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So this hurricane brings this question to mind. How do you provide comfort and concern. I can't pray for them. "Thinking good thoughts" is hollow. Suggestions?

Trussell2069 6 Oct 10

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The simple answer is YOU DON'T! Unless you're a rescue/relief professional there isn't a damn thing you can do about a natural disaster. Just be thankful it isn't YOU or your loved ones.
You didn't cause it, nor could you prevent it. Shit happens.

You can still care about the affected people and help from afar.

@Minta79 That's crap. I feel bad for folks in distress but cannot afford to send them money
and my caring doesn't mean squat.

@JimTheKnife donating blood costs nothing. Some people literally lost everything, you have no clothes or shoes laying around that could be donated? Maybe you have a few minutes to help volunteer for the Red Cross? We can all do something if we choose to. Choosing not to is your right, but don't say you can't.

@Minta79 Sure you can........... but...... we are over 320 million people. And you or me cannot help all those in need. There is always a disaster of some sort almost every week.

@JimTheKnife I can't help everyone, but I can help someone... I'm a broke azz single mom. But, I choose to do what I can.


You could Google “Hurricane Michael relief” or something like that. As another member already commented, organizations like the Red Cross will be there on the ground, and there should be opportunities to donate monetarily, or in-kind with canned food, blankets, pet food for people’s animals ... I’ve heard that for the larger organizations that already have the infrastructure and experience, stuff is less valuable than the money to pay for stuff. Good on you for caring!

Soooooo if (or most Americans) sent money or purchased food for every disaster in our nation, we would all be broke and have to ask for more Americans to send goodies or money to us.!
We have, unfortunately, become a nation of mourners. Time to stop it. Feel bad for them is fine.
Just be happy it hasn't happened to YOU!

@JimTheKnife Well, we'll go ahead and do what we want, and you are certainly free to not do anything.

@JimTheKnife Just to show that there are no hard feelings, I assure you that, if some horrible misfortune should befall you (not-god forbid!), you can count on our thoughts and prayers coming your way ...

@The-Krzyz Gee thanks...... but thoughts and prayers do NOTHING but make YOU feel good about yourself. Waste of time and energy.


Donate, then vote for a Congress that believes in climate change.



"We don't need this!" South Carolina residents complain about the latest hurricane.

What they need is to vote for Democrats who agree that climate change (global warming) is real and happening NOW. And act to stop climate change.

Thirty years ago, we knew climate change will create: mega-hurricanes, monster tornadoes, catastrophic flooding, massive wildfires, prolonged drought, increased temperatures, melting glaciers, super-storms, world-wide human migration, animal extinctions and starvation.

"Climate change is a Chinese hoax," Trump stupidly said. Republicans are in the pocket of oil and coal producers.

Vote Republicans out of office! Midterm elections are November 6, 2018.

But then there is the old Chinese philosophy that says "'you can't fix stupid'. Therefore, 'president tRump'.

Thirty years ago! Little has been done but talk. True, this administration will only make things worse and only take their power seriously. I just read something that is applicable: "we are the first generation to feel the effects of Climate Change and the last generation that can do something about it"


It depends on the relationship you have with the person you are concerned about. From " I hope you are able to stay safe" to " come sleep on my couch with your 4 kids and 3 dogs for as long as you need" I've been seeing on Facebook long long lists of responses to "pray for me" of "praying" "praying for your famy" "praying" as if the person needs 100 prayers before feeling the love. Could it be that strangers saying "praying" is not actually helpful or fulfilling?

Holli Level 6 Oct 10, 2018

It's great to see so many replies on this topic. It also proves you don't need Jesus to have some humanity. I will be looking for a volunteer group to travel there and help clean up if and when it is required.

Not that all those having found 'Jesus' exhibit humane behavior. Just saying.


I live in Panama City. I evacuated, but will be heading back tomorrow. Already getting the "thoughts and prayers" comments. I just say thanks, as they all mean well.

Of course they do. If we are entitled to our experience, then so too are they, yes? There's no harm, and should be no offense taken. My view at any rate.


Doing stuff is hard work. Is there a way I can just sit on my arse and gain virtue by appearing sympathetic?

I feel you


I tell them like it is....."You need to evacuate" and "I hope you were smart enough to buy insurance" and "Good Luck with that" and "Mother Nature is trying to rid the earth of a parasitic species...."



I recommend contributing to a secular charity. I've been impressed with the work done by the Foundation Beyond Belief, but there are others.

Thanks for the link


Donate, give blood, go help make hygiene kits, adopt a pet from your local shelter so they have room for animals being moved in from impacted areas.

GwenC Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

This. Rather than empty thoughts or prayers, donate what you can. Give money if you have some, goods or gently-worn clothing if you have that but not money. People need money and clothes to get back on their feet when they have lost their homes in a disaster. If you live close enough to help on the ground, there are always volunteering opportunities. People with pets need extra help. Even a bag of food or a crate or carrier you no longer need can make a difference. Or volunteer to foster a pet until the owner can get back into housing.


Doing something with your two hands is better than any prayer or condolences. Lend a helping hand, or if you can't do that because of distance, send money.


if it wasnt for science, they wouldnt even know what was coming. Hope those in touch with god had an early warning from him.


I say sending positive vibes! And I mean it.


Actually, you can pray for them, but it won't make a sodding difference


I have never had a religion and still have never had any difficulty in letting people know that I am concerned for their welfare and safety. People who say they will pray for you should instead say they hope you will be safe and that the hurricane will pass through without too much damage. If god sends hurricanes in the first place then why would anyone pray to the same god to deliver them safely from it. Makes no sense does it?


I’m thinking of you. Stay safe.


Ask if there is anything practical you can do. A list of emergency numbers to call just in case, money you can send, phone calls checking in through out the ordeal. I find practical suggestions to show both concern and a willingness to actually do something other than the hollowness of prayers.


send money. send supplies. go in person to help rebuild.



My thoughts are with you.
Simple and sincere


The only thing I can do is donate to the red cross disaster relief fund. They'll be there in force as soon as it's safe to help victims start putting their lives back together.

JimG Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

unless you can physically offer some help after take cares about the best you can do the rest.....


Send money to charities that assist with the cleanup effort. Send blankets and other supplies to the shelters in the affected area.

Gohan Level 7 Oct 10, 2018

Cash. Or go help. Interesting post. I was just watching TV the other morning and they were talking about the limousine that crashed and killed 20 people. The news anchor said we send them our thoughts and prayers. I just thought to myself how useless that is. It's not going to help those people at all. The people who have lost loved ones are right now in the state of shock and don't even know which way is up.


I usually say "I'll be thinking about you." If the person chooses to interpret that as prayer, fine. But to me it means I will contact them later to see how they are holding up, if I can help, etc.
Unless it's my dad. Because apparently, WHEN I CALL THE CRANKY OLD COOT TO SEE IF HE'S HAVING ANY DAMAGE FROM THE HURRICANE HE THINKS ITS COOL TO SNAP AT ME. And how hard is it to put the fucking storm shutters on the house, cuz they're not helping in the garage??

Not bitter. Just reporting the news.

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