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I started a retail job in the inner city a couple of months ago. I was a cashier. They let me help clean up the store. The DM liked my work and promoted me to full time assistant. Since I was hired, I've been attacked and sabotaged by the employees. Two of the more obvious scammers were fired, but the callousness persisted. I asked to meet with management to discuss the abuse. The DM told me that I shouldn't expect anyone to like me, because I don't believe in a god. She told me that everyone there is religious. She then claimed she was a proud Southern Baptist. I know the other manager in the room isn't religious. I think they're using religion as a tool to get me to leave. I gave my 2 weeks. The irreligious manager tried to make it up to me by telling me he'd give me a good reference. There were a lot of things I didn't like about the company anyway.

Fred_Snerd 8 July 25

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duh. I havent gone back to Enid for more than a few minutes since I left there in 84.

@Fred_Snerd anyone trying to drive you out of enid is doing you a favor.


Yep, once they find out you don't share their religious beliefs co workers can make your workplace life hell.


Maybe don't broadcast your religious and/or political views in the workplace? Maybe divisive, hot button topics aren't suitable in a workplace environment? I'm just sayin'.

This should be common sense for everyone, but it unfortunately is not.

The only time these topics area danger is if you don't agree with the majority at work. Because the majority is REALLY not afraid to talk about these topics at work. At my work people run around with snippets of FOX dribbling out of their mouths and constant references to christianity.


Fred, if it was me, I wouldn’t of quit. They would have to fire me. It’s funny how Christians act so non-Christian and discriminate when they don’t like someone. In those moments, they show that they aren’t different from the people that they categorize as non-believers.

i agree to an extent.The truth about christians is that their dislikes of non christians is no more powerful than the dislike that the people on here have against christians.I am simply agnostic but i refuse to be like so many on here and just bash ANYBODY because they don't agree with me.Y`all gotta start looking inside yourselves and read and understand the bitter remarks made on here EVERY DAY.This group is not doing much to see that we all can co exist.Grow up people.Try to teach,not just attack.It is sounding more like Amerikkka here everyday.


shoulda let them fire you then collect unemployment.


Some people get very jealous of hard workers that are promoted ahead of them.

It was possibly not a good idea to broadcast your Atheism so quickly.

And so far as I understand, references are not really given anymore by employers.

Just an acknowledgment of employment.


why was religion ever brought up anyway ?


One of the reasons that I no longer consider myself Christian. Christians think they have a monopoly on morality, honesty, goodness and integrity. They really believe that you can’t be any of these things without being a Christian. I’ve found otherwise. There are a lot of really good people in Christianity but also a lot of very hypocritical people also.


I think The Humanist Association Might be useful to youTheir Phone # is (800)837-3792. There is also an organization called the "Freedom from Religion Foundation" (something like that). I do not have a direct contact with them but they are VERY aggresive in addressing situations like yours. Of course there is always the ACLU.

You are being discriminated against on the basis of religion and that is against the law!!

karl Level 5 July 25, 2019

@Fred_Snerd Worthless paperwork only there to discourage lawsuits. You can not sign your legal rights away.

@Fred_Snerd That form in and of itself might be grounds for a lawsuit. But I can get not being interested in a legal battle. That takes so much time and energy.


I do not understand how they got to know about your lack of belief in god unless you told them. Perhaps it would be more sensible to keep your views on religion to yourself in the workplace, which should be a neutral working environment and not the place to have religious discussion. Did you leave voluntarily or were you don’t make it clear. I’m sure dismissal on these grounds cannot be legal.


You live in the bible belt to be expected religion runs their lives and thoughts

bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2019

Too broad a brush.

@WilliamFleming but not that wrong depends on area

as a former resident of fred's hometown I can attest that it is that oppressive


I had no idea Enid had an inner city. People fear anyting they don't understand. I'm glad you're going to get a good reference that I hope you get an even better job.

Population about 50K.

About 3% of the population is black.

Must be very intimidating for him to have to interact with a black person.

edit - sarcasm


I don't know what it is like in the US but isn't there anywhere you could go and complain? Perhaps next time you tell them you are a budist just to get some peace.


I view ‘us’ as ‘the last minority.’ Seems every-other so-called minority has some protection - we don’t. If we claim discrimination, they’d of course deny it. If our judge or jury consists of ‘proud southern baptists,’ we’re screwed..

Makes me sick. The only thing positive this kind of crap has given me is that I might evententually end up working for a company that respects my right not to be (fuckin) religious. Right now, that’s working ...but it’s taken a lifetime of jobs to find one.

But hey - good for you!

Varn Level 8 July 25, 2019

That's terrible. People should act better than that, especially those claiming to be morally superior to us atheists.


Jesus would not have cared what you believe as long as you lived right. Your coworkers are not very good Christians.


Maybe it’s where I live or the line of work I’m in, but it’s extremely rare for religion to even be brought up.


Fake Christians are the worse. I use their own twisted mind set against them. Once I was walking past a group of women and stopped to say hello. They new I was a nonbeliever and one said your not invited in our conversation. I just looked at her and said she was should to be spreading the gospel not gossip. Boy did the mouths drop lol Now my boss on the other hand, a Mormon no less, invites me to join their congregation to potlucks, and lunches and so forth every once in a while as their Christ would do.


Threaten corporate with a law suit
But start looking for a job

what kind of lawsuit are you supposed to file.One built on "maybe they don't like me because of religious beliefs"?...Key word being MAYBE.Judge would laugh at it

It’s called harassment and it’s illegal in the work place
Regardless of the content
And it’s not a maybe she was told this directly


Were you being smug about your belief?

Christians feel they have the prerogative on that.

@Fred_Snerd Ok. That explains it.


How exactly did anyone know your views, and you theirs?

EXACTLY my thoughts? How would they know?

Everywhere I've ever worked, everyone discussed what churches they went to etc. It's only dangerous if you're not christian. Otherwise they consider it small talk. Like sports.

@CommonHuman keep your mouth SHUT...everybody loves good listener.......


Don't let the bastards grind you down matey, holier than thou is a shit perspective!


It sounds like my situation as I work for a company with a very religious background. I told these people that I once studied to be a minister but did not go that route. I think a few of them suspect when they hear me talk, but I never told anyone I was atheist. Doing so would not work to my benefit.


Religious people care more for a god being that they cannot prove than an actual human. Leaving those inhumans is for the best although I feel your difficulty. Religious countries are becoming worse, even mighty America is succumbing to intolerance. Home of the free?


You are free. Yay!

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