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Can you logically be both a White Supremacist and a Christian?

GarytheGondolier 6 Aug 10

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55 comments (26 - 50)

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Most Christians are white supremacists unawares. After all, Jesus looked like Tab Hunter. No, maybe that was Jeffery Hunter. I don't remember.


Yes absolutely. Most of the Southern Conservative Republican Baptists in the south believe the left are the racists. They just ignore racism and sexism and believe that it doesn't exist.


Yes because those aren’t singularly defined categories or bodies of knowledge, either.


you're kidding, right?


Can you? Yes. Can you logically, no. The two concepts are mutually exclusive. Thus, a lot of ignorance goes into combining them. Xtians are commanded to be accepting of all peoples, but racist xtians only like whites, and we have a conflict. 😲😵😱 They think "...go make disciples of all men..." just means white men.


Fundamentally illogical!


Sure, because your gawd wants you to reign over the rest of us so you can require us to worship him.


Not if one truly follows Christian theology. It is primarily the evangelical denominations and sects which have made this vile mixture. The Southern Baptist Convention has a history of racism going back to the 1840s, when it was formed as a breakaway sect from the main Baptist church to support slavery.

Are you familiar with Martin Luther?

He was virulent anti-Semite, even by the standards of his time. The last part of his life he was obsessed with riding Germany of Jews. He wrote 2 books on the topic and preached four sermons warning on the evils of Jews days before his death.


Try asking that question to a black christian. The two can be but are often not mutually exclusive.


Sure, why not? Human beings are fundamentally insane. They can rationalize anything. Nazis did it 80 years ago while the KKK still does it today so there's no problem with that at all.


Take a look at this!



Not if you follow the Xian rule to "love your neighbor as yourself."

@LimitedLight In my view, my neighbors include everyone on the planet but myself. If I remember correctly, the New Testament teaches this, too.

In Luke 10:29-37 it says that Jews and Samaritans can be neighbors.

@LimitedLight It may be just one of many contradictions. 🙂


Can you be a Christian and believe Jesus was white? (Remember when Megan Kelly assured children watching Fox News that both Jesus and Santa were white?)


Christian is just another tag... you can have a lot of tags in your hat!!!!


you cannot logically be either. are you asking if the two characteristics are compatible? yes, they are compatible.



Yes. I'm writing an article on this topic right now.

The word "Christian" isn't synonymous with the word "good." It refers to having a set of beliefs about God and about Jesus Christ and about supernatural events and about the Bible. Period.

There is nothing intrinsic in Christianity that requires or precludes any political or moral ideology.


Obviously.... The bible after all supports slavery...


It depends. If you are an orthodox Christian, then you would follow Christian leaders like Wilberforce, whose argument against the slave trade was that from one man all others came, hence all are equal, black or white, rich or poor. His argument was based on Acts 17 and the Genesis creation texts.
It was a logical argument, one thing following another.
However, many Christians have either cognitive dissonance or they argue that others are less than the image of God, and so there is a certain logic to that latter position even though I find it abhorrent. Such a view flows from those whose beliefs are based not only on Biblical texts but also the nature of things as they discern that.


I think most white supermacist are christians, but not all christians are white supermacist.


No logic applies to religion, so why not?

Edu_0 Level 4 Aug 12, 2019

Christianity is riddled with contradictions to begin with. Anybody"believing" in it has given up on reason, so it doesn't matter what they support, believe, or ascribe to, they are deceiving themselves for personal aggrandizement.


Does a bear crap in the woods?
I have noted a positive correlation between those asserted and behavioral traits.


Probably a better survey would be, what is white supremacist? I think we may get a better description of the term with everyone's input than it's current use on the media for political reasons.


Can you logically be either?

MsAl Level 8 Aug 11, 2019

Ha ha ha - of course you can!

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