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My coworker had migraines 3 days in a row because he was fasting for Ramadan. Should your religion be physically painful?

Paul4747 8 May 22

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Thst Ramadan shit is still going on? What does it last 2 weeks or something?
If fasting causes migraines, then stop fasting. I'm sure that Allah and Puppet Muhammad would be ok with it.


If you're stupid enough to believe in religion, it should be really painful.


I think I would need to see a doctor if I were him as it sounds as though there could be something else going on there other than fasting.


i spoke to a muslim cabbie the other day about ramadan and your coworker could have been excused from fasting. the point isn't to make yourself sick. same as yom kippur; not only are the ill excused, they're forbidden from fasting. one is not supposed to hurt oneself. religions have a boatload or ridiculousness in them but this isn't an example of it; it's an example of someone not understanding his own religion.



The fast should be from sunrise to sunset...I often fast 20 hours a day, but more often, just 16 is not the food but the dehydration from lack of water...he needs to drink a lot of water and eat high protein foods before dawn...the headaches will go away after a few days, but if he truly has migraines, he needs to do alternative things or get an exception...

Ramadan should not be a time of pain but a time of celebration for those in that our country, we don't allow for religious adjustments, like shorter work hours, so it might be harder on our Muslim co-workers...

I told him, he needs to take into account our strenuous work (walking at least 2 or 3 miles a shift on concrete floors and steps, lifting and carrying, a lot of stressful interaction) and consider he's in the same position as a soldier in time of war; for which Islam makes an exception to the fast. He said he would think about it...

@Paul4747 I workout during my fasts and walk as well...his body will adapt...his forebearers were under a lot more duress and stress than we in modern times are...but he should consider the allowances for those with a medical condition, etc. I lived in Muslim countries and so many found work arounds just as Xtians do for lent and other restrictive are a good friend to be concerned and respectful


Evolution is not working fast enough .


It is only through pain, suffering, and the self-denial of all creature comforts that we can truly know God. Because God is a dick.

C'mon! An imaginary dick!


Early Christians scourging their backs:


And then we have these guys...


Is that from a Monty Python movie?

@LiterateHiker Monty Python and the Holy Grail, just before they bring out the witch. Well spotted.


Forget religion, have a good lunch!

zesty Level 7 May 22, 2019

Works for me.


He doesn't even understand his own religion, it very clearly states that no one should fast if it puts their health in danger, but on the other hand if he is that dense, maybe he is a Darwin award winner.

Serious question, are migraines bad for your health outside of the pain? Has anyone died from them?

@indirect76 Yes. one of a butt load of references you could have googled []

@glennlab I did. I did not see anything. Thanks for the link.

I really don’t understand a lot of the text from the link, but I guess it’s fair to say that migraines can negatively affect your health.

@indirect76 here's another []


From what I know, is that you would have to break your fast if you're unwell and make up for those days after the fast. ...but they keep up for fear of being portrayed as weak and disrespectful amongst their religious community.

You can also donate meals to the needy...there is no shame is considered a personal journal shared by your group


Exceptions made for medical reasons

bobwjr Level 10 May 22, 2019

What better way to develop a truly condescending outlook?


It should be so painful that you must give it up and purge it from your life.


I think there are exceptions made for people who can't fulfill their obligations in Islam. Your co-worker might be going over and above the call of duty.


To me it's not really fasting if lasts less than a day and/or there are no real restrictions, like no meat or no salts or less than 10% fat or only 1200 kcals per day. Bodybuilders go through tougher fasts regularly!

Tell him to get a book on nutrition and build a well balanced diet. Learn to cook even and not rely on mom or restaurants. Tell him to drink more water, no coffee or tea. Eat less meaty, fatty, and salty foods. Middle eastern meal are horribly unbalanced diets with those types of foods. Add more veggies and grains, nothing fried though. If he eats a well balanced diet at night the "less than a day fast where you can eat anything in the evening" is literally not a fast apart from the minor inconvenience of not eating 3 full meals a day. It should have no significant effect at all, maybe a bit of stomach grubmling...unless he is eating unhealthly.


in the Primitive belief that God is somehow please buy our sacrifice it's logical


strange. i have to remind myself to eat something some days when i have nothing to do.
i suppose my system just burns fat (which i don't have a lot of) & i feel perfectly OK.


Why not ask geezus?


No but idiocy comes from deep brain wash


What kind of god would require pain? Ugh! 😟

Islam does!

It kills them in cold blood in public if they do not follow what is laid down by male leaders of that cult!


This is one of the things that I am against. NO religion should tell you how to dress, act, eat, etc. Let his migraine dominate him and it is his problem. You are at peace with yourself.


Should your religion be ___? No.


Nah, but it makes people think that they are closer to their God, and in my book I think it is good, let them suffer for their stupidity.


Whatever floats your boat. I’ve fasted many times, but don’ get migraines from it.


In their beliefs, the rich, by fasting, have the feel of being poor by not eating. In a way, that's not wrong. It's a choice at the end of the day.

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