hateful 8, which I intend to rectify this evening.

zeuser Level 9 July 21, 2018

Studying, gotta get that degree.

Yep, been there!


I have a date tonight. Might stop down to do some local shopping at the Old Town Sidewalk Sale.

Tomorrow I definitely need to clean my apartment.


Reo/Chicago concert ????

Rose2U Level 7 July 21, 2018

They were down here just a few weeks ago. Enjoy!


Dress rehearsal tomorrow for a play I’ve directed; performances all this week.

That's so cool. What play is that?

@Sara72712 - it’s called ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’; it’s about a Hollywood movie star who comes to England thinking he’s going to play Lear at Stratford on Avon for the RSC but actually finds himself in, as he calls it, Stratford on Pigshit in the middle of Suffolk, acting with ‘a bunch of amateurs’.


I'm going to do a marathon of watching every season of Dexter. I really miss that show, and it's been a while since I've seen it.

I rewatched Dexter at the beginning of the year. Great show!! Have you seen 'Safe' on Netflix with Michael C Hall? Just watched that yesterday.


Checking the current guests out of the BnB here at 7 am (in 40 minutes)....then cleaning it and resetting it for the guest coming in this evening....hoping to pick up another booking last minute....and then a thrilling day of writing content for a client's website and doing paperwork. Yay.

Your BnB with the tea!!

My mom has always wanted to open a BnB. She's really into hosting and entertaining people.

@Sara72712 It's a pretty cool business 😉 and I stay booked, so that's a good thing.


Still recovering from surgery for a torn quadriceps tendon.


Friends birthday party!


I'll be out riding my Harley along the coastline enjoying the seaside fun.



Carin Level 8 July 26, 2018

Not sure what a weekend even is, I farm.


Bar + live music + crazy crowd ... can't get any better than that

.......and know a big headache + bunch of aspirin


Sailing today, mountain bike riding tomorrow. Yay!!!?


Party time with a couple of friends this evening! It's been a while since I've been out of the house, so I am excited.


We are a very, very active community. This weekend the native boat canoe paddle [] A number of canoes (I have been told not to call them boats) are coming to Lopez and many are engaged in helping greet them. Potlucks, site prep, clean-up, speeches and other activities are planned. I am involved (last year a small tem of us made some 350 PBJ sandwiches).


I’m working a few hours this morning and then I have three kid birthday parties today. ?

Oh man! There goes the whole day. LOL!


Working some today, then doing some research for my next book project.
Fitness training this afternoon too.


Yesterday started my weekend and I got off to a great start of "doing as little as possible." I didn't leave my apartment all day.


Worrying about my kid driving 10 hours with his dad through tornado watches all day. It's gonna be a sucky sucky day.

Hihi Level 6 July 21, 2018



Hanging out with my youngest today, work tomorrow 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 21, 2018

light construction with son...


Wedding. In a very Mormon heavy town.


Darn, I wish you had asked me last weekend.


"Down" time can be GREAT time! So, I'm hanging with YOU ALL for awhile!


Right now I'm enjoying coffee on my patio before it gets too hot. This is my view.

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