45 7

This is to inform as many members of Agnostic that if points are mysteriously removed from your account Admin will do nothing and they will ignore you. They won't even respond to you. no one is at the helm. For this reason Sunday will be my last day here and I will do my best to inform all members current and future the realities of this site.

steve148 7 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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And we should care because?




I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through right now, must be horrible. Just know that we will be here to help you through your pain and sorrow. Sending you thoughts and prayers.

Yeah, right?


Steve! Reconsider!!
This post has earned you at least 28 points!
28 POINTS!!!!!


Why put off 'till Sunday what you can do right now?
That being said, I wish you well in your life's journey and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.

To be able to let some friends I made find me.

@steve148 you made friends...........

@MissKathleen no he's whoring for points ?

@MissKathleen perhaps he won't leave, but threatening to leave seems to have got him a good few points 😉

@MissKathleen here, have a point ?


But Sunday seems so far away!


Is that why you are here? I think you are missing the point...

MsAl Level 8 Mar 28, 2019

I see what you did there... nice word play!

@AndrewInVail Ditto! lol


Welcome to where everything is made up, and the points don’t matter!


Points don’t mean shit here .The quantity of posts ,comments etc accumulate points. That criteria for points does not mean anything to me and it should not mean anything to you .Hang around and don’t worry about irrelevant points .

You got that right


I like this site.


This site seems to run on a shoestring and no there is no one in "management" guaranteed to respond (or frankly, who often respond). They seem to have built the whole thing on the assumption that it would be user run and policed for the most part. And given that the price is correspondingly right (free) I don't have a problem with that.

I wish there were more transparency and engagement too but I don't own the joint so they aren't asking me.

What I've found with points is that they occasionally mysteriously freeze and then catch up, in a matter of minutes or occasionally days. I'm on my way to 8.3 and have had no significant setbacks.

I'd suggest you take a chill pill and focus on what you have rather than what you don't have. The whole point of being here isn't points, they are just general, imperfect signifiers of longjevity and engagement.

The actual benefit of being here isn't racking up points, it's enjoyable engagement with like minded people (and for some, of course, the hope of dating such people). Are you in some way not getting that? Then you should leave. But points? I wouldn't obsess over it. It's not that important, or that broken.

So very well said!

@MissKathleen I can't fault the bottom-line fact that we are getting a pretty good service for free and have quite a bit of input into the process, for some given value of "quite a bit".

This doesn't change that my impulse in their shoes would be to release a development roadmap and periodic progress reports on same; have a formal mechanism for reporting issues; and indicate progress and status on those work items.

While I think the poster's concerns are misplaced and overdetermined and needlessly carping, he should not report issues and get zero response, either. They could simply have responded "this is by design and won't change, see FAQ #27" or similar and closed the ticket, and the guy could be honked off over something concrete at least 😉

All that said, I'm still getting a great site for free and I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth either.

@MissKathleen Well I stand corrected and now wonder more than ever what ll the high dudgeon was about. Did he not see this somehow? Why yes. Yes he did. Because he responded to it.


Yeah I guess he showed them! They'll regret not responding! Imagine the arguments they'll miss out on!


All over points?
All righty then.


Why wait until Sunday, that's like saying you'll start your diet next week. Be bold, do it now!

He's waiting for someone to beg him to stay.



Hilarious! Well played, my friend.


My points have ebbed and flowed. It doesn't bother me.

I love the intelligent, hilarious, thoughtful people here.


Do not worry about points my friend , all points mean is the more you have the less of a life you have with nothing better to do than be on this site .Please stay to spite the dolts who responded with sarcasm.

By all means avoid us dolts. ☺


If I was here for the points, I'd leave too.


Well, points are the most important reason for being here......
Hey! Did I just get points for responding to this????

Yeah but we're going to take them back

@CallMeDave once he delets his account points will be recalculated and your prohphecy will come true.

@1of5 that'll be a first

@CallMeDave you should start a cult now that you've got a positive track record.

You now get to keep the points when posts are deleted. And we have till Sunday!


Oh, What's the point ?


Adios. 🙂 And who are you again?


Do the points really matter?


I better hurry up and get a comment in so I can work on my points. I mean, we can't have rookie points, that would be embarrassing!

Byrd Level 7 Mar 28, 2019

When he leaves and deactivates his profile, will your points for the comment disappear? Is it just a vicious cycle of earning points only to see them taken away arbitrarily and without recourse? Does any of it even matter when you consider the eventual heat-death of the universe?

@PJWanders No, you get to keep the points now for deleted posts, so this could be a spiderman thread if we wanted. 😀


I’ve seen points disappear and appear and meh whatever. I did ask about it when it was a change of points in the thousands or tens of thousands. That was pretty drastic. I was just curious what was happening. But I don’t really care since I probably would never make it to level 9 anyway.


Ohferpetessake, probably the majority neither know or care about "points".
Anal-retentive, much?
And P.S. if have always found Admin Very responsive...but then, I Ask, not Demand......

I've asked 12 times very nicely over the past 7 weeks . Nice is over

@steve148 And this is your burning problem in life? My youngest dog had to suddenly get put down last week & I had a biopsy this morning....maybe you could take up crotchet........

@AnneWimsey I'm so sorry about your pup. That's just awful. Hugs.

@KKGator was a rude shock & hard to get over, he was young & full of "piss & vinegar".

@AnneWimsey It's bad enough that their lifespans are so relatively short, but when it's something unexpected when they're still "young", it's that much harder.
I really am so very sorry.

@KKGator thank you for the support, I really appreciate it.


I probably wouldn't notice if that happened to me. The realities of this site are that there are good people to interact with. Who cares about points, though I do hope to get that T-shirt someday.

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