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I keep seeing people posting about the allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton and how Democrats turn their head when it's one of their own. (This is coming from people who either believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is lying or, they believe she was assaulted but think she is mistaken about who did it or, they just feel that sexual assault doesn't really disqualify Brett Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court.)

Actually, I believe the allegations of sexual assault by these women against Bill Clinton. So, please don't assume you know my thoughts on the matter. I would love to see someone actually go forward with a case against him and have him convicted. But, that's not happening. Until it does, there will be no retribution. I mean, think about it. Bill Cosby was considered "America's Dad" for years until these allegations came forward. And I would never have thought ill of the man until they did. Now, I hope he rots in whatever cell they put him in. I hope Harvey Weinstein is convicted too. I think that Al Franken did the right thing by stepping down. And if charges were brought against him, I would have supported the person bringing them too. So, stop trying to make this about party lines. When you do, you're just being an asshole for the sake of your party support.

Having said that, to the best of my knowledge, the first allegation against Bill Clinton was by Paula Jones and she didn't go public with it until 1994. That was a year after he was already in office. If she had gone public with these allegations before the election, you may very well have seen a different result at the polls during the primary or in the election (if he still made it as the choice in the primary).

These allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are being brought up before he gets the position. They need to be taken seriously. Yet, you're completely willing to disregard them as either false or irrelevant.

The claims against Bill Clinton were relevant. They were relevant enough to bring articles of impeachment against him. There were four total articles brought to the house. Two were considered strong enough to advance. Obstruction of justice and perjury. None of the Democrats in congress voted guilty. (Which I believe shows the stupidity of party support regardless of reality.) But, not all of the Republicans voted guilty either. so, he was acquitted on both accounts.

So, until someone brings charges against Bill Clinton for sexual assault, please shut the fuck up about him. It has no bearing on anything current. And if the women who were assaulted by Clinton don't move forward with charges, you're just throwing out distractions against what is currently going on because you don't want to face it and you don't want to admit that it's important. And that's a shame. You can't feel that sexual assault is a valid issue. You can only use it as a political tool. And, you care nothing for the victims.

Duke 8 Sep 30

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I have experienced both coercive and simple sexual advances. I have been up
close and personal with men that have some kind of undertone of overpowering or even tricking a female into a sexual encounter. I have been exposed to men that wanted to ‘overpower’ me, for their sexual pleasure and there is a big envokes fear, the other encounter, just needs a clear flat out refusal! I believe that Clinton comes under this last position and Kavanuagh comes under the former! There is a big difference and FEAR, is the element that makes the difference! I can refuse passion, but the power sexual player does not take no...does not even hear the word no, to the best of my knowledge! I remember very clearly Ken Star, and his pursuit of Clinton and the women and I believe Star ‘used’ them...Clinton may have even pressured these women for sex, but it was not the kind of force that says...I don’t care what you say, I want, what I want..,and you can’t stop me! I have experience with both of these sexual advances and there is a major difference! Plus, if too much force is used to fight of a ‘power sexual assault,’ you could get yourself killed!!

@jorj it is not the same. I watched Star at work and Clinton’s behavior...sexual
assault is not the same as sexual attraction.

@jorj I can’t follow your train of thought! I explained myself and this all started way before it ever got to Feinstein!

@jorj my firm belief is that there was some chemistry between these women and Clinton and it went over the line, and there was a power play here! A powerful person, will be an attraction to most women! But we don’t act on them! I have been attracted to many a man in my lifetime, but I knew when it was out of bounds...and not TO BE ACTED ON! So Star, gathered up all these women’s stories and made them abuses, assaults and sinful! I watched it go on from beginning to end! I remember it very clearly because, it became so ridiculous!

@jorj it is a dangerous thing, thinking that you might know what other people are thinking! It is behaviors that you can gauge a few things on, but thinking that you know what others are thinking, will take you down a dead end! I cannot ever remember over my whole life time, meeting a mind reader!

@jorj trump showed us in his past that he does not recognize boundaries...he ‘took’ what he wanted, wheather there was chemistry there or not! We all have boundaries that should be respected! Trump still has no restraint, he shows little respect for anyone’s it someone that ticks him off, a member of the press and EVEN world leaders!

@jorj there was a court case, that has disappeared about the rape of a 13 yr old child by TRUMP, there was a witness...the person who brought the girl to a party or gathering! I can’t possibly keep up with all that goes on where trump is concerned! You are free to research it yourself, many people on this site know about it as well! We have no idea what happened to it!! But, some of us can keep a lot in our minds...maybe not everything, but a gracious plenty!

@jorj be glad when you see a group of people, trying to bring ethical and morality, to the table! Everyone of us will be accountable, so no less than for a person that is to serve on The Supreme Court! I just read that Kavanuagh was demoted by the bar association on complaints! The article is on one of the post tonight!

@jorj struggling for answers never runs in a straight nor logical line. I see that you are disgusted with one or the other side, but this process is not simply and..,for sure all sides have ‘dug in!’ And this is not even finished, yet. Maybe if you are clear where you stand and then see if more information comes out that gives you more understanding one way or the other, you can more easily follow the process, without getting lost in the process! Does that make sense to you? You must settle your emotions so that they don’t get in the way, as you gather information! It is hard to process any thing when our emotions are running away with us. We can be angry, but we must not let our anger take over.

@jorj you say things, I say things, most of the time, I am clear of purpose and even keil and on occasion things come out of my mouth that I don’t mean and if, just those words are picked up, people might question my ‘smarts!’ Nobody is perfect, but what is at issue here is...we have a man of questionable character that is trying to get the position of a Justice on the Supreme Court...this is serious! We need to know this man’s background! When people break the law and go to court, everything possible will be brought to bear on this person. We should do no less with a lifetime appointment to the bench!

@jorj ok...then that is where you stand, until you have the information that you need to make a judgement one way or the other!

@jorj but, don’t get mad at other people because they are not processing information the same way you do. This will also, distract us from our own purpose of gathering information!

@jorj I don’t have tv, and I found out that reading most all my news was better for me. I do not want to be ‘entertained’ getting my news. I want the facts about what took place and I will go to several different sources because I know that one source can’t possibly give me everything! Then I can make a decision, without having other people put their ‘emotional spin’ on the news! Don’t be afraid of legitimate anger...anger is in our nature for a is how we use it that makes it useful or destructive! When we are angry, we need to own it and not strike out at others because of it. Just own it...and move passed it, after we understand what we were angry about. Anger is just an energy that needs it’s proper place and proper expression. And with practice you get better and better at using anger correctly! Just what i learned passing onto you...

@jorj a person can only change his/her mind when he/she gets enough information. That is why studing everything is can never get too much information!! We can get tired of hearing something, but we can never get too much information! Just allow yourself to find your answers in your own time! If you believe something one way, just state your position and keep going...something in your position may or may not be important to someone else, but no one should be forced to ‘see’ something they can’t ‘see’ that moment! That would not be ‘truth’ and I think most of us are searching for ‘truth!’


Mr Clinton couldn't keep his penis into his pants , and the ladies did not claimed anything " against my will ". I don't care where the president gets his excitement , that's between him and his wife . I can call him an idiot , but not a rapist .
I have no doubt in my mind than none president while on power at least , went through their marriages without cheating . Well , that's for their wives to worry . And for me to make my mind what type of weakness and what type of character they own . Mr Kennedy was doing anything that had two legs and breathing , including an actor who made a career based on looks and sex instead of actual acting . Ok . Not a rapist . If a murderer thou ......, I will had need a trial to help me w that .
The assholes we are dealing with in these days are different kind of animals . Unfaithful or cheap vagina or paid vagina is not the issue . Rape is .

@jorj I wouldn't talk. You flirt all kinds of lines from what I'm reading! ?

@jorj really? Fun and games? ?

@SukiSue thank u ma'am ♥️

@jorj I don't have to be careful sir . I give exactly two rats ass about my political correctness . It is what it is , u can say it w five words or w one , I don't give a damn .

We certainly don't know but I'm willing to wager that Jimmy Carter never cheated. Except in his heart perhaps.

@jorj @Pralina1 Manners and respect, however, are not.


A slightly different perspective, but damning nonetheless. Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that none of the allegations brought against Kavanaugh by Dr. Ford are true. This is not my thinking on that subject, but just for argument.

The other perspective: Before this process began he has advocated for removing the POTUS from being subject to the law as any ordinary citizen is. That, in itself, is highly disturbing. During this process he has shown extreme partisan bent. He has exposed himself as one with an explosive demeanor. He has displayed a degree of intolerance and prejudice. He has shown us that he is not afraid to lie when it suits him. Now, the question is, even if all the allegations brought by all the women were totally false, would he still be qualified to sit as a justice in the highest court in the land?

If you say, "Yes," then you do not have the slightest idea of what jurisprudence standards we, as a nation, employ in our legal system.

Summing up, I happen to be moved to believe most of these women without question and a couple of them with only a minor amount of reservation. Having watched the hearings more than once and being a person with considerable experience observing people in tense situations, I wouldn't want him sitting on the SCOTUS, and I would have some reservations about having him on the bench anywhere.

Hear, hear.

I guess i'll chime in by saying both political parties and the government are run by humans...and we all know what people are capable of with power... if you think the Dems somehow are the owners of morality and nobility you my friend are in fantasy land... wife beating, women groping ,raping, drunkenness, two faced sons of bitches belongs to humanity not just them damn republicans.

@onan180 -- No one said that, my friend, so that came out of left field with a tailwind. We're talking about a judge cum justice of the SCOTUS here. They are supposed to be nonpartisan and even tempered, giving fair hearing to all sides and responding with carefully measured consideration. They should be of impeccable honesty, too. From the hearings and information that has come forth since the hearings, it appears Kavanaugh comes up short on all counts, and I'm not even allowing for the sexual impropriety allegations. Throw those into the mix, providing any of it is true, the only bench he should be sitting on would be in an all-male park somewhere.

Edit added note

Perusing you profile I now realize that the comment, "...Dems somehow are the owners of morality and nobility you my friend are in fantasy land...", is a standard, by rote comment of yours.

Lol just on a rant.....but everybody has an opinion, mine is his judicial record is the evidence , I think I like him.... personally the left has gone waaaaaayy goofy. ....looks like kavanaugh will be confirmed and maybe pubs maintain the house and senate. you can thank the dems behavior for that...soooo thank you : ) .@evidentialist

@onan180 -- I had little doubt and still have little doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed. I also respect his intellect and what I know of his record, he has done nothing on the bench that would disqualify him. For me, it was his performance during the hearings and the unnecessary lies he told that did it. The Republican desire to install Kavanaugh is, in spite of rhetoric to the contrary, purely political, and Trump's interest in it is self preservation in nature. The article I provide here lists 5 reasons, but there are in reality several more reasons for the rush to confirm. Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. We are now in interesting times. By the way, an ex justice of the Supreme Court went into this process thinking that Kavanaugh should be confirmed but after the hearings, has changed his mind.


well when I watched him in the hearings I was tearing up with him spontaneously it seemed very real to me. I know I would be pissed if this had happened to me. what he said did not create and adverse opinion of him with me. it was omly after when I saw the democratic response to him did I hear he was angry and unbecoming a judge and I was like ....what ???? I didn't feel that way at all. what came out of his mouth was exactly what I thought.. as to him lying I don't know what you're talking about. as far as him not directly asking for an FBI investigation in the hearing I immediately comprehended. this is about delay how this whole thing is about delay. he was leaving it up to the committee to make that decision. the dems sat on this for a month and now crying because there is not enough time to investigate.. this is all political at this point. dems delay, take back senate and block nomination. repubs confirm him now before election. that's all this is and how this went down and the crackpot behavior from the people of the left just solidify's my position...the dems don't want to confirm Kavanaugh because the balance of the court is tipped conservative and they are afraid they won't be able to kill their babies anymore. I guess that's possible but I doubt it will be overturned so the ideological left can continue with their noble ideas toward the unborn and teach it to their children. you know the ones that actually make it through the gauntlet of pregnancy. so as far as i'm concerned, confirm kavanaugh and keep the senate and house hopefully. these protests and idealogical ideas on the left look like effing crackpots to me. I watch them on tv everyday harassing people while they are trying to eat. getting in peoples faces...I think whatever I got to go to work... this is nonsense.......@evidentialist

@evidentialist I also really don't care what this particular judge thinks. he is human like the rest of us and I am sure he has his unjudge like faults. I like to think for myself... thank you

@evidentialist amen!!!! Senator susan collins


he wasn't impeached for sexual assault. he was impeached for lying to congress when asked about a consensual affair that wasn't anyone's business but his, monica's and hillary's. trump's minions are afraid he will fall into a perjury trap. clinton actually did -- because he was asked about something that was never asked of (among other eligibles) jfk, ike and fdr. everyone knew that this was off-limits... until it wasn't. paula jones is another matter but he was not impeached over that.


@linxminx if he can have a lunch break on our dime and a golf game, he can have a blow job. we may not like that, but it's still none of our business -- and he wasn't impeached for wasting taxpayer money.


@linxminx no, not a huge deal. we can disagree civilly. not every can, alas! but we don't entirely disagree. i am not trying to give clinton a pass on his indiscretion. i am trying to say that congress had no call -- and certainly no pure motivation -- to impeach him over it.


@linxminx he can also take a poop at tax payers time . I guess the issue here is sex a physiological need and can a married man restrain him self if such need w other women . As far as know , regular joe seldomnly able to . I can't imagine how Mr president would be any better . I am not happy about , but I am not sleeping w either the joe type either the president type so I don't give a rats behind . Not my issue .

@linxminx I understand this .

@Pralina1 that is close to how i see it. i guess i can also point out that the impeachment and the "investigation" that led up to it wasted enough taxpayer money to raise the question of whether or not it was worth doing over that issue. i mean, lyndon johnson used to make senators talk to him from outside the bathroom door so they could hear him pooping. that was kind of gross. impeachable? and did it make him a bad president? as far as i know, dubya never had a blow job in the oval office. is lying to the american public about illegally invading a foreign country that never attacked us and didn't have weapons of mass destruction an impeachable offense? is it worse than a blow job -- and more to the point, is it more our business than a blow job?


@genessa I am not concerned about my ‘tax payer dime,’ it shows a lack of discipline...when having affairs or sexual encounters in ANY workplace! But, it seems shocking to have this happen... in the PEOPLE’S house! We expect at least professionalism, there of all places!

@genessa Having a blow-job is not unethical, even if you are married. Lying about it is.

@Gareth granted, gareth... but then so is asking about it when it's not in and of itself unethical and doesn't affect his performance as president. he should not have been gone after for that and asked. had he not been asked, there would have been no occasion to lie, and i am not excusing the lying but come on, impeachable for that? seriously? high crimes? not!


@Freedompath on the grand scale of things, i think going after him for that when traditionally we give presidents THAT much leeway and try to focus on the job done, not the blowjob done, is more unethical than either the sex of the lying (in answer to a question that should not have been asked). did anyone ask george h w bush that? oh wait, we don't know if HIS affair(s) was/were in the oval office. does that really matter more than, say, his son's attacking a sovereign nation under false pretenses? that's lying too, and if dubya didn't get a blow job, he sure delivered a snow job. cherrypicking what to impeach about is political and has nothing to do with ethics (or the people's house).


I was responding to linxminx but replied to the thread owner in error.

@genessa I believe the difference in this specific ‘sex’ story is this is a attempted sexual assault! This is not some encounter that went over the line! Or some guy, who really put the pressure on some gal, for sex! This is intended violence...for sex or power! And I know the difference, because I have been there! When I say there is sexual assault and there are men, who will try and aggressively try to have sex... it is not the same! A sexual assault has something to do with ‘bringing down the woman!’ At least that has been my experience and a man of this mindset should not sit in judgement of others! Your other points, I agree with. There are so many issues that are more important than sex! But at the same time ‘sexual assault,’ may be a symptom of a much deeper problem!

@genessa I like that you put that ‘g’ at the bottom of your post...I might have to borrow your idea!

@Freedompath lol but your initial is f! if you put g, people will wonder! of course that isn't always a bad thing.


@Freedompath that is of course a major difference. sadly it's not even our only objection to kavanaugh but holy crap it's a big one!


@genessa ha ha...glad you pointed that out...there is so much ‘f’ going on, I might need to rethink my idea!

@genessa right...

@Freedompath as long as your second initial isn't u....

oh my that reminds me of a good moment from the odd couple (the play and probably the movie, not the tv show, although it may have shown up there). oscar madison is upset with the little notes felix unger leaves around the house, which felix has signed with his initials: "fu."



I think Kavanaugh's demeanor during questioning should disqualify him

Yes but he is a clone of Trump and with that distasteful rhetoric is in fancy with this crowd. Women must come out and vote, WE as a nation need a female leadership, NO more white old men. Please. I do miss Obama greatly as he was perhaps one of the very best.


Your last paragraph nailed it and I believe every time I hear about Bill Clinton in this way today it's a dodge to avoid things about Kavanaugh or Bone Spurs himself. These allegations are all about power and those who seek, or are in power. Bill Clinton is no longer in that category. Discussing his history is avoiding current issues. Many forget that Trump was on tape as saying "you can go into their dressing rooms, grab 'em by the pussy, or do anything you want." Today he wants us all to think this was "fake news." It's the hypocrisy of double speak Republicons.


Right On the Money Duke.


Hear, hear! Bravo! Extremely well-written!


All.true. And then the larger issue of why women wait years to say anything.

Women do wait. When my ex and I were married we had an argument one day. I forget about what. In bed that night I rolled over at 3 AM and her voice came out of the darkness, "and another thing I don't understand . . . . . . . . "

This is a true story.

@DenoPenno I guess you know why she's an ex, then.

@Gareth Among other things she thought drama was communication.


You nailed it, Duke!


He was impeached because he lied about getting a blowjob. That was also consensual.

He has a number of other allegations. All it takes is for the people he supposedly assaulted to come forward and make a case. A lot did, he denied (as do most) and it is now history.

So... Here you go... Your own words... "So, until someone brings charges against Bill Clinton for sexual assault, please shut the fuck up about him."

I don't condone what he did. He strikes me more as a charmer who used his power to harass women. To put pressure on them. Allegations of rape were brought forward but the case never went anywhere.

Clinton was inappropriate work place behavior! Not criminal!

@Freedompath It was still harassment and wrong no matter how you look at it. But I would vote for Bill again in a heart beat!

@RiverRick harassed but not criminal! A agree completely inappropriate!


He was put through a trial for the Monica Lewinsky allegations.

And do you know who penned those sexually explicit questions?

Do you care to guess?

Tantrum boy screamer Brett.

Not to mention that Al Franken was thrown out for far less.

And he should run again.

He would get re-elected easily I bet.

I agree with you!


Strange...I don't recall any allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton. He was unfaithful multiple times and then lied about it under oath. Kavanot held a young woman down against her will and silenced her cries for help. A terrifying and criminal act.

This is true...and Paula Jones, to name just one, made a Nice living off of her story....her story was kind of weird, as there was No force, No drugs, and I personally never met anyone that didn't know that going to someone's hotel room was for sex, period........consensual sex between adults is NONE of my business, nor anyone else's. Where Clinton screwed up was Lying to Congress about it. Nowadays he would be fine, as Congress clearly accepts being lied to every single day?

@Stevil I do not believe is was under some kind of ‘fear!’


I take it as more the argument by three year olds of "But Johnny did it too!" Didn't work then, shouldn't work now. Tell you what: the next time you, say, get pulled over for speeding, tell the officer "But Charles Manson killed all those people!" and see how well that works.

...right on!!!


Sexual assault should definitely disqualify Kavanaugh from being on the SCOTUS. His demeanor during that hearing should disqualify him too. He was angry, a cry baby, and very partisan in blaming the Clintons (who I'm no fan of and have their own problems) along with other Democrats and the left and the media. Is Kavanaugh's behavior indicative of someone we want serving on the SCOTUS, no matter what his political affiliation? You can be angry and feel all those things, but airing them in a formal setting shows his character. He doesn't seem like he would be a non-partisan judge. Nobody is completely non-partisan, but he seems that he would be further on the sliding scale. He definitely seems more likely to bring religion and conservative views into his judgments instead of just "interpreting" already established laws and Supreme Court precedence. He's already aired his opinions on a few issues with a religious slant on them.

That hearing was a sham. There was obvious partisanship going on with both sides. At least the Democrats had the opinion that a full investigation should be had before any vote. Almost all the Republicans want him confirmed without any investigation. Flake at least suspended the vote with his no vote after two activists pressured him into at least having an investigation take place. If Kavanaugh is guilty of a crime or lying, then his character is severely lacking for the position in which he was nominated. This might be less about the sexual assault allegations and more about side issues that show his lack of character. That doesn't seem to matter much with the majority Republican senators.

Also, what was with that letter from Mark Judge saying he's depressed and doesn't want to publicly speak or even be investigated anyway? Would the Senate or FBI afford you and I the same consideration? Can I just tell them I don't want to be involved in any investigation if i was privy to a crime or a witness in a supposed crime, etc?

And, the lack of respect for Congress people...was way ‘below the line!’ He a judge...of all people...could not get control of himself with them! He showed a blatant superiority!


Kavanaugh is definitely going to get much more scrutiny as a possible Supreme Court justice. That makes a lot of sense but the world has had an eye opening experience with the Me Too movement. If that case was brought up now it would be treated very differently. It should be remembered that when Hillary was accused of "loosing" a large number of emails her popularity dropped significantly and that was a substantial reason for her loosing the election. Every time Trump was caught in a lie distorting information to support his pet causes (very frequently) or caught making blatant racist remarks his popularity skyrocketed. Democrats like Al Franken immediately stepped down when it appeared they had crossed the line. Republicans normally take the position that the women are all liars. There is a difference! The take away is the Republicans don't care about integrity or racial equality and Democrats find it very important. That being said the Democrats dropped the ball in the Bill Clinton case about as bad as the Republicans did by ignoring Anita Hill's accusations against Clarance Thomas' during his election to the Supreme Court. Those were all mistakes, many of us are sorry for them but the important thing now is to recognize the problem and move forward with greater conviction and integrity.

OCJoe Level 6 Sep 30, 2018

I agree with you.


I think it is very important that Kavanagh be investigated about these allegations since he will be taking a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court and he has made remarks about a certain ruling that would be reversed. Now since I'm pretty sure that he is referring to Row v Wade, women's rights are in serious jeopardy. Someone who is a rapist or who has committed sexual assault should not be permitted to rule on women's rights. It is clear what the whole purpose of his appointment has been and my biggest fear is that the Republicans will choose to side, once again, with party over country and carry through with the appointment of Kavanagh to the United States Supreme Court regardless of what he has been accused of. They did it with Roy Moore and its obvious they will do it for Kavanagh. I fear that this investigation is just a show for the people and will not be allowed to perform the necessary, unbiased investigation that needs to be done. I fear that there has already been too much damage to our democratic ways to be able to go back to the way things were before trump. Remember, it was the Republicans that refused to give Obama's nominee a hearing, something totally unprecedented. There have been other unprecedented moves by the Republicans that have put our democracy in serious jeopardy. I certainly hope a full investigation is performed and the full truth of just how horrible a choice Kavanagh is becomes apparent, but I won't hold my breath.


Bill Clinton could not be elected today. It was a different era and there was a different standard. His affairs were considered consensual by his supporters absent proof they were not, and the whole Paula Jones thing seemed like a partisan hit job at the time even in 1994 and the issue with the whole Whitewater affair was that it was so obviously a nothingburger being pushed by Scaife and others whose hatred of the Clintons appeared to be very personal that it made it relatively easy to discount the entire Starr investigation's findings. I have come to believe that at least one of these women is credible. I voted for Bill Clinton knowing he was a hound and an adulterer, but I did not think he was also a rapist, for sure. Being aware that there were GREAT Presidents who cheated on their wives, I did not consider that aspect of Bill Clinton, especially since he was not a moralizer on social issues or holier than thou, to be disqualifying. I still do not consider adultery disqualifying. That's a matter between the spouses. I am glad that we are holding men to a higher standard of sexual conduct now, and starting to listen to victims more. We clearly have a long way to go, but I think the MeToo# movement is a net positive for our culture.

And frankly, Kavenaugh's lying to the Committee and his non-judicial demeanor is disqualifying on its own account, regardless of the truth or non-truth of Ford's personal experience of him. When he said what he said to Sen. Klobuchar, that pretty much showed the person he is.

Consensual sex between adults is none of anybody's business, except i suppose spouses.
But lying to Congress, or anybody, under oath? Whole different thing!
The only difference is, Congress in the Clinton era would not tolerate being lied to/disrespected. Now apparently they crave it!


Prosecute them all. End the special privileges of the rich, powerful, and politically connected. Every allegation against everyone should be investigated, and if proven true, the book should be thrown at them. However, if the allegations are proven false (without question), accusers should receive the same punishment the accused would have received. Time to show everyone that this kind of thing is not in any way acceptable or taken lightly in any way.


There has never been any allegation against Clinton about forced sexual contact. Kavenaugh is accused of forced sexual contact. Clinton is definitely a womanizer as is Trump. Trump is a bully, I do not believe Clinton was or is a bully.

Kavenaugh has definitely shown he lacks a judical temperment.I know of no one who would hire someone who cried in an interview and talked about how much they liked beer. Yet the Republicans in Congress have given this sick man a job for life.

Regarding your admonition that we should not complain about Kavenaugh, you have no right to tell anyone what they can or cannot say in this forum. Neither do I.

My admonition that we should not complain about Kavenaugh? I have no idea where you got that. I made no statement advising what anyone can or can't say. I made a request to shut the fuck up about Clinton. I feel it's a ridiculous comparison.

Please accept my apology. I reread your post more carefully.


Their is NO evidence connecting Kavanaugh to ANYTHING. end of story. the admitted accuser is a admitted party animal and all of the people around her say she was.Without documented evidence and where her money came from to do what she did ? I don't believe a fucking word she says.

@JesseThompson how bout the people who got rid of the 40 million since 1973 who would be here today ? AMEN !!! SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS SPEACH.....BAM !

@JesseThompson well I guess first of all war has been since the beginning of man not judge kavanaugh and it will be long after he is gone. if you're waiting for utopia to have children you're in fantasy land , our ancestors from long long ago had it a hell of a lot worse than we do now and they managed to give birth and love their children, otherwise you wouldn't be here. you benefited from their "choice." it's funny that those who benefited from others choices choose to deny the same benefit that was given to them...

@JesseThompson I never chose war. you're being silly. you can't control the world. sometimes war chooses you. when rape, child molestation, abuse, jealousy, stealing, killing your parents, killing your children killing for money, killing for fun, lying etc.etc.etc stops in our own homes, then we can have a discussion about ending war between countries. the reason the past keeps repeating itself is because those who have learned the lessons are dead !

Unsure of what your point is...from the make love not war sixties revolution to the courts leaning left in decisions for decades, roe v wade, to the overwhelming left leaning news of cnn, cbs, nbc, abc and left leaning professors of college academia teaching our children so called enlightened ideology. the rise in science as the new religion and the greate medicine peddled to the public where side effects are worse than the actual problem. why is this going on in south Dakota ?...Judge Kavanaugh ?@JesseThompson

That is why we needed a full investigation. But nothing like that happened and then the right wingers say I did not believe her.
Let me ask you this, Do you believe Trump tells the truth. Let us see if you answer this.


As much as i agree a lot if this is political(obviously), there's a huge difference between consent and no consent. What Clinton was accused of doing was consensual and suggested he was a horrible husband. It wasn't criminal. What Kavanagh is accused of doing is criminal.

I'm pretty sure a woman accused mr clinton of rape... Broderick

@onan180 perhaps and we know you would believe her without evidence, This is the difference my friend. We go for the truth and you go for the Trumpet.

I don't know if he did or not, it appears the democrats however weren't interested in what she was claiming... another example of selective political outrage or lack of depending on who's side their on@EMC2 i'm not a trump hack, I didn't vote for him. i'm not beholden to any of these people so I am free to see clearly...

@onan180 You are also free to learn the truth. You are almost there, not much further since you are not a republican nor democrat. You can do it. I find that Rachel Maddow is the best, When she makes a mistake she is the very first to come forth with it. That is a journalist. To even put her in the same category as Hannity is a joke. Hannity is NOT a journalist , rather a blood thirsty idiot.


The Me Too movement has opened a lot of eyes of both Democrats and Republicans and hindsight is always 20/20. I feel, as a Democrat that we may have dropped the ball and failed that woman who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Clinton. Republicans, on the other hand, ignored Anita Hill's accusations of being sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee, Clarance Thomas, and elected him to the Supreme Court. There is fault on both sides in the past but Republicans elected a president who was caught on tape bragging that he sexually assaulted women by sneaking up on them, reaching under their skirt, and grabbing them by the vagina. They elected him anyway. And when Democrat Al Franken was caught going over the line sexually, he immediately stepped down. One party got the message and the other party got nothing.

OCJoe Level 6 Oct 1, 2018

...I see it the same way! We understand what is acceptable and what is not...but some things are ‘criminal!’


Well put sir, youre a gentleman and a scholar.

Brett Kavanaugh, by comparison, was the proudest, drunkest virgin the world has ever known apparently.


I thought bill clinton was elected twice

Yes. He was. However, it appears that many people equate "harassment" and "assault" as the same when you put the word "sexual" in front of either.

Huh I thought bill was accused of rape@Duke


Update: there will be some kind of investigation by the FBI including the now THREE women accusers, and starting with K's friend who has Not made a statement supporting K, but instead has gone into hiding...why would that be, do you suppose?

@Morganfreeman "the FIB has nothing to do".....sorry, but that is just silly.
I had the opportunity to observe then f irst-hand for almost a year when our local' union president absconded with our funds. Professional, polite, thorough, highly-educated and good at their jobs!

Last I saw, tRump is limiting the FBI investigation to only the first two of the accusers and is setting such constricting rules that the entire thing is going to be a farce.
My thinking is that what we have been seeing is a protracted job interview. For a JUDGE -- at the highest level of the US for life. Judges are supposed to dispassionately look at the facts and apply the law (I know that's not true, but please play along). Watching him shout and cry during the hearings is not exactly the sort of behavior I would consider acceptable in a SCOTUS judge. For that alone, think he should be dismissed. However, when we look at the way the Republican senators have behaved throughout the past two years, there's not a pair of cojones in the entire bunch, so I'm predicting he will be confirmed.

@Morganfreeman ask yourself: we must have literally thousands of judges, law professors, other legal authorities in this country. This petulant inarticulate fool is the best we can do to decide major issues for All of us?

@Morganfreeman, @ladyprof70 i do not believe he will be able to "limit the scope".......

@AnneWimsey I sincerely do hope you're right and he cannot set boundaries


@BarryFretwell yeeeeeeeaaaaaasssss?

@Morganfreeman "Liberal evils"? So where do you get your news, as if I didn't know.

@Morganfreeman Please enlighten me with a small list of those FBI "faults". Thanks

@Morganfreeman Links please. Thanks

K's friend is hiding ??? I thought I heard today that he interviewed with the FBI...HMMMM

@onan180, @Morganfreeman I think you are confusing CIA ( international espionage) with the FBI (domestic issues Only)

@Morganfreeman, @onan180 they found him.......He could easily (by stepping out his front door!) anytime in the past week, made a statement in support of his "friend"....but. crickets
Wouldn't you speak up on behalf of an Innocent friend, as one who was on the scene?

@Morganfreeman I think you have a trust factor, problem? They are not out on TV, doing their work, so how can you make such a blanket statement like that? Do you know so many of them.,.to form a conclusion on all of them?

@Morganfreeman we can all judge...there is no monopoly on judging! How evidence is used is the deciding factor!

@Morganfreeman there is a big difference in wanting to be right and getting to the bottom of something! That kind of judging is not what I am speaking about!

@Morganfreeman even a handful of anything, does not make it universal!

@Freedompath are remaining calm and making sense...not sure MF can handle it! ( I am using his initials, ferpetessake)

@AnneWimsey it appears that information starts to ‘run together’ and he is blinded by the trees in the forest! That is what happens when truth is really not what a person is after! Which is what we have here!

are you talking about Mark Judge ? I think he chatted with the fbi this week

i think he did this week@AnneWimsey

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