My daughter's science teacher believes in God, magic etc. She had a yarn doll that she had made. He saw it and asked her to put it away. He called her to his desk to warn her of the dangers of messing around with Voodoo magic! My daughter lost so much respect for him as a science teacher.
Get a bunch of stickers printed with his face in lots of sizes. "Our favorite science teacher." His face will be everywhere, including on yarn dolls. He will know he is being haunted by christian demons.
But, maybe he will get way crazy and get violent or something.
I'd hazard a guess that he IS already "way, way crazy" to start with BUT you'd be right that he might go even further over the edge and become violent so I'd just suggest that he be sedated, put in a Straight-Jacket and left alone in a padded room until the Rapture comes and takes him away.
What kind of science does he teach? Scientology?
Christian Science
There was a New Zealander who was convinced he was god's gift to womankind. He was also superstitious. My wife anonomously posted him a rag doll with pins in it and he was somewhat shaken for a few days.
Then, 3 years later and about 2 years after he had left the country, the doll sort of worked! He died of a fever!
I subbed for a high school biology class nearly 20 years ago when I started my career. The kids openly talked about how the teacher "didn't believe in" evolution, how they had to sometimes pretend evolution was real just to get through the standards of the class, etc.
The other half of the problem with the calls to fire the "voodoo" teacher is that his/her replacement will likely be just as bad...or worse. People with advanced science degrees can make much more money and have far fewer headaches by avoiding teaching altogether. No one qualified to teach science classes are busting down the doors of schools. (Especially in areas where the point of getting educated is to flee the area for greener pastures.)
The world is laughing at us:
The guy ought to be fired IMO. There’s no excuse for teaching non-scientific things in science class, whether it’s atheism or voodoo.
Is this a public or a private school? If it is a public-funded school, I think you should report him to the principal. This teacher should not be forcing his beliefs onto his students.
She should bring the doll every day just to mess with him
Here is a pic of the doll in question. My daughter is 12 in middle school. I think it's cute. It's looks like Ariel from Lil Mermaid. Coincidence though.
Stone the bloody Crows, that looks NOTHING like a supposed Voodoo doll.
I've actually seen a few Voodoo dolls in my time and they are usually shaped very human like from materials such as clay, wax or wood, etc, and bear a very close semblance to an actual person.
I reckon that 'teacher' desperately needs his head examined by a team consisting of a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, a Neural Surgeon, a Brain Surgeon and a bloke with a Jack-Hammer and that's just for the beginning of the examination.
That is so cute! That teacher must have marbles for brains! He is certainly short on wisdom!
I can understand if a science teacher might have some sort of belief in God or a god (e.g., maybe Unitarian Universalist), but it's hard for me to feel that a science teacher that really believes in magic really should be doing that job.
I hope she filed a complaint against that teacher with the administration.
I don't think we are going to take any action at this time. But I agree with you. But here in our town, Admin and school board members are most likely believers. It's definitely Trump country and we are the minorities. Sucks. But I want my 2 girls to get through school without too much conflict.
No wonder America is screwed if people have been going through this type of educational system. And so it will go on with the next generation. Good luck with finding another way through.
Oh FFS, how bloody far will these Bible-Bashing, Idiotic, Faithfools go these days?
Religion BELONGS, If it truly belongs that is, only in Churches, etc, and most definitely NOT in Public Schools, etc.
What the f*** will we see next, Barbie Dolls being branded as Jezebels, G.I. Joe dolls made to carry crucifixes?
I put a pic of the harmless doll in comments.
That's what you get from public education. No wonder so many people reject science or just don't understand it altogether.
I'm a public school teacher so I counter the balance. I am a scientist. But it is very irritating how many teachers are beleivers.
@Summer72 A teacher can make or break someone's future. We always need more interest in science and technology.
You mean he was saying Voodoo was actually something? I thought maybe he was telling her that it was horse shit.
@VictoriaNotes I read the post, just asking for clarification. Were you there?
Yes he believes.
@Summer72 Well then, she could bring in a doll with the likeness of him, with a nail sticking in his head. Before showing him the doll, ask if he has a headache. lol