85 11

Would like your opinion on this...there's a nurse I work with who basically hit on me at work. He's married. Im not interested but see him as a comrade as I do all my coworkers so it came as a shock. First he added me on facebook...which is fine, others have done the same. Then he became more chatty. Then a few days ago I noticed he touched my shoulders while talking to me and also once on my waste with one hand ...I noticed it but decided it was nothing weird or something others have done at one time or another so I forgot about it. Then the next day I asked him to waste a drug with me and he said, for you Id do anything. Then the next day in the OR during a case he just basically says to me...the pants you wore into work this morning made my day keep doing that. I turned bright red. I workout after work so I wear my workout clothes to work then change into scrubs. I found myself explaining this to him and embarrassed, ashamed. I said I wasn't wearing that anymore. He said no please do. That's why I sit by the scrub machine every morning eating breakfast. At this point I didn't know he was married. But I did feel uncomfortable. I laughed it off and tried to make a joke of it. I mentioned it to a female coworker who told me he was married with 4 kids. I was really kind of shocked but decided to pretend it never happened and avoid it in the future. Went home. Then he started messaging me...nice way to end the shift with you and other flirty things. I confronted him that he was married. He can't a man give a woman a compliment as a friend? then he wanted to know if I would be attending the going away party at a bar for a scrub tech sat night. asked me twice if I would be there, said i need to start hanging out with my work family. I did not go. Im not sure the correct way to deal with this. I don't want to be weird or make a problem or anything bc i have to work with this person. I work at a small facility and we have a very close work family. Im hoping it doesn't ever come up again but if it do I address it appropriately without creating tension?

lauraleigh38 6 Nov 17

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Can you talk to your HR/office manager? This is sexual harassment. I would had probably be on the samesituation, because Ibehave like you do. Then, I get to a point I become distant and cold with the person. If you don want to talk to HR or tell him to step back, then unfriend the guy from fb and avoid dealing with him for a while. He will get the hint.

@Veteran229 at any healthcare or government institution this is clear cut harassment. She does not have to deter his advancements as they were never welcome in the first place. The minute he made an inappropriate comment and touch her, he was in violation.

@Green_eyes @linxminx @Ignostic_Skeptic The only problem with having idiots on block is that you still get to see other people's replies to them.

@Green_eyes I think you need to look at my comment more closely to see who I was referring to (clue: it's someone you replied to).

@Gareth understood. Misread your comment

@Veteran229 Solid observation there Veteran.


I empathize with you sense of creepy. Any work colleges have comments about him?

How does he figure in with the staff and management?

In general. Start a journal. Record every strange connection. Provide dates, times, references.

I agree with starting a journal and recording everything. You're probably going to need it when you file a sexual harassment suit on him (which is what he's doing). Also, unfriend him from all social media and possibly block him. At least that's what I would do.

@kiramea . . . Maybe. .. .. Maybe this guy will be useful. . . . .
Women: do not discount the immediate offering of orgasms.

DANGER:::: It is a muscle. Use it or lose it. THIS IS NO JOKE!

To refuse an offered penis, at minimum, requires significant fundamental instinctual response. Not just a bit of disdain.

Of course, this is NOT only the man part of me expressing my interest in such activities. It is science that women need to be poked to retain/extend pokabilitiy.

How is that wrong. Only one life to live. So why are we not fucking more?

@Jacar I truly hope this is sarcasm.

If this isn't, I was married to someone like you. I hope to NEVER be involved with anyone like that again.

@kiramea . . semi silly. . . but true a muscle requires use to endure a lifetime.

What is wrong with such a recognition of reality?

@Jacar I thought at first that your comments were just a poor taste joke but from your reply I get the sense that you are actually serious.

Aside from being laughably wrong I think your comments are seriously offensive, whether you are joking or not.

@Cassiopeia . . . please read my words as very supportive of women. "Tis science. And all about women's freedom.

@Jacar as a woman I can tell you that your words are most definitely not supportive of women. Nor is it science (do show your scientific sources) or about freedom. What it does is objectify women and their sexuality.

How could you possibly believe that advising a woman to have sex with someone she has no interest in is about her freedom?

“Women need to be poked to retain/extend pokability”. If you don’t see what is so very wrong with that statement I am not going to try to explain it to you.

You have no understanding of women or their sexuality, neither physically nor emotionally, whatsoever.

As for orgasms, women certainly don’t need men for those. And sex with another person is about so much more than just an orgasm.


Haven't women learned anything from the Kavanaugh hearings? Download a recording app. Turn it on and put it in your shirt pocket. Go up to him and tell him you don't like his attentions and if he keeps it up you'll go to HR or his wife. Record what he says after that. Otherwise, it's he said she said.

Yes, we did learn from Kavanaugh, and from Anita Hill before that. We learned that people in authority don't give 2 fucks about sexual harrassment, and that we will be disbelieved, ignored, and labeled as trouble makers if we complain. Thanks for the advice, tho.


Some don't give a fuck about harassment but some give a great many fucks about evidence.

@Anonbene "Some" being the operative word.

No, "evidence" is the operative word.

@Anonbene only if HR givex a damn. In my hospital they've proven time and again they do not. She knows her hospital culture better than we do. But if she goes to HR and they do nothing, he will make her job far more unpleasant than it is now. Ive been in her shoes. Have you?

@Emerald Some people in authority do care about sexual harassment. Those who don't are still sensitive to a public scandal if they ignore sometime who has solid evidence. Making recordings is good advice. I have a recorder on my phone that picks up everything and I record all of my phone conversations.

@Emerald, @Meili
Thank you Meili, I think Emerald is just in an argumentative mood today.


You can be nice, and straight forward at the same time. A simple "Please stop, you're making me uncomfortable," would be a good start. Any tension after that will be totally on him.

WHY should she be "nice" to him?
He's a married man, and he's hitting on her at work.
Being "nice" to him isn't going to do anything to discourage him.
Being "nice" is what has allowed assholes like him to get away with they do.

@KKGator Being nice isn't for him ... it's for her. Just because someone else is a jerk doesn't mean you have to be. Unless you want to, then go for it! 😉

@GinaKay I get what you're saying, but I really believe that is what has allowed the problem to get so out of hand. In this case, and every other.

@KKGator Maybe you are right. I have been accused many times of being too nice. Good girl syndrom and all that. But not standing up for myself and not acting was the real problem. Not wanting to cause a scene or becoming emotional could leave me frozen. Learning to say "Stop" is sometimes the best some of us can do. For starters. I'm much better at standing up for someone else.

@KKGator For what it's worth, this has MeToo written all over it.

@godef Honestly, I don't give a flying rat's ass about #MeToo. I don't think it's making a damned bit of difference. This crap isn't going to stop unless and until those who are being victimized (both women and men) speak up, LOUDLY and immediately. Make a scene. Scream "NO!!!" as loud as humanly possible. Make the asshole the center of attention and as uncomfortable as possible, IN THE MOMENT. Everyone who has experienced this, and is experiencing this, has got to grow a spine and start calling the assholes out right then and there, regardless of where they are and when it's happening, OR who is doing it.

@KKGator I fully agree if you are not okay with what is happening you need to stand up for yourself and you need to tell him that he is wrong you are not interested and to leave you alone


Women hit on me all the time. One student told me she loves me. I just ignore the passes and move on with my life. They are adults, they know it's not appropriate. What else can you do about it? There's nothing to say. Since I ignore it, they know that I'm not interested and the passes stop after a while.

@linxminx I agree, ignoring may work at times, but if it happens repeatedly, then stronger measures are needed.

I hate to have a sexist viewpoint in this regard, but men have the potential to be more of a danger when they are the culprits and this type of action is not deterred immediately. I'm very friendly, considerate and thoughtful (as I've been told), and my actions have led to some CONFUSION. In several circumstances, I failed be clear when someone expressed affection for me, because of my own story that I hadn't begun sharing and it led to headache and much heartache. Unfortunately I wasn't a fast learner, because I went through it a few times, before I realized I had to be extremely clear about the possibilities of a relationship. Still, through it all, I never was in a position of danger (though I felt harassed at times); women tend to be more likely to be victimized/harmed in these scenarios.

When you're a woman, sometimes just ignoring it escalates the situation. Also, in addition to the creep factor of a man crossing the line to being inappropriate, there is the threat of physical danger - seldom considered by men who get hit on, but ever-present in the mind of any woman.


whatever happened to free love ?
Like free stuff, it's part of the new leftist tradition of sharing everything that ain't yours

moxy Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

I don't think you quite understand socialism but feel free to try to prove otherwise in a more appropriate thread please.

someone doesn't understand politics or relationships.

Stick your thumb up a socialist's butt and you will discover property boundaries>
Something you all don't believe exists


I honestly don't understand why so many people are trying to be "nice" about this.
She didn't create the problem, HE did. Why should she be going out of her way to be "nice" about dealing with this?
That is EXACTLY why sexual harassment in the workplace has become such a huge problem.
STOP being "nice" about it. Make HIS life miserable. He's an asshole.

@Donotbelieve I'm so sick of this "why can't we all just get along" bullshit. We can't all get along because assholes take advantage and ruin it for everyone else. Make the assholes start having to deal with the consequences of being an asshole. HE is the asshole in this scenario, NOT her. Who gives a fuck about HIS job? He obviously doesn't care too terribly much if he's willing to risk his livelihood over trying to get a piece of ass.
Fuck him. Blow his life up.

@Donotbelieve Exactly.
I'm telling you, scorched earth is the only way to stop it.

Basically said the same thing before seeing yours!


For you: document everything that has happened. Be prepared to tell all.
Talk to more than one person about this now.

Be clear: tell him to stop. Do this in front of someone you trust if he does not stop.

To understand him more: An interesting perspective about this: Esther Perel "the state of affairs - rethinking infidelity"
She maintains that the changes in marriage about 100 years ago, and the women's rights changes, haver resulted in insane expectations from having only one significant other. Hence, the number of happily married people exploring new types of relationships.

"to understand him more"!!!! Why should she? HE bloody well knows he is out of line. Why is it always the woman who has to understand where the man is coming from?

@MsDemeanour . . in general it is not about just women. And any one misrepresenting themselves and intentions should be banished.
Esther Perel is exploring the cultural changes that both men and women are experiencing. BIrth control for women is a big change for humans. We still don't know how to deal with that and the reality that everyone wants and needs sexual interaction.

@Jacar well I mean actually you've got a good point there....but he still needs a beat down..

@Freespirit64 . . . Prolly wouldn't hurt. And she might get some release.

For me this is about the assumptions we accept from society about what is acceptable in this period of serial-monogamy. "What is cheating" is at the core of Esther's exploration.

She is explaining that even the best of relationships have "cheating." And it is not primarily the man. And it is not because of any problems in the relationship as is the default goto for an explanation.

But, deception is a form of lying. I am sad anyone has to feel they have found themselves do so, or needing to.

In another thread a women was asking about her need for manly attention because her husband had become an ass. Should she spend the rest of her life celibate because of some undefined vows based upon outdated social "norms" and "morality?" He had essentially broken his vows to her. Is she still obligated?

I think this is a very complicated issue. Cheating is rarely just about sex. It is about how a person thinks about themselves, their human needs, and how the circumstances of their lives are changing.

But, what do I know. I am merely a man.


Do u want my American answer or my Italian / Greek answer ? Bcz I can give u both :
First of all , unfriend him on any piece of media u have an account on .
Second , do your Pyxis rooms have cameras ? If they do , ding ding ding bingo bingo bingo ??
Do ask him to waste the next drug w u . And wait for the comment . When he opens his f mouth , tell him to " consider this his final warning . If u ever approach me again at any way and with any other word / comment / compliment / physical , be prepare to face HR . "
Say it , and no need to discuss , move on wasting drug . This is the one camera at any hospital that can easily trace back .

The Italian / Greek way : listen u motherf , u touch me again or u even talk to me again , and I ll make sure your wife will shove your dick into your ass while u filling applications for new employment .
Can u say that ? Man , I wish I was there for u !

And . These type of assholes can twist everything . Take shots of msgs he send u . And . Honestly , u need to let HR know . U r not his only potential food . He will do again to someone else . And that , IS IMPORTANT TO FIGHT FOR .

@lauraleigh38 trust me she knows what a diamond he is . 4 kids . Trust me . And . Not your problem . U need to rescue self and protect others . ♥️♥️♥️

HAAAAAA! I like the Italian/Greek version Miss Pralina. 🙂


Report him! Everyone has pretty much given you the steps to take. If you don't, he will try his tricks on someone else, and it will be a case of rape.

@powder It's against the law! []


I think that based upon the information you have given us and the fact that he has not actually done anything yet to justify a sexual harassment complaint it would be wise to put some distance between him and yourself in order to be sure that he is actually trying to hit on you. If it continues then call him out on it and tell him thanks but no thanks, I'm not interested and if he persists then tell him that it will get ugly with a harassment complaint to be filed against him for his actions.

It's against the law.

So make the complaint to HR and see where it goes but I can see both sides of this issue so it may backfire on Laura and add further stress to her life. She reports that he inappropriately touched her on the shoulder and on the waist and he denies touching her waist but does recall being compassionate about something and giving her a friendly tap on the shoulder; his recollection and not hers. He says that he did tell Laura that she looked nice on occasion because he knows that she is going through a rough stretch at home and wanted to be supportive and the same reason applies to why he reached out to her on social media which may be written in terms that are nebulous. If the guy is an operator trying to put the moves on Laura then he will have covered his tracks and I'm guessing this is the case from the lack of any comments in the original post stating he said such and such which is clearly harassment instead of 'flirty things like nice way to end the shift with you'. The guy may be a sleaze and is probably aware of Laura's personal life and could be trying to take advantage of her or he might actually be caring and supportive but at this point I think it isn't definitive and could wind up getting spun back at Laura to the point of her competency and professionalism being questioned. I'm not suggesting that is fair but I would want an airtight case before I proceeded. I've had a female co-worker come into my house and take her clothes off, extremely awkward considering I knew she was in a vulnerable state personally and I was not interested in having a relationship with her or a quick sexual encounter, it was inappropriate, I deflected it and got her dressed and back home but it would still later come back to bite me through the rumour mill at the office and I was the villain in her account of what happened, nothing happened at all but that's how these things can go down.


57 comments and counting. Maybe someone already said this. Why can't you tell him to his face you are not interested and be done with it? Harrassment continues then plan B but until then....

I think because most of the comments assume this guy is a pig, instead of giving him the benefit of a doubt. When she said, "First he added me on facebook...which is fine, others have done the same." I assumed the attention was mutual. I guess if he had not been married with four kids it would have not been a issue.

@MarkF I agree completely with your observation on jumping to conclusions too fast and calling this guy a pig, when in reality we don't really know. Now, thinking out loud, I would say she is asking for external feedback to find validation because she may not dislike him and she doesn't know which way to go. Of course, I could be wrong because back to square one, we don't really know.


HR and wife, contact both. It is disgusting behavior and should not be tolerated.

Contact wife - interesting approach. There's more varibles there though, for example if his intentions are truly pure and he's just way too friendly (a marriage is unnecessarily disturbed) or if both the husband and the wife are looking for a third and the wife starts adding to the problem...


The fact that you're here asking means he's gone over the threshold. You are uncomfortable with the situation, and you should not have to put up with this situation to make a living. Forget the notion of not making this a big deal, forget the notion of hurting his feelings, your security in the work you do is critical. Tell him to back off or you will report him.

godef Level 7 Nov 18, 2018

Yes this is what I should have said. My meter is set differently from the times I grew up in.



Only you can decide how assertive you are comfortable being. I work in a hospital and have had a lot of come ons from married men. In my hospital, when docs have affairs the partner gets fired and the doc gets a slap on the wrist. When a doc asked me if i liked being choked i asked him if his wife enjoys it. Another married doc kept asking me to go places, and every time i asked if his wife was coming. He said she didnt have to know so i said that if you're hiding it from someone you care about, it's wrong. I find that continually looping their inappropriate comments back to their spouse makes them get frustrated and move on. No rocking the boat. Its not like HR will do anyyhing at my hospital.


You're asking the question, but you already know the answer. Trust your gut, Laura. Good luck, hon.

I think this sums it up perfectly. I feel like she knows what needs to be done, but thinks there's some slight hope that it is all perfectly innocent. It's not.


Tell him you already have one asshole in your pants, and you don't need another one. there is no comeback for that. If that doesn't work, HR.

Great retort! I love it!


Based on your description, the creating of tension has been from his end; a transference of his own tension. A person who creates distractions and behaves in a distracted manner in a workplace that is vital to facilitating the good health, if not survival, of others has their priorities skewed.

If his mind isn't on his job 100% it is a weak link in your shared chain. If anything, pointing that out should release tension; enabling better performance and more comfort among one another for work related comaraderie. His creation of tension has worked against that kind of environment. Your good judgment and discomfort with attending the event deprived you and other fellow workers of a valuable opportunity to make your team stronger and your work more pleasurable.

Other than his behavior disclosing that he is immature and troubled, I don't know enough about the rest of his character to make my suggestions a real solution. My thinking if you have a coworker who's professionality you can trust, she/he outght to be told about your situation just as a place of status safe-keeping; someone who might be able to serve later as second party chronological confirmation of your discomfort. If it persists, particularly in the midst of performing care, I'd consider (depending on maturity evaluation) telling him that if it doesn't end entirely and immediately, you'll file a grievance on the basis of patient well-being and workplace harassment. 2. That it wouldn't be received well by most wives. 3. That the slightest hint that he wants to reverse the tension he's created with retaliatory, childish demeanor, you'll proceed with the complaint anyway. 4. That he's created counterproductive tension and that it's his responsibility to make it entirely vanish, 'or else'. (with an o.k? and a big smile...)

It is drastic but people like that sometimes don't get the full message and will resort to 'pay-back' for spoiling their fantasies and unrealistic expectations. If he had any respect for you or himself he wouldn't expect you to receive his base banality as complementary. It isn't the stuff of respectful, professional level friendships. asked for it. 🙂

^^^ this is perfect ^^^


Tell him you'll kick him where it counts if he does it again. Then do it.

I know you're kidding...
If you're not then suddenly she looks like the crazy one, out of a job and has an assault record.
I think she needs to be careful with this anyway so he doesn't make her work situation even worse.


Tell him to cut the shit and that you aren't comfortable with it. If he countinues to do it he will find himself reported.

what she said.


If you're not the charge nurse (or if he isn't) I would report it to her or him. Take a female witness with you from another dept or a friend who doesn't work there.

I'm the type of person who doesn't mix business with pleasure. I don't give guys an opportunity to hit on me at work.

My job is too important to compromise over one person.

She didn’t give him the opportunity. The guy’s a jerk creating the tension.


Don't worry about creating tension. As a former Director of Human Resources, this man is sexually harassing you which is illegal.

  1. Report his behavior to his supervisor.

  2. If you have a human resources director, report it to him or her.

  3. Clearly and loudly tell this man to stop touching you.

  4. Keep a log of each time he made you feel uncomfortable or touched you against your will. Document:

date; time; location; what he did, who said what, witnesses, etc.

He sure should have gotten a clear message to leave her alone when she confronted him about his being married. Since he apparently did not get that message, I think your suggestion is probably the best way to go. It might be uncomfortable, but it could stop a bad situation from getting worse.


Ok when you are hired at this hospital isn’t there a hand book or orientation pretty much like most coed jobs. He usually goes over this stuff with new employees. Sexual harassment is outlined in every handbook company policy’s on posters in break rooms right next the ombudsman poster...... yes anyone? The rules are very clear and he has violated them. It is your choice what do next. If he is truly a friend that crosssd the line. Give a serious what for it simply shout out stop hitting on me around multiple coworkers ... ok maybe not. If you had the talk and do much as catch him staring at you then go to HR and let them handle it. Or go right to HR .... now don’t wait you will want to get it on record. Either way he is going to stop or go away or walk the other way if he sees you.
But do not wait till it happens again and so not be polite or nice about it. You must convey how wrong what he’s doing is. How it makes you feel, and how disgusted you are with him as a married with children husband and father. What would his wife and children think about dad hitting on a woman at work. Go alpha in his ass and if says a word before your through. Just walk away and go straight to HR.

But I’m an asshole like that ....
The rules are clear.... be Brave and shut him down, scare him and repell him with how disgusting he is to you.

Peace, Love and Understanding


That’s not you being an asshole. It’s never wrong to stand up for yourself.


As an RN who’s had to endure more than enough of this disgusting behavior. You are not in the wrong here. He continued to take advantage of a situation. He overstepped the professional relationship with the moment he made an inappropriate comment and touched you in an inappropriate way.
Whether he is married, single or engaged does not factor into the equation.
You’re trying to rationalize his irrational behavior. The guy is a pig, it’s not complicated.
Has anyone else noticed this behavior? The last thing you want to do become a subject of gossip.
When you do report, you go directly to HR.

I agree he is a pig. I have known many men in my professional career who cheat on their wife. I come right and say I do not and never would do such a thing. Even at this time I was in a terrible marriage and wanted out. I am not a pig nor a disgusting male who throws his shit around daily. Tell this ass to shut it down/ So sorry many women have to go through this and it is very common, we all know this, including men.


I would ask, very gently, why you've let it get this far already and why you don't know what to do about it. I don't want to suggest that you've done anything wrong. He is in the wrong. However, you have had the power to put a stop to his behavior at any point and you have chosen not to.

Consider this. The work environment is already tense. Who's feeling tense? You. He's the one who created a tense work environment, not you. Why do you feel reluctant to make it feel tense for him instead of for you?

His comment about your pants was inappropriate, not you wearing the pants. But instead of his comments ending, you wearing the pants ended.

Him asking you about going to the work party was inappropriate but again, instead of you insisting he change his behavior, your behavior changed.

Again I want to emphasize that you haven't done anything wrong. I've been where you are at and been unable to put an end to inappropriate behavior in others. There will always be people around you who are willing to push boundaries, men, women, and children. Even though they are the ones in the wrong, you still have to be the one who puts a stop to it. I've learned to do so and my life is so much better for it.

It's not a change you can make overnight but if you work at it, you can get to the point where when people do things like he's doing, you instantly shut it down. But you have to first know that it's okay for you to do that and that it's possible to get to that point if you work at it.

I'd like to also mention that his behavior is wrong whether he is married or not. His marriage makes it more offensive but even if he wasn't married, he's still being a creep. As you deal with this, don't make it about him being married.

Yes! This! Well said

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