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What's your most outlandish belief? (Mine is, I believe crop circles are not man-made.)

Redcupcoffee 7 Sep 17

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I believe the earth is alive and will kill us all one day.

Based on the fact that over 99% of all species that once lived on this earth are extinct, and that we are quickly altering the environment, your belief is a well founded. The earth has an active biosphere and it is reasonable to assume a time will come when it will no longer be hospitable to human kind.

@Redcupcoffee I do also.


From the late great Carl Sagan.
"I don't want to believe, I want to know".

That's how I feel as well.

@Redcupcoffee well, to be honest, I understand that there will be a prepitual learning of what the cosmose really is.
Although,We have through myriad understanding things through the Scientific method, and comferend emprerical evidence To acumulate more and more what is, and what is not..

But to answer your inquiry, I know that humans, well a lot of them will never cease to experiment and try to understand everything.

Oh, and as to what I knoe for sure.
Chocolate is the best stuff ever. 🙂


That my dogs understand every single thing I say to them or around them ?


I believe...

  • I can fly
  • in life after love
  • in magic, in a young girl's heart
  • for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows
  • and I believe to my soul you tryna make a fool of me

Oh oh oh I almost forgot to mention whom I believe our future is. Hint: it's the children XD


I believe my dog knows which people are bad people. She has only growled at 3 different people the entire time I have known her, I do not trust any of those people even though one of one was somebody I already knew.

Are you saying that your dog is smarter than you are? Ask'en for a friend.

@dahermit well she does have the entire family completely dedicated to feeding her, petting her, and cleaning up her poop! I don't have people to do any of those things for me!


I sincerely believe driveways and parkways are misnamed.

@Redcupcoffee Gallagher


I believe one day The Oilers will win the Stanley Cup again.


I believe my washing machine eats my socks. Pairs go in and there are always odd numbers come out, How many of you have a collection of single socks like me? Where do they go, it’s been happening for years and I still haven’t found the answer!

I'm told when a sock goes into the laundry to die, it's born again as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit anything you have. #TrueFacts

@PolyWolf There is a lot of evidence for this, lol.


trump was secretly murdered by the kgb, the body stuffed with dog excrement and is being remotely controlled by Russian operatives. Only rational explanation for his actions.


That the Minnesota Vikings will win a Superbowl in my lifetime 🙂

You are truly a man of faith! LOL! 😉

@Hordo Tell me about it lol 🙂

This year! This year....

@absaluteviktory5 We won't if we don't get another kicker. What is it with us and kickers over the past few years. Walsh couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo either!

@ipdg77 Hey there is this great kicker...Gonzalez I think his name is....used to kick for Cleveland. He might be y'alls answer ??

@absaluteviktory5 @Shawappa44820 We picked up Dan Bailey instead Skol!


World peace.

No such thing. World commerce on the other hand. If your country and my country are buying and selling things between us, wars become very counter productive.


I think I am rational enough to discard outlandish beliefs when confronted with facts. There are a number of things that I'd like to believe because I wish they were true, but I cannot.

JimG Level 8 Sep 17, 2018

I agree, although some are.

I believe I'll find someone compatible with me and we'll live happily together.

@Redcupcoffee I'm trying to be optimistic, LOL!


I don't think this is particularly outlandish, but I believe the dead can communicate with us from wherever their energy lies.

Ahhhh good one !!!! ..... But I guarantee you it is beyond outlandish. Just plain impossible and here is my rational take on it..... Some crazy things I have done along the way, if that is a possibility then my Mom would've come back to "communicate" with me a while ago ?

@Redcupcoffee Exactly!!

@IamNobody Maybe she doesn't want to communicate with you...…….

@AzVixen52 Maybe my own mother doesn't want to communicate with me? Ha ha ha you don't know my mom. If she could really see me from the other side (she passed years ago) then she would come back to give me the longest lecture any parent have ever throw at their kid. I have done some crap she wouldn't tolerate and pretty sure she would come back to set things right...... Nope, she is dead dead dead. ..... And @Redcupcoffee sorry I don't believe in any possibility whatsover, our love ones when gone they truly are out of bounds.

@Redcupcoffee no worries, I didn't mean to tell you how to feel about it. That's the last thing I had in my mind. If you believe in those possibilities that's ok with me and I don't see any problem with it. Cheers

@IamNobody Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it's wrong.

@AzVixen52 absolutely, I think that's what I have said in my previous msg


I don't think it qualifies as belief, but I suspect Vanna White of being nosferatu.

At the very least I suspect her of Countess Bathory style washroom habits.


I think I may have been here before.....can't really explain the why and the how. Funny, huh?


I believe I will be able to not overeat living in a hotel for 3 weeks


When things go missing around the house my late husband is the culprit ? ?


I have long ago abandoned all beliefs not supported by evidence and follow demonstrable facts.

I often (never on this site unless identified as SARCASM) assert absolute nonsense to demonstrate how easy it is to make up absolute BS for the sake of encouraging people to question what they are being told.


I believe the origin of life on Earth was extraterrestrial.

Cite your evidence

@jwd45244 "outlandish" precludes evidence claims.

We are stardust. Ask any supernova. ?

@Redcupcoffee Same here.


If i saw a crop circle in a field tomorrow I would know that people are trying to fool someone. How would a crop circle be other worldly? What could possibly be the message?

@Redcupcoffee Yes, but crop circles have been proven to be man made in the past so I don't think people on other planets have taken it over afterwards.

@Redcupcoffee I gave up on Fate magazine years ago. I respect your views here but your argument is like saying all religions are not false. Mine is the true religion. Google something like "The truth about crop circles" to understand what I am saying.

Maybe they just like to fuck with us. I know l would.


That there is at least 1 other planet out there with "intelligent life".

Other? What's for first example?

@PolyWolf Good point, but that's why I put intelligent life in quotations lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle I know, I loved it. ?

I believe there multiple 1,000s. Just to far away to ever prove


I believe not everyone should have the right to vote.
I believe human life is not precious just because you know the individual.
I believe Thanos was making the hard call but correct one.


Our cat doesn't like my wife. I've explained to her that the cat is drawn to power and is very observant. The cat sees her take care of everybody and has decided (incorrectly, I might add!) that's a sign of subservience and the antithesis of power, so the cat's written her off. It's completely unfair, unwarranted, and I don't in any way defend the cat's behavior. We have a dog, now too, and the cat hates her, not because she turns the walkways within the house into her own terrifying streets of Pamplona for the running of the dog, but because she siphons away the attention of her powerful humans.


Here is one really out there.... After the first heavy retaliation bombarding in Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden was never seen again. After the fact, there were audio tapes to pretend to prove that he was still calling the shots (which kind of proves to some extent that he was already missing in action)....all that being said, Obama operation to get him and kill him was a theatrical BS and that's why it was "decided" to dump his body at sea where no one would find it. If this is not outlandish then I don't know what is...

@Redcupcoffee I can't prove it as no one can prove me wrong either


It's been proven that most crop circles were man made.

@Redcupcoffee Your absolutely wrong

@Redcupcoffee They've been explained in numerous documentaries.

@Redcupcoffee Most crop circle researchers admit that the vast majority of crop circles are created by hoaxers. But, they claim, there's a remaining tiny percentage that they can't explain. The real problem is that (despite unproven claims by a few researchers that stalks found inside "real" crop circles show unusual characteristics), there is no reliable scientific way to distinguish "real" crop circles from man-made ones.

@Redcupcoffee []

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