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What would you consider "The meaning of life" to be?

Infomaniac 4 Oct 19

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To be happy.


Another vote for 42 here.

Ah, someone who's done the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Refreshing! Yes, on 42. LoL

@Infomaniac Yep. Listened to it on the radio before it hit TV and film.


I don't attribute any meaning to life, in a general sense. You have to give your own meaning to your own life.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

Roflmao! To perfect. Had to screenshot it.


For me it is these: Austin age almost 6 months and Samantha age 20 months. To make the world better for them and to be there as they grow up and help to guide them to be decent adults. That is what is is about.

@jorj Thank you!! Being a grammy is the best thing ever. Every time I see them I am amazed at how deep my love for them is. I loved and love being a parent, Being a grandparent is exponentially more love and just amazing.


It means whatever you want it to mean.
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Well, I follow Monty Python on that.


I'm not sure. What is the meaning of chicken soup?


“There is NO purpose OF life. There IS purpose IN life.”-Dan Barker

Which is?

@Infomaniac It IS whatever each individual makes meaningful IN their lives.


For me, personally (this is by no means a universal):

From a philosophical and altruistic perspective, to somehow leave the world better than I found it; for animals, for people, and the planet itself. From a selfish perspective, to love and be loved, to truly connect, to laugh often, and to experience wonder and excitement. From a biological perspective, to propagate my DNA.

'propagate my DNA.'
i suppose we're all subject to the universal will that schopenhauer writes about.
from the lowest protozoa to mankind every form of life is driven to propagate their species.
even intelligent people who know history & have a good idea what the human race is facing in the near future still want little copies of themselves running around.
although there seem to be more who are able to just say no.


Connection to other humans and learning to be the “best” you.


To not concern yourself if there is a meaning to life


This seems to be a very deep question, but I think the answer's quite simple. There isn't one.

There's no intrinsic purpose to the universe, there's no overarching plot for life or reason why we're all here. We just are.

One can, however, create one's own purpose, whether it be to improve the world in some way, or make a technological breakthrough, to raise a child... even just to have as much fun as possible, I'm in no way discounting simple hedonism.

So, I guess to sum up, purpose is relative. Only you can give yourself a purpose.


I don't believe it has meaning. It just is.


To live. And leave something of yourself that makes the world better.


Are you referring to a meaning applicable to "life" or Human existence? Neither has any intrinsic meaning. Life simply is. Conscious beings assign meanings to things. Purpose is another matter. I think the purpose of conscious beings is to lead a happy, free existence free from force, fraud and coercion (and not committing those things either).


Does 'life' have to have a meaning?
Can't it just be something to enjoy as best we can and then when our turn comes to die then to just die with honest, open dignity and know that what we were made up from will eventually be re-cycled back into the environment as it always has been?


For mammals, when a sperm and an egg meet.

@irascible ...maybe yes, but being a mammal, I will usually only venture to comment on my own species.

reminds me of the woody allen movie where he was dressed up as a sperm ready for action.


I don't have a "meaning of life".
Never needed one.


There is no objective meaning to life, we have only our individual philosophies, subjectively, to define such an idea. Biologically, procreation seems to be life's main goal, as it seems to be where all roads of all lifeforms decidedly converge. Life lives.


I don't think there is one


Praise God every day so I don't go to Hell. No, that sounds like the meaning of fear. Let's try doing something like, live life with integrity and leave a positive impression on as many people as I can. If there's a god who sends me to hell, screw him for being so evil.


If one needs a meaning of life one needs religion. IOW, deluded.


I don't really know what the meaning of life is. I suppose it is to stay alive and pass on your genes to children , but, for me personally, I have different meanings, over the years. When I was a little girl, it was trying to stay out of my dad 's sight, and stay under the radar around the other kids and teachers. I went through life afraid, so survival was first and formost. When I got married at 19, my in laws were totally different from my family. I was always a little on edge with them. I had 3 kids right away, so my meaning of life was to care for my kids, love them, and since I was an atheist/pagan, and very in touch with the natural world, to make sure they spent a lot of time there and avoid my in laws as much as possible. When I was older, working as a midwife my meaning of life was to give every woman the respect and and strength that she needed. Now, I am retired and my meaning is to wind down, spend time with my dog, horse, and relax. Now, it is to try to use the wisdom I have accumulated throughout my life, love with honor and integrity, and continue to learn. And for the past 2 years, to stand up and resist Trump every day of my life till he is gone. Lots of different meanins. Otherwise, I have no clue.


Meaning is for us to create, by our individual subjective expression. Meaning is not "out there" but within ourselves. "Truth is Authenticity"

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