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How many of you had a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse tell you that they wanted to end their long-term relationship with you because you didn't believe in god?

Jahrta 4 Sep 4

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I was spurned because of it. Upon reflection, he did me a favor. I couldn't live with religion over me every day. No thanks!


I became an atheist age 13, when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men.

During my entire life, no man has every criticized me for being an atheist.

I never date judgmental Christians who try to ram religion down my throat.


I don't remember ever dating anyone that practiced a religion, since I lost mine.


I don't 100% count out religios to date and when I don't know I don't have the burning urge to ask (not on the top of my mind). Is it coincidence (almost?) no one I have dated has believed in imaginary beings? We have all noticed a strong correspondence with both intelligence and education, professors being the category after scientists the most agnostic. That is a very large part of why a community like this is so much better than so many other forums in terms of amount of idiotic behavior.


Seems like something that should be known before there is a relationship and at least one of the two should have their wits about them and said "this doesn't" seem like a good idea.

People change inside the relationship. If someone converts during a marriage, that’s a big deal.


Nope, never. But I tend to not get involved with religious people.

She wasn't all that religious at the start. She became more religious as she finished college (partly due to the fact that she was majoring in near eastern and Judaic studies) .

@Jahrta I see. Makes sense. But It is a deal breaker for me.


Are you kidding? I wouldn't even START dating someone who is religious and if I accidentally accepted a date from someone who I later realized was religious, I'd dump him on the spot.


It happen ed to m e more than fifty years ago and I still haven't changed my feelings about her.


that is why I say up front i say I am an atheist


I was in a relationship maybe 10 years in ... went into it truthful about my beliefs... now by year 12 the relationship was over. It wasnt religion that ended it, but it was a pretty jarring reality check. He cussed n' fussed with me because i didn't take the children to church. (10 years later??) And I'm like, you don't go to church. And by the way... atheist. And although you were raised in Catholicism, you're only spiritual and religious when it suits you. ... progressively, the religious tension grew (among other tensions) but indeed, when he started quoting parables to me, the relationship was over. Had it not been over, yes, 100% ... I don't understand how something so fundamental can be overlooked. How much is really in common if that foundation is not similar???


Never but I did leave the woman I almost married because she was an adimant christian. I knew she wanted a christian man and it wasn't fair to either us. One of the hardest decisons I ever had to make


I have. One was a short term thing, but the other was a longer one that really hurt. She was Catholic, and I am an atheist, and she didn’t so much want me to convert to Catholicism as just to believe in “anything.” She tried to get me to look at Buddhism, or other “spritual” views on life, but none of it makes any sense, so she ended the relationship.


Never been an issue although we have both sought divine intervention at certain times 😉


Relationships without challenges tend to lead to boredom. I would not want to be in a close relationship with someone who wanted me to validate her beliefs nor would I wish her to validate any belief that I hold.
As Bertrand Russell rightly observed: "History is replete with men and women who have gone to their deaths for their beliefs. There is nothing new in this and it will continue into the foreseeable future. Personally, I would never die for my beliefs because after all, I could be wrong."


My marriage ended after 25 year's because of my atheism. That was five years ago. I was chatting with a lady on a dating website recently. She seemed to be very nice, funny too. But when she asked about my religious beliefs and I told her that I was an atheist she dissapeared!! Yes, religion spoils everything.


I had a gf do that to me two years ago. Sadly, I was not only agnostic, but liberal too. Sigh.


I have ended a couple of relationships, not because they were believers. Because they could not accept me for who I am, were constantly trying to save me! Ha Ha..... like I'm the one that needed saved!


I ended a marriage because he believed. We were discussing children. He said he would bring them up religiously and take them to a religious school once a week. I didn’t want any child of mine with that kind of influence on their mind. Goodbye.

Livia Level 6 Sep 9, 2018

not i. my guy believes, in a vague way, in a god he can't define, and doesn't try to define, and he doesn't want to talk about it. he is a little upset that i mention, from time to time, that i am an atheist. i can usually shut him up by saying "talking snake." he hasn't ever read the bible (i will mention here that we are jewish, and the bible in question is the jewish bible). i have. he isn't sure i'm telling him the truth about the talking snake, even though i actually read him that part. i am not trying to get him to stop believing in a god. i just want him to be nicer about my not believing in any gods. he's been better lately. "talking snake" seems to be working! we happen to love each other. what can we do? it's not a huge issue in our lives. nonetheless, tomorrow night is rosh hashana. if i feel well enough i'll go to shul with him. i kind of enjoy it. it's interesting. but no WAY am i going to waste my monday there. hours and hours of it... not so interesting, even once a year. the music is good, though. he likes me sitting next to him, even though i make him sit front row center (he's a little shy). he usually kisses me right there in shul and wishes me a happy new year.




No not a one of them.


Nope. I tolerate (in that respect) nobody that believes in a god so this is not a problem.


I walked away from the angry old man in the sky when I was 13 but I married a Pentecostal gal and had 3 kids with her - a psychotic roller coaster ride for 11 years. The straw that broke the camel's back was losing a lot of money in the housing crash of 89', money before god, isn't that the deal? She remarried to a god fearing American and I didn't see any of my kids for 20 years until I dropped in on my daughter one night in California. I still haven't seen my two boys and I still send a cheque every damn month to the government department that handles those things in Canada. My youngest just turned 30.


Never but it wouldn't bother me at all


About 29 years ago, I left Moronism (oops, Mormonism). As a result, my wife took the children and disappeared. Haven't seen her since. Before leaving, she told me that she married a Mormon, and I was not the same person she married, because I was no longer a Moron (oops, Mormon).

that is why I hate religions they make people stupid. I can't be with you because you don't believe. Then I say but you had children out of wedlock. That does not matter. The bible says its wrong then ther Jesus died for my sins so as long as a confess before I die I will go to heaven. Sorry they all suck the big one.


Never had. And I am still in some kind of relationship (if I call her) with a Christian Scientist for over 16 years? We both been solid in our positions.

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