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Michele Bachmann has made it clear she thinks it's the end of time, Jesus will come back soon. That's just the worst kind of political leader, their long term planning has to be impaired, how exactly is that a desirable trait in a leader?

Novelty 8 Apr 5

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she is no longer in power. she is irrelevant.



That's one reason why she was voted out of office. She's no longer any kind
of "leader".
Most people know she's a joke.

And a very bad joke at that.


Anyone who believes that jebus is coming and the world will end soon should not be allowed nor permitted to make any decisions for the future of 'merca or for the world.


Sounds like Palin 😟

Can you imagine SNL if they ran on the same ticket?


I'll bet you she has a 401K and other long-term investments. When she gives up her fortune, I'll believe that she really believes these are the end times. The purpose of this Jesus returning nonsense has always been about creating a sense of nihilism in the masses so that they are less concerned about the ramifications short sighted thinking. It doesn't matter what tje government does because the world is ending is what Bachman and her cohorts want their followers believe. Why care about climate change and healthcare when Jesus is coming next week fix everything anyway?


Watching that woman for what seemed like years...she is impaired! She is delusional is what I believe!


Well, if their Jesus came back, and he was anything like their myth of him, he might have some choice words to say about looney right wingers, which, by definition, includes the Republican Party.


Of course she is totally unacceptable. Thankfully she is no longer in office. She deserves no attention, there's a damn good reason we voted her out.


Their long term plan is heaven. Mine is a peaceful dirt nap.

Not like we are going to know we are gone when we are, just throw my body on Komodo island for the dragons to eat.


The American Fundamentalist Christian Taliban is a Death Cult!


That woman has been crazy for years!


Seems like anyone wishing for the end times to come soon could just take care of it for themselves and not hassle the rest of us. Godspeed, as they say!


Even if Jesus was real and was more than just a man who lived long ago, I wouldn't fear him. I fear his more fanatical followers.


Well it is the end times..the end of Their time in power..


It really isn't ; can anyone smell bias ?


It's not desirable. Nothing to discuss, really.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 5, 2019

She said this back in 2013 and NOW it is news when she is out of office? I certainly hope the end times are here... The christians can pack up and move all their shit out of here!

Trump invites her to prayer meetings in his office. She is usually the only woman there. I believe that with her husband she still runs a gay conversion therapy program. Crazy scary bitch.


The American Fundamentalist Christian Taliban is hoping for Armageddon and any nut case that can forward the end of the world is what they want!


If she plans on being gone, why is she bothering to weigh us down with her moronic laws.


certifiably insane..


I'm both saddened and afraid of her attitude. The people who believe as she does are doing more damage than good.


The best bit is, if there is a lot worse in


Bachman has always been more than a little loony.


People with no regard for the future shouldn't have a hand in planning for it.


The key word in your post is "impaired". We can stop right there, unless somebody wants to toss in a few more adjectives.


Did she say we have 12 years left?.....That sounds like the end of times to me too. Anyway, the only end of times I care about is Styx

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