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I recently joined a couple of other free dating sites, and I am quite open about being atheist. When someone looks appealing, of course I check out their profile. What do y'all think about my automatic deletion of anyone's message if their profile says "Christian", "Baptist", or whatever, under religious beliefs? Am I being intolerant, or just time-effective?

Wendy965 5 Aug 29

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I wouldn't dismiss them just because of that. Some people just want to be accepted, to fit in and don't really take religion all that seriously. Some feel pressured to go along with the crowd. Maybe your freedom of spirit is just what they are looking for? You could just say, I'm not interested in religion, and see where that goes.


Absolutely time effective.

I did the same thing when I was on for a minute.

We want what we want. There is no one size fits all.

Good luck!


Time effective


I practice the same time saving tactics. ...if a woman says she voted for TrumpOLINI SHE IS DELETED


If their profile indicates they only want to date Christians, then certainly delete. If they say they are open to any belief
or non belief, I would suggest giving them a closer look. If
you are happy to just date with no particular interest in marriage, I would say go for it, regardless of their religious beliefs. Several years ago, I had a year long relationship with a Jesus freak, and it was great. We just agreed to side step religious discussion and focus on fun. I actually suspect that our different existential views may have heightened our sexual least in my kinky little mind.


I try to write my profile carefully, but I figure there are three things that hold guys back from contacting me: atheist, liberal, plus size... I can guess which one they have the most issue with, HA, but religion and politics are touchy subjects, too... 😉


Not intolerant. Practical.


LOL, I just remember filling out an e-harmony profile and stating my religious belief as "none" and got back "you have no matches". Well, allrightythen!


It wasn't TOO terribly long ago that I might have listed myself as Christian. Growing up in OK, that was the default position, even if you weren't religious. So I expect there are plenty of people that don't give religion enough thought to label themselves as Atheist or Agnostic, but when asked "what religion are you?" They just say Christian without thinking much about it.

Of course though, I wouldn't waste time with anyone that actively talked about god, church, faith, etc.


You might be automatically deleting your soulmate.


Well religion is such a big deal for a lot of religious people I would say that is just being efficient


No, only the ones that say "If you don't LOVE JESUS we won't get along". Some people list an affiliation out of habit but don't care too much about it.

Or when they're asked about favorite books, "The Bible"... Oh, I read quite a lot of fiction as well 😉

@Wendy965 Expand your search range 1200 miles, and we can "like" each other. ?☕


Time effective. Especially weeding out the Baptists.


Saving yourself a lot of wasted time, I would say. Unless you're on the fence about what you believe and could entertain the idea is of faking belief for his family's sake, unless that person opens the subject in a positive way in the early interaction, say a sweet goodbye.

Not faking anything!! LMAO!!


"Christian" is a pretty broad label and doesn't necessarily mean "fundamentalist" or even particularly "believer". It may be more of a cultural association. So it could be needlessly limiting to auto-delete Christians. Baptists, yeah, go for it. That's a different story.

If you were in the Bible Belt then Christian almost = Baptist. In Colorado, it depends more on urban vs rural.

If you're meeting plenty of people I'd say don't change your strategy but if you want to stretch a little you might, who knows, find yourself a Episcopalian who is for all practical purposes an atheist who either doesn't know it or doesn't like the social approbation that goes with the label.


Look, we all have things we find attractive, and things we find repulsive. We should not judge each other by what those things are, just accept that what some folks like or hate is going to be different than your likes or hates.
Some men love blondes. That's fine. Some women wouldn't date a short man. Also fine. I could not date a religious woman. I find that terribly unappealing. And that's fine, too.
I can't imagine why you would waste time considering someone you know you don't like. That makes no sense.


I'm thinking some people put Christian, or whatever just because they were raised as such and haven't haven't thought about it for decades. But if I see 'the bible' in their favorite book section, that says volumes.


Not at all. I used to do the same thing. No luck on dating sites.


I quit POF because of the religious freaks. I tried dating one once and couldn't tolerate his religious and political views but most of all his hypocracy sickened me. You're right. Don't waste your time. They are out to evangelize but still wanna fuck.


Depends on how important belief is to you. There's a lot of arm chair christians out there that will put it on a form but never attend church and not defend their faith.


To coin a phrase, there are some fine people who hold religious beliefs. But we each have different levels of tolerance for them, so you should keep doing this if yours is low. I'd do it too if someone so identified with religion that they felt compelled to put that in a dating site profile. I also eliminate people who say they don't drink, that saves a lot of time too. 🤓

I eliminate people who say they drink more than one drink socially. Recent studies now show there's no safe drinking limit. Better to take cannabis cures almost anything, no hang over or addiction, and you still feel happy and peaceful.

@birdingnut we all have our priorities. ☺️


I would not date a religious person. I also don't understand why a religious person would want to date an atheist.


It's totally your prerogative. You get to decide who you want to associate with, period. =]


I think it’s time effective in most cases but for myself I will also consider political bent because extreme conservativism will get a very quick no from me. I don’t do willful ignorance very well and in my experience, most extremists willfully embrace their ignorance in the name of their god.


You're using your time wisely.


I use a somewhat less rigid filter. It applies to the profiles that include God-fearing, Jesus-loving or church going in the essay section. If I filtered anyone who picked Christian in the Religion: drop down, that'd be about 90%.

Filtering out 90%, I'm trying to figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing! But YEAH great point, especially considering I work 2nd shift, that probably eliminates a good 80% of matches anyway... unless one is cool with only getting together on the weekends. It's been quite a while since I had a sexual relationship but as I recall I prefer more frequency 🙂

@Wendy965 Lately I could filter 100% with no loss except time

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