I'm a musician and this lady asks me in a Bar, have you taken Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, I say no, and she starts to swear at me, what a world
I say I have no need for an imaginary friend.
I once had a man ask me if I was a Satanist. I asked him why he would think that, and replied that it was because I was wearing black fingernail polish. When I pointed out to him that it was the day after Halloween, he asked me what religion I was. That I replied with I never talk religion with strangers. Wrong answer as he started going on and on about his ex-girlfriend thought the same thing, and he believed you should be shouting it from the rooftops. I told him that was probably why she is now his ex and left. My religion (or non religion as the case may be) is my own to talk about (or not talk about).
I think the best response is...... What made you choose Christianity as your religion?
They would usually reply with, "Its how I was brought up", or "my parents were christians" etc etc
That opens many doors for further questions.............
I would have pointed out that she apparently hasn't taken Jesus as her lord and savior either. (James 4:6). We are no better than anyone, especially the unsaved. When we begin to esteem ourselves as better than others, we are living contrary to the will of God. Why is it that the Atheist knows more about being Christian than Christians do?
I grew up going to church with my grandmother, and that education allows me to quote scripture back to them, I really enjoyed that you did that.
It sounds like she needs to accept this website as her savior. We are a much better group for her than that "church crowd".
At least she didn't blow you up. I know this is provocative, and Christianity has had its "moments" in the distant past (i.e. the Crusades), but I think that we need to first worry about those that are willing to kill themselves (and others) in the name of religion, before sorting out those who haven't had the education that leads to critical thinking to make more-informed comments I've no idea how I would have handled that situation though!
People like to take you down with them when they hit bottom. She has given up on reality and angry that you have not given up and do not need to resort to fables and fairy tales to survive. It is offensive to her that you are able to handle life and be a decent human being with out being brain washed. I work with people who pray for this and that selfish thing and pray for me. I pray for them to disappear yet each day they show up again! They do not know how to handle someone who is not a Christian being a better person than they are.
I think we have all encountered those "loving" Christians who will openly condemn us, even without alcohol. They never miss an opportunity to push their filthy religion of sexism, homophobia, anti sex, anti science,. The three desert religions are religions of torture and murder, surrounded by ignorance and a cultist fascination with death. I hope I didn't beat around the bush. LOL
when they get too obnoxious, I revert to the bible and say "you should follow the red words in the king James version, I promise it's not a communist conspiracy."
There are a lot of self-righteous drunken evangelical christian bitches in this world don't take it personally. Most are too, dumb to even know they are being rude and ignorant to even asking a question like that in the first place.
we do meet all kinds.
She was just "speadin' the luv of Jeezuss!, lucky you.