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Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming? I am seeing some very alarming articles recently predicting 80% annillation of the population in 31 years and irreversible path to this if not corrected in 5 years. Other articles about melting ice caps 70 years faster than originally thought and greenland losing billions of gallons of ice in a day. Efforts by scientist to block the sun in an attempt to cool the planet. Other ideas such as blocking the sun at the poles to mimic the sun's reflection of the polar ice caps which are currently melting away. Other articles about the methane gas trapped in permafrost which is melting and will release it into the atmosphere...causing an accelerated warming. My son is 2 years old. This seriously keeps me up at night and is hard for me to shake. I believe it all. The worst part is literally no one cares.

Lauraleigh39 6 June 23

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70 comments (26 - 50)

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Stop being duped.

BD66 Level 8 June 23, 2019

I have been warning anyone who would listen about this for 50 years. I am now 70 and have seen the changes with my own eyes already happening around us. People don't seem to be willing to make any change in lifestyles because they don't percieve that it has affected them personally. It seems to be difficult for humans, particularly Americans to think non-linearly. This is a curve that is rapidly steepening but until the flood, fire, volcano, drought or oher disaster is immediately upon us nothing will suddenly change and by then it is too late. I don't think science can solve this because people won't listen to scientists in time. The general public is certainly not scared enough. sadly!

Hell Ive been trying to make changes since 2013 not successfully. I suspect the government may be culling for the planned disasters ahead trying to control too much. I will begin trying again. Your post inspired me.

I am 64 and been a big science and nature buff for most of my life. Yes, sadly. I often check sites around our town and beautiful areas I love. I have done paid furld sampling work experience to study the effects of pesticides on crops and plant paracites. Over the last few years I have noticed a drop in populstions of animals I loved in my youth. And the full death of field sites I ysef to study. Do much had been lost just in my area of Oregon. To building and developement. Common fresh water shrimp and Hydra seem to be gone from many areas around town , and frogs and their larva have taken a hit. It used to be that frog calls would be very loud but hardly notice them now. I have found a larger number if bald eagles recently though.


Global warming scares me a lot and I think it is real. I do not believe we can "pay our way"out of it, or that Al Gore's "buy a credit to pollute" idea would do much except make certain people rich while fooling the rest of us into thinking something is being done.


It snowed in many places in the US and Canada on the first day of Summer. That is not normal.


I volunteer at a local hospital. Every time a child is born, the hospital plays a short version of Brahm's Lullaby. At one time I would had had a warm feeling about another life coming into the world. All I feel now, is sadness thinking about that child's future. The loss of biodiversity is also a reason for sadness. I sometimes think that climate change deniers, a vast majority of which are evangelicals, believe they will be raptured away before the bad effects (The Tribulation) hit us. This so, even though evangelicals have contributed greatly to global warming.

The evangelicals are a far lesser threat to the environment than the liberals and their looney ideas.

@Trajan61 How so? Details!


Yes it's happening be responsible for yourself and your son buy local, use less, make smart decisions on purchases reuse were possible. My home is all electric I drive a plug-in hybrid and I pay a penny extra a kilowatt-hour for renewable electric power my home electronics, internet, television, cable and some inside lighting all operate off my own solar/wind installation. Of course you could be like the others and not give a s*** because it's not happening. Choose wisely 😁


Yes, TRULY the worst part is that very few people seem to care. Most human beings are going through their life every day, mindless of the coming extinction or near-extinction of most/many species of animal, plant, and human life on this planet. Yes, it's going to get very, very bad--two very's intended. But my friends, the worst--and I mean the VERY worst offenders are sitting in plush offices, counting their corporate profits and playing with their executive toys, all while causing the MOST damage to our planet and to our future. We should take them out into the streets for public hanging.

mischl Level 8 June 23, 2019

You are so right! They've got their money and really don't give a diddly-damn about what happens to anyone else. They are profiting from the misery of millions of people who will suffer from air and water pollution. I don't know if anything will change hearts and minds in time.


Nope. All fake news. An orange orangutan told me.


I tend to be an optimist. There are a myriad of things we can do. We have to start by getting the oligarchs out of office and elect politicians who understand science so we can formulate a plan. Remember, during the Roman and Medieval warm periods it was much warmer than it is now and those warm periods were times when humans thrived. That being said, green house gases are a big concern that could allow things go get out of control this time.


you are right to be alarmed but that should empower you to take and demand action . . we need more of this!!


Angry and helpless. Pollution standards on the Ohio River are now optional...June 11 2019


Ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet is much worse that you think because it involves much more than merely losing ice. Currently, Greenland's ice sheet is losing approximately 300 000 000 000 tons of ice per year. The rate is increasing exponentially and in radical steps because of many different factors, though the initial driver is the rise in temperature. If this were sea ice, we would see no net change in sea level, but this is sheet ice resting on the crust and the crust in turn is resting on the plastic material of the mantel. Below are a couple of videos that might help in understanding the major issues.

This one is a brief description of the loss from the Greenland ice sheet.

There is some drama presented in this CNN special report, but there is considerable important information as well.

Among other changes beyond sea level rise, there is the reasonable expectation of increased seismic and volcanic activity resulting from plate springback (post glacial uplift), the crust under the ice sheet rises as the weight of the ice is removed. The dying off of sea life because of temperature changes, modification of subsurface currents, salinity, and acidity resulting from the influx of fresh water.

Severe weather systems as a result of global warming we are seeing in real time now, but it should be known that it is going to get much worse. Everything has a thing I like to call 'flywheel effect' where one thing changes and there exists a time lag before some other change will make itself apparent. I am not sad about all this. I am extremely angry. I have been one sounding alarms over these changes since my experiences in the far north, particularly Alaska and across the top of Canada. That began in 1964/65.

@evidentialist Thanks for the videos.


I'm pretty ok with it. Our demise will, in the long run, be good for our planet. I mourn all the animals we'll take down with us. In a few million years evolution will do its work. It helps that my children feel the same way. They're adults and I don't worry the way you do with your little one.

Much more probable that the Venus syndrome will wipe out all of life on Earth.


Challenging for individuals yes, but the Great Plague in Europe in C14th wiped out I believe about 60% of the population.

The result was a reconfigured and more efficient society.

Individuals are of no consequence in the grand scheme as natural forces will always prevail.

In legend King Canute found that out.

If you worry about tomorrow’s inevitable you can’t enjoy today’s elective. If you can, probably best to put aside the speculation of 31 years time and enjoy your family today.


I'd like to see their thoughts on how to block the sun.


Denial and fatalism run rampant. It is rather apparent in just this thread. Not the sort of people I'd want on board in a blow or accompanying me into the wilderness. Oh well.


This should be more of concern []

azzow2 Level 9 June 23, 2019

@Allamanda I am not a scientist however I could take a stab at some answers. Our elipse could be at different markers causing different weather patterns because the constant no longer exist. So in other words we would be further away from the sun at points where we should be closer. The moon could be out of sync. As an example I am thinking of finely instruments even a micron off and the tool can be can cause calibration to be way off. Other factors could apply the warp zone around the Earth can be larger or smaller. The warp zone idea is one of Einstein's theories. The lateral angle and azmath can be changed in relation to other planets and the sun as well as the black hole at the center of the galaxy. These are just guesses btw.


Years ago I had my grade 8 science students conduct a guided research and presentation project on climate change. I stopped that chapter a few years ago as the data was just to dire to continue.

Looks like we have already passed the point of no return as many positive feedback loop systems (melting of permafrost, once frozen methane hydrates now escaping into the atmosphere, sea ice melting changing the albedo) and many other positive feedback loops all causing warming that feeds energy to the loop; causing more ice permafrost to melt, methane hydrates to change state from solid to gas become air born causing warmer etc. . []

@Allamanda I still address how our actions effect the chemistry of the planet and how that change is altering the climate but when you spend the time researching the facts, the outcome it is not pleasant.


If global warming due to CO2 were a serious threat the elites would give up their private jets, which have the carbon footprint of Godzilla, and fly first class instead. They don't do that because it isn't any sort of serious threat, now or in the future. It's just a giant scam that has taken on a life of its own.

I recently took a private tour of the beautiful city of Amsterdam, and asked the tour guide "What is our elevation here?". She replied 5 meters below sea level, although Wikipedia says 2 meters. It has been estimated that without the famous dykes 30% of the Netherlands would today be under water, but it's not. The Dutch have some of the best engineers in the world, and if sea level were in fact to rise significantly ( which I definitely do not expect) those Dutch engineers are going to make a well-deserved fortune selling their expertise. It's already started happening in New Orleans; too bad they waited so long to ask for expert help. []

I wonder is that why the "elites" (which I prefer to call them what they are the psychopaths) are investing in space stations and efforts to leave the planet. Especially because on their watch and their multiple generations in power. They have orchestrated the destruction of the world's ecosystem to sustain human life all for their own benefit and comfortable lives.

Taking ques from psychopathic, self centered rich kids who inherited their wealth as a gauge if us "poors" should panic is insane. That's as effective as say deciding if you should invest in one stock over another if the crow outside your window kaws or not each morning.


Once again be careful who you vote for and put into office, those Republicans don't believe in global warming, can you imagine if Gore was rightfully elected President.

According to that idiot Al Gore the arctic should have already melted. Thankfully that nut wasn’t elected.

@Trajan61 I think that Gore wasn't a nut when he lost to Bush. He lost his mind afterwards. Al might have made a better President than George. I'm guessing that at least we would have avoided the Iraq war.

Gore never lost his mind. Its time to put a stop this type of negative bashing of an individual just because you disagree with them in one way or another. It's counterproductive and no good. What the hell was wrong with him making the movie and having talks about it? It harmed no one and he was trying to show us what is already happening today. Those who criticize people who are only trying to improve our world are very damaging.

@Lauraleigh39 I couldn't agree more. Al Gore's efforts to wake us up to the dangers of climate change is nothing short of heroic. I've seen way too much evidence that it's a matter of great concern. How can anyone ignore starving polar bears, melting ice caps, and increasing fires, floods, and intense hurricanes seasons? Here in Southern California, fire season used to begin in early fall and run for a few months---it's year 'round now. Nobody can convince me that this isn't a serious problem.

@Lauraleigh39 I think that anyone like Al Gore who says global warming is a life and death emergency but also lives in an enormous mansion with a huge carbon footprint and flies in private planes with huge carbon footprints is at best a careless hypocrite, and at worst a complete charlatan. If you want to talk the talk you have to walk the walk. Or as Dr Albert Schweitzer put it "Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing".

I also note that while Mr. Gore got a "D" in science at Harvard, I got a number of "A"s at Columbia, so I am at least as well educated as he is on scientific matters, in fact considerably better educated.

As I mentioned above, I personally think that Gore would have made a better President than Bush, but since he lost the 2000 election the course he has followed has made him a seriously negative influence on American life. In fact judging by this post, he's a seriously negative influence on YOUR life.

@Lauraleigh39 Ive seen global warming documentaries. I'd much rather see someone not Al Gore in the documentaries. Does anyone else have anything to say comparing documentaries?

So who do you want in there now OAC...?

I find it irrational why every person that becomes an enemy of the right wing is bashed relentlessly until people on the left turn on them. They will still agree with them but want to find someone new to say it because they are so adversed to contraversy. The right understands this weakness and will attack every new person that gets attention. This is one of the reasons they have no respect for the left and consider them cowards. The right will never give up on their people even when they should but the left is all about tossing people under the bus. Al Gore was tossed under the bus by most on the left.


Highly recommended-- "Climate, the whole story" By Christen Peters. She is he former head of the archaeology dep. at the university of Washington. She puts it all in perceptive and gives you the real facts without an ax to grind.

Thank you. Will you explain explicitly what you mean ax to grind?

@seekingtruth I think he means it's objectively written, no agenda, no spin (I haven't read it).

@IAMGROOT Are you aware any sites that do not use mathematics to interfere with user interaction?


take a deep warming reports you read are alarmist. climates change drastically & have done so way before the CO2 scare.
you mention melting ice caps. try this simple experiment. put an ice cube in a glass fill the glass to the top with water. what happens when the ice melts?

alarmist for a reason....its actually happening and we should be alarmed! this is no joke!

@Lauraleigh39 ,
you are totally brainwashed. obviously you didn't do the ice cube experiment.

@callmedubious I think the ice cube experiment is extraneous. Very solid archeological evidence shows that radical climate changes DO happen, and they can have devastating results.

@callmedubious The melting polar ice is not floating on water. It is on land. Your experiment with ice cubes in a glass does not represent the situation accurately.

Your example was laughed at when a theist made the same assertion. Think the show was The Atheist Experience.

To more accurately represent your experiment suspend a screen above your full glass of ice water. in the screen suspend ice cubes so the water from the melting ice will fall into your full glass.

Another factor you missed is: []

@NoMagicCookie ,
is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? or are you playing with a full deck?

@callmedubious .edu is a domain reserved for universities. You would be well served to read the content.

Ad hominem? as apposed to addressing the topic. This does not paint you in a good light.


Let's be real anyone over 60 on here spouting climate denial won't be around too much longer. Especially when we need a complete and total economic and system collapse of our supply chains. The millions fleeing the coasts and 3rd world countries will overwhelm the 2nd and 1st world countries resources and ability to cope.

What can you do?
Learn and teach survival skills, learn to hunt, grow food, use and build weapons. Make sure to exercise and sell off your excess useless items now. Downsize and become more mobile, prepare for change and try to have at least 1-2 weeks worth of food and water on site at all times.

I've gathered both guns and a compound bow, knives, hatchets, and gear, and try to practice often.

Scary fact

Having fruits and veggies out of season is a testament to our modern international delivery system. The grocery and department stores you rely upon get new stock every single day.

If a major national emergency were to occur and this system were disrupted. Experts have determined that unless you have a pantry and store water. Most Americans would have less than three days of food and all of those stores would be empty in 24 hours.

Then the riots would start.

Meanwhile, until this happens I'm working hard to learn new skills is software engineering, security, and managing multiple businesses. Hoping for a bright future where the survival skills will just be an amusing discussing during dinner or reminiscing over a fire with friends.

until it isn't.

You are correct about the financial collapse and the destruction of the system we have, but global warming is a hoax it has been solar led and is now going into a cooling phase, search maunder minimum, last time this happened we entered a mini ice age, and as for CO2 figures, check this out it is having a greening effect on the world, with increased plant growth, commercial growers pump extra CO2 into their crops and get between 20% and 60% increase ion growth.


Global warming makes me freak out big time too. It's by far my number one worry.
When governments go to war or when they have to fend off a recession, it's funny how billions $ suddenly starts to fly around. Climate emergency is far more threatening and our leaders should act and budget accordingly.


Yes. I am as concerned as you are. I was concerned back when I had my children who are now 22 and 24. I even wrote a research proposal about trapping methane gas trapped in the permafrost, but I didn't get the job.

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