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Do you love where you live? Why?

I'm giving some serious thought to leaving my home Chicago in the next few years.

pasha-one-nine 7 Oct 2

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When I was a young adult I use to live just up 16th St. From the White House and loved that city now that I'm older I have acres live in the country, southern Virginia, and have no neighbors and I love that too.


Here in San Diego we have the best weather in the country, year round! The season for mountain biking, sailing, golf, tennis, or hiking Runs from January through December. My biggest complaint is the air quality. Cars, trucks, and power plants constantly fouling the air with harmful particulates and greenhouse gases. And the climate change that those gases are causing has ushered in a new regime of wildfires: their season is now year-round as well. Every year now worse than the last, with multiple megafires at times burning simultaneously. And the Trump administration is hell bent on deregulating the fossil fuel industry. I am especially proud of Californians who are standing up to the illegitimate regime in Washington in moving forward with our commitment to the Paris Accord and the ultimate goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions!


I’m from NY and live in Florida... many New Yorkers pine for their home land.. the bread, the pizza, seasons, attitudes ... whatever. I still love New York and I visit... the key to being happy where you are going is being happy before you get there. When in a new place embrace and enjoy what your new home is good at. The Beaches, local foods, not freezing your arse off in the winter, kayaking... i believe I can be happy anyplace I go, a change opens new doors and new experiences. Just don’t try and find Chicago in another city, it’s not there🙂


Considering I moved here only because I had nowhere else to go, yes, I love Skagway, Alaska. That being said, there are a lot of things that could change here. The cult of ignorance for one, better education at the public school for another, and they REALLY need to figure something out about a recycling program.


I live in Omaha, NE. I don't love it here, very hot summers/cold winters, conservatives in control, rich boy Repub governor, farm state, limited stuff to do. However, Sam and Austin are here, within 20 minutes of my house. Sam and Austin being my grandchildren. All my adult kids are within 30 minutes, and my sister/BFF is about 90 minutes away. I don't love it here, but what I love is here.


You don't like where you live unless you live in Canada. Move to Canada.

You're welcome.


A native Oregonian, I relocated to SW Virginia 3 years ago. There’s heavy rain in the summer and fire season’s in the winter; and warm rain = humidity. I’m on the crest of the Blue Ridge, so it’s a little cooler in summer & colder in winter. Winters are dry, sunny, and punctuated with bouts of warmth.

Local politics is red, and too many churches of course.. But State government’s fairly progressive, a blue shift from purple. Cost of living is low and infrastructure is good. Jobs are sparse, but if half-educated, they’re there.. I’m digging in, and unlike Oregon (entire PNW), these old mountains are stable.

Varn Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

I've been to 48 states and lived in 11 of them. I prefer the south since I love to garden and prefer warm weather over cold. Sunshine is my friend. Also, the cost of living is so incredibly low where I currently live and housing is cheap. Therefore, money goes a lot further.


I absolutely love Long Beach. The theater, art and poetry scenes here are far more than what you would expect in a city this size (470,000). But it is the music that blows me away. On any given evening you can find at least one open mic, but you would be hard pressed to find a single bad performance in a week's worth of open mics. It's not just the quantity and quality of the music, it's the variety, too. I host one of those open mics every Wednesday, and I never cease to be amazed. It's not at all uncommon to have someone singing opera, followed by someone singing country, followed by a rapper, followed by Hawaiian music, followed by someone singing show tunes, followed by a group doing R&B and Motown, followed by a classical guitarist, followed by someone from South America, followed by a talented singer/songwriter, followed by someone doing punk, with me wrapping it up doing a couple of protest songs on ukulele. And we manage to get in a poet or three, too. At the truly professional level, Long Beach was the home of Bird Land West with Charlie Parker, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and Snoop Dog; the Carpenters were from nearby Downey, but came out of the music program at Cal State Long Beach. We have a symphony and ballet company, as well as Musical Theater West which does top notch off Broadway productions. And, if for some reason you can't find enough here, you can take on the traffic, or avail yourself of the Blue Line (light rail) and go into LA.

Along with the music we have a great variety of food. Of course we have some great Mexican food, but we also have Peruvian and Honduran restaurants. In addition to Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Thai, and Vietnamese, we also have Cambodian. In one block in downtown you can find Greek, Spanish, Japanese, Irish pub grub, Italian, and a fish house.

As for the climate, it's Southern California on the ocean. We occasionally get very strong winds, but they are much warmer that what Chicago gets. If you really want snow, you can go visit it a couple of hours away in the mountains; it's very civilized arrangement.

I won't tell you traffic is no problem, but I find more than enough to do within easy bicycling distance that I drive less than 40 miles/month. and most of that is trips to Trader Joe's, Target, Staples, etc.

While the cost of housing here has risen noticeably in the last few years, it is still the most affordable place on the ocean anywhere between Malibu and the Mexican border. And my annual bill for heating and cooling (ceiling fan, no A/C) is in the lower end of double digits.


Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful places in the country and you don't have to deal with snow


I love living in the pacific northwest,
The weather is mild, and the politics are liberal


Yes I love it here, Coos Bay, Oregon! Iam retired so I don't know the employment picture. I think Oregon in s doing fjne.

I have been there my dad bought a place on North Ten Mile lake was there till he died step mom sold it and bought a small place in town. She had it in too much dedyt when she died so got repossed


Yes I do. It is said that the way to tell when the seasons change is by the color of the leaves. Here in south Florida the license plates change color. ?


No, I don't love where I live. I moved here with the intention of it being temporary -- 29 years ago, I planned to stay until my daughter finished high school. But in my profession it's really common to get trapped -- they can hire in people with new degrees and newer skills for less money. Now that I'm retired I'll see where my daughter ends up and then I'll decide whether to follow her or not.


I am not crazy about where I live, but I live in NYC and there's plenty to love about this place. I've been here for 20 years, so I've "done" it...but what I mainly wanted to suggest, if you haven't looked into, is if you have a decent apartment/house, maybe look into a swap with someone. I have known a couple of people who have done it because they have to (residency, project, etc.) and it's a good way to check out a town without committing to it completely. Just a thought. Good luck.


I enjoy living in Boise. Public transportation could be better. It is experiencing massive growth right now with the growing pains associated with it. Still nice. Four seasons. Good community. Over-priced housing. That issue seems to exist most places.

Della Level 6 Oct 3, 2018

I like where I live, because everything is 7 to 10 minutes away. Most of the people are friendly and non judgmental. I would like to buy a bigger house in my town in the future. I suggest a smaller city in Illinois, if you decide to move. It will be more peaceful.


I live in Southern California and I love it, It's left leaning, Cannabis is legal and everywhere. Fresh organic food abounds. You have the beach, the mountains, you have culture and diversity. There's always lots to do, but there's traffic everywhere, you have to time your drives, or use navigation to get around it, and it's very expensive to live here. Oh, and it's hot most of the year, lol!


I live in an area call Alamogordo N.M...Which by no standards is considered the cradle of civilization...However it does come with some upsides...Almost no traffic...Beautiful views and cheap housing. I don't love it...But if you're ready for life to slow down...Then this is the place for you.

Sounds perfect.

@patchoullijulie I was really lucky when I first got here because I lived in a cabin up in the mountains....Nothing special but a 900 square foot cottage on the side of a mountain..Surrounded by summer homes so I had a little mountain side retreat all by myself. It snowed often and elk and dear to visit often.

@josh23452 It sounds wonderful. I could easily appreciate the sound of nature over the sounds of leaf blowers, military aircraft, car alarms and loud music (my current area of residence). I have travelled through New Mexico on several occasions over the years and everywhere I went seemed to have a really nice vibe to it.

@patchoullijulie have you ever gone through Cloudcroft? If not I would suggest it.


Montana: yes
Billings: yes
My neighborhood/street: 50/50 love/hate: it's pastures, horses, pheasants, trees, and low densiry vesus meth dealers and meth-driven traffic adjacent, federal warrants being served, and a sex offender next door. I'd kind of like to move but I love this street so I'd kind of rather the meth and sex offender just disappear instead.


You did not say what your employment situation is...find a job first and then follow the money. The question of how you will support yourself should be first and is a basic matter of survival.


Yes. Because Songkhla, Thailand is a tropical paradise, and I live six minutes by motorbike from the beach.

I plan to move to Lexington, KY, this year to be near my artist daughter for a while, and then maybe move to Albuquerque, NM, near where I used to live in Durango, CO, in the early 1980s, and where I used to love to go skiing and visit the zoo to pet the manta rays.

My youngest sister and her kids and grandkids are moving there, and my other sister lives nearby.


Yes, I do. Moved from the Phoenix area to Michigan. Live in a (not officially) historic building in the center of a small town, a few hundred yards from a Great Lake. Huge change in so many ways. Though I'm still adjusting to it, I do like the fact it's not hectic as The Valley. I'm much less wound up.

MikaB Level 5 Oct 3, 2018

where i live now is good in some ways, not in others. i am in the twin cities. i loved living in los angeles, and i adored living in new york. i would have liked to live right in town instead of brooklyn but, you know... money! i do not recommend florida unless you like humidity, old people on drugs driving on the sidewalks, and rick scott.



Well, Dublin weather is crap, it's expensive but always good gigs and fun around. So, not a bad place to live in.


I love my land. Galicia in Spain. It is a amazing place in the Atlantic Coast of Europe. Nature is wonderful here. Green landscapes, full of rivers, and also beautiful islands. The weather is nice, because the temperatures aren't cold. This land is green, but sunny.
However, the main problem of Spain is the economy. Too much unemployment. At least, I recommend you look some minutes on line. Search Galicia. Who knows! Maybe you like and decide to move here. See you around

Roi81 Level 4 Oct 3, 2018
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